It has been several weeks since the battle with AJ.
As Misty and Zero walked through the forest, they found a school in the middle of the forest.
Zero: look Misty there is a building in the forest.
Misty: It is the Pokemon Tech, look I have a pamphlet from this place.
Zero: let's go and see.
Whenever got closer, they saw a boy being bullied in the playground.
Misty: Stop bullying that boy.
Boys: tsh!! annoying. let's go, Joe's nanny came to rescue.
zero: Why are they doing all that?
Joe: they're helping me. here in the Pokemon tech, knowledge and learning needed to graduate.
Zero: But why they have to do it that way?
Joe: is because of Giselle, the most beautiful girl in the school.
Every one of us is glad to follow her, that way she will notice us.
Misty: huy! what an arrogant girl.
Joe, let's have a battle I will show you that knowledge is not everything.
Things happen in a similar way as in the anime, the only difference is that zero( substitute ash) won easily.
Giselle: You qualified to become my boyfriend, as you are handsome, powerful and so far you have shown that you are a knowledgeable person
My name is Giselle, and would be my pleasure to become your girlfriend.
Zero: my name is zero and she is Misty....
Misty: Stop!! He is my boyfriend, What gives you the rights to steal him from me?.
Giselle: You don't look like a couple, and if it is true give me a proof. kiss each other.
Misty: Sure, come Zero let's kiss( blushing)
Zero: Are you sure?, you will become my girl and I will not allow you to leave me or change me with another boy.
Misty: I'm fine by that as the time I spend with you made me clear about my feelings for you, but I was shy for a confession.
Zero approach misty, taking a good look of her face, he slowly move his face towards hers. while approaching her lips, he move his hands towards her waist and her back to get her closer to him.
After a peak in her lips, zero slowly and delicately press his lips onto hers, after many repetitions, they spend more time kissing. At some point Misty wrap her hands around Zero head.
Giselle:(while interrupting them) I admit that you are a couple. But it doesn't matter, watching him kissing you in a delicate way, it shows that he is a caring person.
Furthermore, considering the way you interact with him, he is good with girls.
Misty: But I'm already his girlfriend and I will not leave him.
Giselle: I don't want you to leave him, as I know that certain type of men have many girls; my grandfather had more than 20 wives, and he was neither a strong trainer or handsome, with only his money he got them.
So it would be strange for zero to have only one wife.
Zero: What do you think Misty?, you are my first girlfriend, and I won't lied to you as I want to accept the feelings of the girls that are sincere with me.
Nevertheless, I will never abandon you, and if I ever had more girls in the future, my love for each of you will only grow.
Misty: Fine, but you need to accept some rules.
In the future if other girls like you, and you get feeling for them you need the approval of your girls to make them your girlfriend.
As for Giselle; if zero is interest in you , I will not intervene as you can get to make him love you openly, but I can't accept you now as we do not each other.
Giselle: I'm fine by that, as I want to know better my future husband ( wink towards zero)
Please, wait a day. I need time to call my parents to leave the school as I'm going to travel with you.
The next day Zero and Misty continue their travel with their new friend in their journey towards Vermilion city.
During their interactions, Giselle got more interest in Zero, as she noticed that he was kind, good at cooking and considerate person.
The only thing that annoy her was to see Zero and Misty be close to each other most of the time.
With Zero's guidance through their travel, it took them a couple of weeks to arrive at the lighthouse were the giant Dragonite was seen in the anime.
Zero: Girls, I took the liberty of take us here, I'm planning to train for some time.
This is a place were a researcher call Bill lived, he is a good friend of Dr Oak.
The reason to come this place is that is close to the beach. We can sleep here at night, train at day and get some fun together.
Most important, you will not get bored with me during my training.
Misty hope you like it, as we can go fishing,swimming and with luck find rare water Pokemon's.
Misty: Zero, you are the best, I'm glad to have a boyfriend like you.
Giselle: Misty stop clinging onto him.
Zero: OK, girls better to knock the door as we may ended sleeping at the wild if Bill is not here.
Minutes later, they meet with Bill, and got his permission to live at the lighthouse as an exchange for Zero's food.
Zero: Good night girls, tomorrow we can have fun at the beach.