At Celadon city Pokemon Gym.
Zero: I want to challenge the gym leader.
Erika: What do you think about perfumes?
Zero: They can enhance the charm of a girl, sometimes it complements them, it can make them change and bring a different experience to their partner. In shirt perfumes are a good tool for people to get closer to each other.
But, I prefer the natural scent.
Misty blushing behind Zero. While Giselle complain at low voice, and accusing him for been stingy.
Erika: very well, I accept your Challenge
Tangela, is time to fight.
Zero: Pidgeotto is up to you.
Erika: use stun spore
Zero: whirwind
Erika: now vine whip.
After Pidgeotto got rid off the spores he got hit by the vines of Tangela.
Zero: Steel wing.
Erika: Razor leaf.
Almost instantly as their voices fell, both Pokemon cast their skills;.due the speed of pidgeotto he easily avoid the leafs and hit Tangela with steel wings.
Erika: Got you, sleep power.
Zero: Avoid it with quick attack.
Pidgeotto barely escaped from the powder, after that he continued with quick attack at the left side of Tangela, when he got hit, he instantly lost the combat.
Erika: Good fight, Go Weepingbell use sunny day.
Zero: Not good, Pidgeotto fast use brave bird.
When Pidgeotto hit Weepingbell, it was already late as he finished casting sunny day before getting hit. The good thing is that Weepingbell loss the ability to fight.
Erika: Your Pidgeotto is strong, but now that he is exhausted, he is not a rival for my Gloom.
Zero: Want to rest?
Zero: Don't force yourself I don't want you to get hurt. Lest wins so that you can rest.
now use feather dance.
Erika: Don't let him finish, use solar beam.
Pidgeotto could not avoid the attack, and ended being injured.
Zero: Sorry Pidgeotto, it was my mistake. I wanted you to recover but it made you get injured.
Perhaps, Pidgeotto feels the sincerity in Zero words as it got cover in a strong light.
After Pidgeotto evolution it's wings grew a lot, his body could easily carry three people now, his silver feathers got a metal luster and the color of the feather of his tail and head became of a golden color with a few part of a deep red.
Zero: Great Pidgeot let's finish the fight sky attack.
Erika: Don't let him get near you, use vine whip.
Pidgeot got hit many times by the attack while he avoid most of the attacks of Gloom but he also injured Gloom.
Erika: Gloom defeat that Pidgeot, use solar beam.
Zero: Brave bird.
Gloom solar beam hit Pidgeot, but he continue to advance by pushing the solar beam with his brave bird, after a few breaths of time, Pidgeot attack hit Gloom causing an explosion in the field. When the smoke settle; both Pokemon's were at the floor with circles at their eyes.
Erika: you and Pidgeot are good friends, it is clear by the trust he had in you.
This is the rainbow badge, the proof of your victory over my gym.
When Zero finish his fight, he bought a perfume for Misty and Giselle.
Because Giselle wanted to have a few days to relax, Misty and Zero had no other option and spend 3 more days at the city.
Out of boredom, the second day of being at Celadon city, Zero went to play at the casino at which he won a mysterious Pokemon egg.
When they leave, Misty and Zero decided to challenge all their trainers in their path by taking turns.
it works splendid as Misty Horsea evolve into Sedra.
Surprisingly enough, She could not avoid the capture of a dumb Psyduck.
Many days of traveling made them have a lot of fun.
at a certain town, Zero take part in a cooking competition and won gourmet supplies, which were quickly reduced to nothing as he use them to feed the portions and the girls.
At Gringey city (the place were Ash capture mum) When the girls were sleeping, Zero explore the hydroelectric power plant. In which he got the opportunity to take a photo and a feather from Zapdos. Good thing that he still had some Gourmet materials for food as he use a meal in exchange for the feather and the photo.
Furthermore, Zapdos was happy enough that he gave zero an opportunity to capture him. Sadly for zero his Charizard, Gyarados, Arcanine and Pidgeot got defeated one after the other.
one week of traveling later, they arrived at the next gym, oddly for them, it was hidden in the forest outside Fuchsia city.
Zero Team:
Pidgeot (Shiny) (Mega stone)
Gyarados (Shiny) (Mega stone)
Gym badges.
Boulder badge
Cascade badge
Thunder badge
Marsh badge
Rainbow badge
Contest ribbons:
Saffron ribbon
Silver ribbon
Gardenia Ribbon
Ho-Ho photo / Feather
Giant Dragonite Photo / dragon scale
Giant Tentacruel Photo
Zapdos photo/ feather