Thunder badge and the Giant Pokemon.

The next morning, Zero, and Misty get up earlier than Giselle, as they knew that  she has woken up late all the time during their days of training.

They decided to visit a cave they found during their training. 

Zero: Who would have thought that this place was hidden behind a rock wall.

Misty: Yes the Pokemon should have  come from under the water to this place as here is so calm that they are not even afraid of humans.

Zero: Look Misty, a Feebas it is a rare water Pokemon.

Misty: It looks like Magikarp.

Zero: Misty, capture him, he can become the main force of your team.

Misty: Are you sure, by your tone it seems that you are interested in this Pokemon, why you did not capture him?

Zero: Yes, I want to capture one Feebas, but not now as I'm waiting to get one when I travel through the Hoen region.

Also, the evolution of Feebas is the dream for most of the Pokemon trainers who specialize at water type Pokemon.

Misty: OK Zero I trust in you. 

After their talk, Misty capture Feebas.

Before leaving the cave; Zero and Misty took a photo of themselves hugging each other.

At the time they rerun to the lighthouse, Giselle was already having her breakfast as Zero made the meal for everybody before leaving at the morning.

When everyone finished eating, Zero, Giselle and Misty say goodbye to Bill and continue with their journey.

when traveling Zero remember that he did not check the gains of their training. 

As Misty's Goldeen evolve into Seaking and her Staryu and Starmie learn new skills.

his gains were not less than hers.

Charmeleon 100% Perfect condition for evolution


Fire spin


Flame charge

Dragon tail

Dragon Pulse (new)

Gyarados (Shiny)



Ice fang


Hyper beam

Hydro pump

Dragon rage

Flamethrower (new)

Pidgeotto (Shiny) 90%



Quick attack.

Feather dance.

Steel wing

wing attack

Brave bird

Sky attack (new)




Thunder fang (new)

Body slam

Flame charge


Extreme speed ( new)

hyper beam (  new)

Chensey 75%


Light screen

Defense curl (new)

Drain punch


Heal bell

Heal pulse ( New)

Egg bomb (new)

three days of travel later; they arrived at Vermilion city, sadly for Zero, he didn't have the change to challenge the gym as he got dragged by Giselle to shopping. It was a torture as she was not even paying attention to him and only use him to carry her shopping bags.

The next day, Zero ask Misty to go shopping as yesterday he could not pay attention to her. But Misty kindly reject his offer as she noticed that he was still tired from yesterday event. 

The following day, Zero challenge the gym and got the thunder badge easily. Even with type disadvantage, ( Pidgeotto vs Raichu) he won very fast, as the other Pokemon had a premature evolution, making him waste a lot of potential.

Zero: Now, is tome to leave, our next goal is Porta Vista. (He can't make Misty to lose her opportunity of getting a Horsea like in the anime)

It is a touristic place.

Giselle: We can go directly by ship.

Misty: I hear that they have many delicious desserts.

Zero: We are going to walk as we have spent a lot of time near the sea, it will be good to see a different type of environment.

Zero, his girlfriend and friend travel for a week until they arrived at Porta vista.

They enjoy different types of food and went to a spa that  Giselle recommended.

At the afternoon, they went to the beach.

Misty: Look Zero, is Ash, Brock and Margo.

Zero: let's go and see.

Hey!! Ash long time since the last time we meet.

Sister, Brock nice to see you.

Misty: Nice to see you.

Ash: Misty you change, now you look like a gentle girl.

Margo: Ash, you should know a girl in love always show her good side in front of her lover.

Brock: Well said Margo.

Margo: Misty, did my brother already confess to you?

Misty: ( blushing) it was me the one who confess towards him.

Zero: Now we are a couple.

Brock: Treat her well, she is a nice girl.

Delia Ketchum: Ara! Ara! Zero already has a cute girlfriend. How long will it take for my Ash to bring me a daughter-in-law.

Dr oak: Yes,  he had a solid relationship, not like my grandson, even though he said that all those girls are his girlfriends, their relationship is only superficial.

Zero, How many Pokemon do you have?, and why you haven't sent me anything?.

Your sister already capture 30 different types of Pokemon and Gary had more than 65 Pokemon.

Zero: Dr, I have 5 Pokemon, I don't plan to capture a lot Pokemon, I'm taking the elite route.

Margo: Misty you should take part  in the beauty contest.

It is a good opportunity to show off in front of your boyfriend.

Margo, Giselle, Misty and Delia took part in the contest, and  the result was Delia as the winner, second place to Giselle and Margo won the third place.

At night Misty went towards the beach when Eeyore else were sleeping without noticing that Zero follow her.

Zero: How are you feeling? 

Misty: do you think it will be better if you had a beautiful girl like Giselle as your girlfriend instead of me?

Zero: Misty, you are beautiful, you don't need to feel inferior towards other girls, you have a lot of good qualities and even I don't want the change you are. The way you are now is perfect for me as we have a lot of things in common. 

Misty: What if you get more girls?

Zero: you have a special place in my heart Misty, you are the first girl I ever had, and nobody  can replace you.

Zero look into her eyes, then he   touch her face with his left hand while using his other hand to hug her waist, then he began to kiss her tenderly.

Misty began to sob and hug him back, because of the strength she uses, she ended throwing Zero into the sand while she got above him in a position in  which she sat above his penis.

They continue to kiss each other passionately

The next morning they continue to play at the beach.

That afternoon, Misty got a Horsea.

Zero: Misty, Horsea is a good pokemon, his last evolution is of dual attribute, which are dragon and water type.

When they were talking about how to raise Horsea, suddenly a torrent of water hit a skyscraper which was the closest to the sea.

When they turn to watch the cause of the attack, they got stun as a giant Tentacruel and many Tentacool attacking the buildings.

As the sea began to cover the streets, Zero and Ash group ran towards the roof of a skyscraper.

When they got into the roof, Zero immediately took a photo of the giant Tentacruel while Misty tried to reasoning with the giant Tentacruel. but a giant hydro pump was her response.

Zero: Go Charmeleon, Flamethrower at full strength.

As the flamethrower and the hydro pump made contact, they got into a stalemate during some breaths of time, after which Charmeleon Flamethrower began to get push back by the hydro pump.

When the water was about to hit Charmeleon, his competitive nature and pride make Charmeleon to evolve into Charizard which allow him to push back Tentacruel attack.

Zero: Misty, now is our opportunity, we can get at Charizard back and get near Tentacruel, maybe he can listen to you when we get close to him.

Misty: Lest do it zero.

After a hard fly they got near Tentacruel and Misty got a change to talk with Tentacruel. Maybe he felt Misty love for Pokemon as he diced to return to the sea.

Zero and Misty went towards the beach to say goodbye to Tentacruel and the Tentacool.

When the water return to the sea they land at the edge of the beach.

Ding!! Detecting rare Pokemon item. (complete)

Item: Gyarados Mega stone.

Zero: Misty let's have a walk in the beach. take my hand.

Misty: ( blushing ) she got close to Zero and press her chest into his arm.

After walking Zero found two set of evolutionary stones link in seaweed.

Zero: Woow, Misty, we are lucky.

Misty: What are those stones?

Zero: promise me to kept the secret.

Misty: I promise.

Zero: They are Mega stone and Key stone. the key stone is for the trainer and the megs stone is for the pokemon. it's function is to help Pokemon's to evolve beyond their final evolution.

Misty: why I haven't heard about it?

Zero: It is because in modern times their information is non Lynn know by a low number of people. Lucky enough, I got the change to see their description in a manuscript of an ancient civilization.

Both sets are for Gyarados to mega evolve.

Misty: But I don't like Gyarados.

Zero: Don't worry, we still have a lot of time until is made know about the Mega stones, Maybe your fear towards Gyarados will disappear over the time. as for the key stone we can made a matching bracelet for both of us.

Misty: Why you don't want to make this knowledge know?

Zero: Because it will be easier for me to get mega stones for my Pokemon's.

Now is already late, let's go back to rest, tomorrow we have to continue our travel.


Zero Team:




Pidgeotto (Shiny)

Gyarados (Shiny)

Gym badges.

Boulder badge

Cascade badge

Thunder badge


Ho-Ho photo / Feather

Giant Dragonite Photo / dragon scale

Giant Tentacruel Photo