Meeting again

The next day, at the morning Zero woke up with a boner as he dream about what he saw the previous night.

After taking a cold shower, he met with Daisy,Violet and Lily at the kitchen.

Daisy/ Violet/  Lily: Good morning Zero.

Zero: Good morning.

Violet: Here is your breakfast.

Lily: Can you lend us your Gyarados for today's Show. All you have to do is to give him instructions to do simple thing at the pool.

Zero: OK, I'm glad to help you.

During  the course of the morning, Daisy received three challenges; leaving them without Pokemon's for official gym battles.

At the afternoon, just as Daisy,Lily and Violet  show ended, Ash together with Margo and Misty arrived at the gym for a battle.

Zero: Sister, Misty glad you are fine.

Ash: Zero,I will defeat the gym and get my second badge.

Margo: Ash you need to be cautious as you won the rock badge by luck.

Misty: He is just a children. I'm happy to see you again zero, I did not expected to meet your twin sister traveling with Ash.

Zero: Yeah, I did not expect that you will meet each other after we part ways at the river near Viridian city.

After a short talk between themselves, everything happen almost the same as in the anime.

Ash fought against Misty, The rockets interrupt the battle, but Zero's Pokemon send them to fly.

At the end of the fight with Jessey and James, When Zero and his friends were at the front door of the gym, Brock came back.

Ash: Zero, have a Pokemon battle with me.

Zero: It will be in another time, as your Pikachu and Pidgeotto got exhaust, and a battle of 1vs1 will be boring.

Brock: Ash, you will have many opportunities to fight against him, now is better to take your Pokemon's to the Pokemon center for treatment.

Ash: Misty, Margo, Brock, let's go to the Pokemon center.

Misty:Wait  Ash, I need to ask something to Zero.

Zero, can I travel with you?(blushing)

Zero: Of course Misty, I'm glad that you want to travel with me. But, what about Ash and the others? 

Misty: I was only following Ash as he owns me a bicycle.

Ash:  Great, that way you will stop pestering me about your bicycle.

Margo: Don't worry Misty I'm going to watch over Ash to make sure he pays his debt.

 Take care of my brother ( eye contact, and a tactic understanding between Margo and Misty).

Zero and Ash group's travel towards different paths.

Zero: Misty, the next place I'm going to travel will be towards Vermilion city.

Is there any place you would like to visit? 

Misty: No, everything is up to you.

Zero: Fine, the moment you need something don't doubt to ask me, I will do anything within my reach.

At night, Zero and Misty stop traveling and decided to camp  near the road.

Zero: Wait here, I need to get wood to make our dinner.

After and hour, Zero finished to gather wood and prepare the dinner for all of them.

Misty: DELICIOUS!!!, your cooking skills are way better than Brock's. How enviable, your girlfriend can often eat your food.

Zero: Thanks, but I'm still single.

By the way Misty, it will take us a long time to travel through the forest.

Almost forgot;  you can sleep at the tent with me, as it have enough space for three people, and it is very useful to avoid insect at night.

Misty: Fine.

The next morning.

Zero: Good morning Misty. 

Misty: Good morning Zero.

Zero: Misty I want to train with you everyday. 

Misty: But I only have water Pokemon.

Zero: it doesn't matter. As we can share our experiences for training Pokemon. It will be of great help for me if you can have Pokemon battles with me. It can help us to improve as trainers and our Pokemon gains combat experience.

Misty: What if our Pokemon get hurts?

Zero: I have medicine, and the help of Happiny.

Misty: Why did your Pokemon's have a necklace with a stone?

Zero: It is an Everstone, and  makes Pokemon's stay at their forms.

Misty: Are you planning to keep them without evolving?

Zero: No, it is only to avoid accidental evolutions, as my purpose is for them to reach a perfect condition for evolution, as the training can bring their hidden potential; some times it brings them to evolve before their bodies are well-developed.

After weeks of traveling, Misty and Zero fought against many trainers they meet during their journey.

It was another normal day of fighting with random trainers.

Misty: Nice battle, it cost me some time to defeat you.

Random trainer: You are strong, maybe you can defeat AJ.

Misty: Who is AJ?

Random trainer: Is the leader of an unofficial gym, he says that the moment he gets 100 continuous victories, he would go to challenges Kanto's Pokemon league.

Zero: How many victories?

Random trainer: When I fought against him, he got his 55 victory.

Zero: Thank you, I will challenge him.

Misty, If you don't mind I want to use this battle to make Pidgey evolve.

Misty: OK zero, I don't mind, I know that you need strong Pokemon's for participating in the league.

Some miles of walking, they got to see AJ gym.

Zero: (shouting) I want to challenge AJ to a Pokemon battle.

AJ: I accept your challenge, you will be my 56th victory. 

It's a 1vs1 battle, no changes are allow. Go, Sandshrew.

Zero: Go Pidgey. Use quick attack.

AJ: Sandshrew, use sand attack, then use dig.

When Pidgey got near Sandshrew, he got blind by the and making him miss his attack.

AJ: Now defense curl, next get out of the hole and use rock slide.

Zero: Avoid it using quick attack, then use steel wing against Sandshrew.

Pidgey avoid most of the rocks, but, when  using steel wings, due loosing speed, he got hit and fell down.

Zero: Quick, use feather dance.

AJ:  I won't allow that, Sandshrew use magnitude.

After Sandshrew hit the floor with his leg, Pidgey had already finished using feather dance, but it still received a lot of damage. 

The pain, and desire to win, make Pidgey evolve into Pidgeotto. 

Zero: You are awesome Pidgeotto, Now use quick attack at full power.

As pidgeotto use his skill, aster getting near Sandshrew, he got wrap in energy making his attack change.

Zero: you are a genius Pidgeotto, you learn brave bird in combat.

AJ: Avoid it using dig.

As Sandshrew was about to hide, he got by Pidgeotto brave bird and lost him combat ability.

AJ: It was a great battle, after winning continuously 100, I will get the badges for the league. Better you take part as I want a rematch.

Zero: See you at the league.

After the battle, Zero and Misty continue their journey.

Zero: (System show me the skills and development of my Pokemon)

Ding!!  Scan complete.

Charmeleon 30%


Flame charge

Fire spin

Dragon tail

Gyarados( Sniny)

Ice fang



hyper beam

hydro pump 

dragon rage 

Pidgeotto (Shiny) 10%


quick attack

feather dance

steel wing 

brave bird

Happiny 80%



heal bell

light screen

drain punch

Growlithe 95%


flame charge

body slam

