Pokemon contest.

The next day, Zero defeat Sabrina, the Gym leader of Saffron city.

In that battle between his Chensey and her Abra. Zero made use of light screen to his full potential as Abra only knew special attacks which made it easier to defend against him.

After getting the Marsh badge; Zero accompany Giselle and Misty to do some shopping as he also need to buy berries and other material for their meals.

At the store, Zero's luck triggered because when he was buying a bracelet for Misty, he found a set of Mega stone for Pidgeot at the jewelry, which he bought without even thinking about.

After getting Misty a bracelet, he made a request to place her key stone into it which made it looks even more gorgeous.

When they got in the section of clothes Zero saw a poster, in which he found that a Pokemon contest was about to be held in saffron city, and coincidentally it was this day.

Zero: Misty I'm going to take part in the Pokemon contest.

Misty: What about the indigo league, I hear that Pokemon contest are different from Pokemon battles.

Giselle: Sound interesting I'm going to take part.

Zero: I can take part in both as the Pokemon contest requires to have 5 ribbon to take part at the gran festival which is held on  before the league.

You should participate Misty, it will be a good experience.

Now ladies, if you excuse me I need to buy new clothes because the trainer presentation is also important.

When Zero finally bough several sets of cloths, they immediately ran towards the contest hall as the time for inscription was almost over.

At the contest hall.

Zero: I'm Zero from Palet town, this is my first contest what I need to participate.

Receptionist: We need a proof of your identity to capture hour information in the system.

Zero: Here is my pokedex.

Receptionist: Now you can participate, here this is for you to place your ribbon won during competitions.

Zero: See you at the stage, I'm going to the changing room.

The first one to participate was Giselle, because she did not bother with the rules of the contest, she made a poor performance which clearly annoy her.

Then a couple of more people got into stage at which none were able to show something special or interesting.

When it was the turn of Misty, she got into stage wearing the usual clothes as she was here only for fun.

Sadly her performance was basically the use of strong attacks.

At the end they got push out of the competition because in the competition a lot of good performers were participating but none of them could be called exceptional.

When Zero got into stage he immediately attract the attention of everyone as he was wearing a costume exactly the same as Yugi Muto from the anime of Yu Gi Oh.

It made him look domineering and more handsome.

 Because he was carrying his jacket over his shoulders, his arms were visible to everyone which made it one of the places that many females were focused at, all that because of his muscles made them have fantasies of being hug or carried by him.

Zero: Chensey, the stage is yours. 

 use multiple light screen in from of the public then use Charm. and finish with heal pulse.

After Zero order, Chensey immediately cast many light mirrors  in different angles. After that she use charm which got reflected in each mirror making chensey the focus of attention as the image of chensey with hearts around her was shown in each mirror. Finally she cast heal pulse which push all the hearts towards the mirrors and the moment they collision with them, the hearts disappear leaving a pink light which got combine with the light of the heal pulse and light mirrors causing many auroras of different colors in the stage.

At the end of the first round, only Zero and some strangers pass to the last round.

He won several battle rounds easily as the opponents were weak 

At the last round he had to fight against a veteran in Pokemon contest and his Persian was powerful.

Trainer: your performance and battles make me surprise, is difficult to believe that this is your first contest.

Zero: I'm still learning, I will get better.

After a short talk they began their battle.

Persian was a tricky opponent as his speed was superior to chensey and his multiple skills could make most of the people fall into predicament.

In the battle Persian use shadow ball which Chensey avoid, but it was only a bait for Persian have time to use ice beam to freeze the floor causing chensey to fall which cost them a lot of points.

Zero made chensey use drain punch against the floor making the Ice get shot towards Persian  and hitting him at his frontal legs when he jump to avoid the ice.

Persian respond with a thunderbolt in mid-air which chensey block with egg bomb at the same time it went through the thunderbolt and hit Persian at his head because he was still in the air and could not avoid the attack. After landing Persian immediate use iron tail hitting chensey after that he continued with fury swipes. When Persian began to avoid the drain punch of chensey, he suddenly feel pain in both frontal legs causing him to stop and get hit by drain punch when he feel better and ready to cast the following skill the timer stop making him lose the competition by a small margin of points that chensey got at her last attack.

Because of the effort of chensey and some luck, Zero won his first ribbon.

Misty: Congratulations Zero for the victory.

Zero: We have luck.

Giselle: Luck is also important. By the way Zero, you must travel using those clothes, I'm makes you look better.

Misty: Yes Zero, do it for me.

Zero: OK girls you win.  Go to the Pokemon center without me, I need to buy other costume for the Pokemon contest.

When Zero leave the girls and went to buy clothes, he also made a request to the jewelry to make a copy imitation of the millennium puzzle with gold, the only the difference; the eye got replace with a keystone. Because of the advance technology it was created  in just a few hours.

The following time, in their travel towards Celadon city. 

Zero got two more ribbons at Silver town and Gardenia town which were close to their route towards Zero next badge. 

Finally they arrive at Celadon city pretty fast as they did not get lost or get in problems during their journey




Marsh badge


Saffron ribbon

Silver ribbon

Gardenia Ribbon