The next day Zero, Zero woke up hugging Misty from her back.
Zero: ( thinking) Is regretful, Misty did not agree to sleep naked with me. It seems that I need to constantly have sexual interactions with her.
I want to experience different types of sex, to do that I must to make Misty feel good, before having sex with her , I'm going to develop her body became sensitive.
Now, that I have a wonderful plan, let's enjoy Misty Breast.
Misty:(feeling like ants crawling at her body) Zero, stop playing with my breast, I'm uncomfortable.
Zero: Am I hurting you?, or the way I touch you is causing you discomfort?
Misty: No, I feel cold at my lower part.
Zero: Forgive me, I can't resist touching my lovely wife.
and I want be capable of satisfying your needs in different ways.
I don't want you to become sexual frustrated in the future.
Misty: I also need to become skill at that, no girl will steal you from because of being incapable of release your libido with my body.
After playing with each other, they reunited with Giselle.
Giselle: You look even closer. and began to look like a married couple.
Misty: Now, let's go to the gym; the ferry arrives at the afternoon, Zero need to win his Medal, for us to leave the island.
After solving the problem of Blaine, They found the Gym at the volcano
Zero: I'm Zero, I'm here to challenge the Gym.
Blaine: I'm the leader, is a battle of 3vs3 only the challenger is allowed to substitute pokemons.
Go Ninetales,
Zero: I choose you, Munchlax
Use thunder punch
Blaine: Fire spin.
Munchlax went through the fire spin without getting that much hurt because of his ability; Ninetales and Blaine did not expect a Pokemon that heavy to move fast, and Ninetales got hit by the thunder fist and got paralyzed.
Blaine: Use flamethrower.
Zero: Roll to avoid it. and use body slam.
Munchlax fail to avoid Ninetales attack, and got injured, even with his ability, the damage of Ninetales was high .
Munchlax: Body slam
Blaine: continue to use flamethrower
This time, the effect of paralysis take effect and Munchlax took the opportunity to finish his attack.
Zero: Now finish with him use Thunder punch.
Because if the distance, Ninetales have no time to avoid the attack
Blaine: Good, it took me by surprise, your Pokemon is young and already too powerful, I'm sure you will reach the level of the elite 4 if you keep working hard with your Pokemon's.
My next Pokemon. is a thought opponent. Rhydon come to play.
Zero: That is what I'm expecting, I need strong opponents to train before the Indigo league.
Munchlax come back you have done a magnificent job.
Exeggcute is your turn.
Blaine: Advantage of type won't hell you.
Rhydon use horn drill.
Zero: Wait for him.
When Rhydon got closer to Exeggcute.
Zero: Now Hypnosis.
Blaine: Rhydon, connect that attack.
Both skills affect the other Pokemon; Zero's Exeggcute barely resist the attack.
Zero: Now use leech seeds and then stun spore
Exeggcute easily place Leech seeds and spores at Rhydon because he was still affected by hypnosis.
Blaine: Wake up Rhydon and use Hammer arm.
Zero: Exeggcute use Solar beam.
Rhydon woke up before Exeggcute finish charging his solar beam, and began to advance towards Exeggcute.
When Rhydon got close enough to hit Exeggcute with his hammer arm.
The effect of stun spore and leech seed disrupt his skill.
It gave enough time to Exeggcute to finish to gather energy.
Zero: Now use Solar beam.
Because Rhydon was at a close distance, he immediately lost the battle the moment he got hit by solar beam.
Blaine: A good strategy using the characteristics of grass moves
Zero: I have to make full use of their talent and make up for their shortcomings. Exeggcute defense is poor. I have made him evade the attacks or make the other Pokemon's unable to attack him.
Blaine: Good reasoning, I admit that your strategy is a good method to defend from attacks.
Now, my last Pokemon, Come Magmar
Zero: He is powerful, come back Exeggcute, Now come Dragonair
Blaine: Even if he is a quasi- legend, it doesn't mean that you can win us.
Zero: I know, your Magmar is a perfect challenge for Dragonair .
Use thunderbolt.
Blaine: Flamethrower and smokescreen
Because Magmar have a lot of combat experience, he could easily use the right amount of power to stop the thunderbolt of Dragonair, because, he did not exert all his strength in that attack, Magmar easily follow with a smokescreen
Blaine: Now use Fire punch.
Zero: Wait for him and use aqua tail.
Both Pokemon attack at each other, the impact between their skills made them receive some damage.
Blaine: Now use fire blast
Zero: Hyper beam
Both skills offset each other.
Blaine. Now use fire punch.
Because of using hyper beam, Dragonair could not defend from Magmar attack.
Zero: Dragonair, show them your strength, use Dragon rush.
Blaine: Use flamethrower.
The attack of Magmar hit Dragonair, but he ignored the attack and continue with dragon rush.
Blaine: Magmar avoid it.
It was late, When Magmar Jump towards the Magma in the Volcano, he got hit by Dragonair and lose his fighting ability.
Blaine: This is the Volcano badge, I wish you luck at the Indigo league.
Zero: Thank you.
Misty, Have a battle against Blaine.
Misty: But, I'm also a gym leader, I can't take part in the indigo league.
Zero: He is a perfect opponent, you can see your shortcomings as a water Pokemon trainer, fighting again his fire Pokemon in a place were you are at disadvantage.
Just when Misty was about to answer; Moltres, appears from within the lava.
Zero, immediately grab his camera from his backpack and took a photo of Moltres.
Giselle: Beautiful, I can't decide which is more beautiful between him and Articuno.
Blaine: you have a lot of luck for seeing more than one legendary Pokemon.
The moment Zero wanted to get a feather from Moltres.
By pure coincidence a father from his tail drops towards the lava.
Zero: Charizard get me that feather.
Misty: Zero I though about it, I want to challenge Blaine.
Blaine: I accept your Challenge, after my Pokemon recover we can begin.
Zero: My Blissey can help them to recover.
After helping Blaine Pokemon's to recover and a couple of hours of rest.
The battle between Misty and Blaine began.
Blaine: Ninetales is your turn.
Misty: Psyduck help me in this fight.
Blaine: Ninetales use Flamethrower.
Misty: Psyduck Hydro pump
When both attacks make contact with each other, a steam got created.
( Zero / Giselle perspective)
Giselle: Psyduck became strong.
Zero: Yes, all the training he has done finally is showing the results.
Giselle: What surprises me the most is that he can use his skills.
Zero: He was not capable of using skills correctly because he lack control over his psychic powers, in short his lack of control was impending his growth.
Blaine: your psyduck is strong, Ninetales use psychic
Misty: Psybeam
Blaine got caught off guard, his Ninetales got hit by the powers of Psyduck and lost the battle.
Blaine: I never expected that your psyduck had a monstrous psychic power.
Misty: yes, Psyduck have worked hard.
Thank you psyduck I know that it was not easy for you to become this strong. I'm glad that you did this for me and did not complain.
Misty hug and pet Psyduck.
Psyduck felt the love from Misty and evolved into a Golduck.
Misty: Fantastic Golduck you look beautiful.
Blaine: congratulations, he is magnificent Golduck.
Now Magmar is your time to fight.
Use fire blast.
Misty: Hydro pump.
Blaine: Now Hyper Beam.
The moment the fire and water attacks hit each other, once again steam rise from the impact of water and fire.
This time Blaine use this opportunity to attack with all his power because Golduck was difficult to defeat.
His strategy proves be correct, as Misty could not react on time and her Golduck lose the fight because he got hit by hyper beam.
Misty: Good job Golduck, now you can rest.
Kabuto, is your turn.
Blaine: Zero and you don't stop surprising me.
Now Magmar use fire punch.
Misty: Ancient power.
Magmar got hit by rocks and his attack fail.
Misty: Use water gun.
Blaine: Avoid and use Fire blast.
Kabuto got hit by the attack of Magmar and could not avoid the attack because of his low-speed. in the other hand Magmar was only tired because of the continuous use of strong attacks from both of his battles.
Misty: Hydro pump.
Before Kabuto made its attack, it evolved. after his evolution his Hydro pump easily defeat Magmar as he tired and his attacks became weak.
(Zero, Giselle perspective)
Giselle: Misty have a lot of luck today.
Zero: part of it, her Pokemon's have some time since they became capable of evolving; they only lack an opportunity.
Giselle: but, Misty and her Pokemon's have trained hard , not only that they have fought against you and your Pokemon including trainers during our travel.
Zero: Some Pokemon need more than training, and the battles between Misty and me are more a sparring than a battle. The possibility that our Pokemon evolve in that kind of battle is minimal.
Finally, the Pokemon battles with trainers did not give enough pressure to her Pokemon's to evolve.
When Zero and Giselle were discussing; Misty won the Pokemon battle against Blaine without the need of using her third Pokemon.
Zero: Congratulations Misty for the evolution of your Pokemon.
Misty: Its is also because your effort, without you I could not become this strong in this amount of time, normally it takes years to become stronger.
Zero: I only created a program for training and help with their nutrition.
It was your dedication toward your Pokemon that made them motivated to follow the instructions and your own insights and way of training that make them became strong.
After saying goodbye to Blaine; Zero, Misty and Giselle took the ferry towards Mulberry city.