Zero, Misty and Giselle, after Tentacruel and Tentacool Attack at Porta Vista; they continued with their travel towards Saffron city.
During their travel towards Saffron, they got the opportunity to witness Butterfree's matting season. At which Giselle got tempted to catch the shiny Butterfree.
Good thing that Ash was there, as Zero could avoid a conflict with Giselle.
Ash: Zero let's have a Pokemon battle, let's see who is stronger.
Margo: Ash be careful, my brother had studied about Pokemon's since he was six years old.
You can considering him as a graduate from the Pokemon academy or even stronger as he spent a lot of time learning from Dr oak.
Brock: He is also a great Pokemon breeder. I'm sure that even if Margo combines her strength with mine we can barely be at his level.
Margo: Yes, he studied about different fields, such medicine, food, breed, training , strategies , Pokemon skills and more.
He is the reason that my dream is to become an excellent Pokemon Breeder.
Misty/ Giselle: Zero you are a genius.
Zero: Not really, I only work hard to learn as much as I could before I got my first Pokemon.
Ash: I believe that my Pokemon's can win, I'm going to defeat you Zero.
Zero: Fine, what about a battle of 5vs5, it will perfect for both of us as I only have five.
Brock: I tough that he already many powerful Pokemon
Margo: I already expected him to have few of them. As he prefer to cultivated them by himself.
Zero: Brock, please be the referee.
Brock: Fine, The rules of the Pokemon battle between Zero and Ash from Palet town are the following; is a 5vs5 battle, both trainers are allowed to change Pokemon's, when the five Pokemon of a trainer get defeated or the trainer give up the fight, the combat ends.
Ash: I choose you Pidgeotto.
Zero: A Pidgeotto, then I will choose Pidgeotto.
Margo: He really is amazing, he captured a Shiny Pidgeotto.
It is a lot bigger than normal pidgeotto, he raise him in an excellent way.
Misty: I never knew that his Pokemon was bigger than normal.
Ash: Pidgeotto we can win, don't fear his size.
Use wing attack.
Zero: Quick attack.
Zero's Pidgeotto made his attack way faster than Ash Pidgeotto.
The moment Ash Pidgeotto got close to make his attack, he got hit by the skill of his opponent.
Zero: Now use Steel wing to finish him.
Ash: Avoid it Pidgeotto.
Ash command his Pokemon to avoid the attack, but it was in vain as Zero's Pokemon speed was superior. It cause his Pidgeotto to lose his combat ability the moment he got hit by the steel wing.
Ash: Pidgeotto come back, you made a great job.
Now, Bulbasaur I choose you.
Zero: Pidgeotto, good job now take a rest.
Chensey, go
Ash: Is that Pokemon capable of fighting, I tough it was an assistance who only can cure and help his trainer.
Margo: Chensey is a kind Pokemon, it helps other Pokemon's and people. Our Joy family use them at the Pokemon center.
Giselle: You are from Joy, but you don't have pink hair
Margo: it is because my dad is from Joy family and my mom from Jenny.
Misty: Zero, you did not mention that.
Zero: Sorry Misty, I want you to know me better before telling you. As I got scared at the possibility of getting you because of the influence of my family and not because of true feelings.
Misty: Dummy. The moment I confess my feelings for you it was clear.
Ash: hey! our battle have not finished.
Zero: Sorry Ash, lest continue.
Ash: Bulbasaur use vine whip.
Zero: Chensey use egg bomb.
Chensey throw her egg towards the vines of Bulbasaur deflecting them towards the sides, at the same time, her egg bomb hit Bulbasaur sending him to fly backward.
Ash: Bulbasaur use solar beam.
Because they daylight was strong, the solar beam got charge faster than usual.
Zero: Chensey, use Light screen.
The moment solar beam made contact with the light screen, it change its path towards the skill. it was because it lacks strength to destroy the light screen.
Zero: Now chensey, use Gravity in Bulbasaur and finish him with Drain punch.
Ash: Use vine whip to jump Bulbasaur.
Ash Bulbasaur tried to jump, but due the gravity all he could do is to separate himself few centimeters from earth for a breath of time. When he land, he got hit by Chensey drain punch which made him lose his strength.
After that, Zero keep using Chensey to defeat Ash Squirtle and Charmander in a similar way.
Zero: Do you want to give up?
Ash: No, Pikachu will defeat your Pokemon's.
Zero: Chensey come back you have already fight enough, now is your time to rest.
Pidgeotto let's end this fight.
Misty: What is he thinking, fly type are at disadvantage against electric type.
Giselle: Is because his Pidgeotto is stronger than Ash Pikachu.
Ash: Use thunderbolt
Zero: Sky attack.
Pidgeotto avoid Pikachu's attack by using his skill, afterwards his attack made Pikachu to receive a great amount of damage.
Zero: Finish him with quick attack.
Ash: Wait for Pidgeotto to get near.
Now Pikachu jump into his back and use all your strength to attack him with thunderbolt.
After pidgeotto got hit, both Pokemon crash on earth. Due the previous damage they received, they lose their combat ability.
Brock: Both Pokemon are not capable of continuing.
Zero wins as he still have 4 Pokemon to fight.
Ash: Next time I'm going to defeat you.
Zero: Work hard Ash, as my Pokemon will only get stronger
At the end of the battle, They continue their travels by a different path.
Misty: you win him easily.
Zero: I'm far away from what is call an easy victory. Last fight ended in a draw.
Giselle: But it was in disadvantage.
Zero: I'm sure that Ash is not training his Pokemon, All they get is a good nutrition and care from Margo and Brock. That is why I'm still lacking in strength as a trainer.
Misty, you also need to work hard, or Ash will become better than you.
A couple of days later, Zero and the girls finally arrived at Saffron City. Because it was already night, they went to rest at the Pokemon center.