Qualifying for The Indigo league and Grand Festival.( part. 2)

In the ferry.

Just a few hours to arrive at Mulberry city.

Misty: After the competition. Lest, go with me to Cerulean, we need to make formal our relationship and get our families know about it.

Zero: yes, I will talk to my parents face to face. 

Giselle: don't forget to invite me when you get married.

Misty: wait I feel my backpack shaking.

Misty got the egg into her arms and minutes later, a Togepi was born.

Misty/ Giselle: cutie.

Togepi like in the anime became very close to Misty thinking of her as her mother.

Giselle: what type of Pokemon it is?

Misty: I don't know.

Zero: It is  a Togepi.

Giselle: You look more and more like a married couple now you have a baby.

Zero: let's see if is true. Misty let me carry Togepi.

Misty: OK 

Surprisingly, Togepi was still happy to be carried by Zero.

Zero: I though that he would cry when I pick him.

Misty: it looks that Togepi has no affinity with Giselle.

Giselle: oh Misty you are getting bad. 

You have an advantage, perhaps you have prepared in secret to have Zero children, that is why Togepi think of you as his mother.

Misty(Blushing) Wha ha What are you saying, that does not probe anything, Togepi gets along Zero and allows him to carry him.

Giselle: That is because Zero is a gentle person and his mild temperament makes the Pokemon feels calm around him.

You, in the other hand, Only Gyarados can get near you without getting affected and they have a liking to you.

Zero: I remember that my Gyarados like Misty more than my other Pokemon's. (talking with a smile of mischief while teasing Togepi and giving him Moo Moo milk )

Misty: Zero, you are supposed to help me.

Zero: I'm, I sincerely think that you can become a great trainer of Gyarados

A few hours later of talking and joking. The ferry arrived at Mulberry city.

Zero: Let's go to the Contest Hall, today there will be a 


After registering, Zero was patiently waiting at the dressing room.

Announcer: Welcome to Mulberry city Competition.

Today we have strong performers. 

But, before enjoying the show, let's give an applause to our Judges.

Mr contesta, Mr sukizo and Miss Joy from Mulberry city.

Kyaaa!!!! (Excitement from public)

Announcer: Lest give a warm welcome to one of our strongest performers in today's Contest.

I will give you a little information about him.

He already got three ribbons using a Chensey and I'm sure our judge Joy must be surprise as chensey is a rare Pokemon outside the Joy family.

Now lest welcome Zero Zoldyck from Palet town.

Zero: Blissey, the stage is yours.

Announcer: what a rare pokemon, I would like to ask the judges of any of them know about him.

Joy: is a Blissey, the evolutionary form of Chensey.

It is a rare Pokemon even at our family.

Little Zero is very talented to train a Blissey.

Announcer: can you explain us the reason. and by the way of addressing him, you should know about him am I correct?

Joy: Yes, he is my little brother, but I will be even stricter so don't expect me to go easy on you little zero.

Regarding Chensey, it is difficult for them to evolve because they are kind Pokemon's and is rare that a chensey like to fight.

Mr Sukizo: I'm expecting his performance

Mr Contesta: I like it, his Pokemon is well cultivated.

Zero: Blissey let's show them your beauty.

use Ice beam towards the ground 

Blissey create a big chump of ice in the middle of the stage.

Zero: continue with thunderbolt and egg bomb.

Blissey create a dead tree made of ice which look beautiful 

Zero: Now Blissey get into the top of the tree and use Light screen and finish with heal bell and heal pulse.

Blissey moves to the top of the Ice tree and create little boxes made of light screen at the branches of it. 

To finish she use Heal bell behind her back which gave a visual impact to the public as Blissey look like an Angel because the bell make her look holy and with heal pulse, it makes the heal bell-like a real bell that rang as the pulse disperse.

All that beauty got amplified because the wave of the pulse got disperse in different directions thanks to the interference of the bell and the light got caught into the boxes made of light screen. 

Making a perfect and gorgeous Ice Christmas tree.

Announcer: It seems that his sister was not joking with us, that score may affect our contestant Zero.

If there is no accident with his score of 95 he will qualify to the last round.


(Misty perspective)

Giselle: Misty, Zero became a lot better at performances

Misty: I did not expect to meet her sister here.

Giselle: Yes, it is unexpected. Nervous? you are going to meet your sister-in-law.

Misty: I was already expecting that, Zero have talk to me about his family.

Giselle: look Misty, Zero made it to the second round.

Misty: Yes, Now it became easier for him to win.

Giselle: I have to admit that his talent for performance is a lot weak compare with his talent for battle.

Misty: He proves right his way of doing things.

One time I ask him why he did not focus in training for performance, he only said that if his training for battles is exceptional, the only thing he need to do is to make a routine and practice it to perfection. It will be more efficient and waste less time and more important he will not sacrifices the power of his Pokemon.

Giselle: Why,he thinks is easier be a performer?

Misty: No, he  is confident because he trust in his training methods, he train the skills of his Pokemon to the extremes in 3 main aspects: speed, power and control.

His Pokemon are capable of using their skills flexible. that saves him a lot of time.

and the training of the body for his Pokemon makes them can easily coördinate with the movements for performance.

Even if I had train my Pokemon's with him, I can't have the same flexibility as him.

Giselle look Misty Zero is already at the last battle.


Zero: let's win this Blissey use ice beam

Opponent: Pikachu use thunder.

Zero: Now finish him with Drain punch 

Opponent: Pikachu use agility to evade 

Zero: Don't let him run, use gravity.

Blissey gravity was exaggerate as Blissey constantly apply it to train. 

Poor Pikachu, he had no opportunity to escape and got hit by Drain punch making him lose the fighting ability.

Announcer: What a wonderful battle. Zero became the winner of this Contest, congratulations.

When Zero began to look for Misty and Giselle he find them talking with his sister Rose.

Zero: Hi sister, glad to see you.

Rose: Little Zero, you are too fast in getting two girlfriends.

Zero: Only Misty, Giselle is my friend.

Giselle: yes, I only want to become his friend.

Rose: it doesn't matter as long as you are happy.

Zero: Sister, I got engaged with Misty, When we grow  she will marry me.

Misty: Hello sister-in-law, I love Zero because he is gentle and he treat me nicely, and I admit that I began tickle him because of his appearance.

Rose: Honest girl, beautiful, and kind.

Zero, you did a good choice to get her this fast.

Did you tell our parents?

Zero: No, You are the first one. I want to talk face to face.

Rose: Good choice, then you should have some fun at the city, come back before night to the Pokemon center.

Zero: why? we were planning to leave after the contest.

Rose: We are going to a restaurant to talk about it, your other elder sister is working at this city.

Zero: I did not expect that she also decided to move to this city. 

Rose: Lily always follow me, I'm glad as we don't feel lonely

At the dinner, Misty got to know her other sister-in-law.

Zero sisters were glad that Zero had a good vision for woman.


Zero: My sisters and father are the easier to get the approval 

Misty: they are a lot different from my sisters.

Zero: I don't think, they were nice to you because they dote on me quite often because I'm the only man besides my father.

you need to work hard to convince my mother as I'm her only son, she probably will fight to  whoever want to separate me from her.

Misty: I will convinced her.

Giselle: leave that for later, Misty you lived in a beautiful place I'm envious of your Aquarium.

Zero: it has been long time since I saw your sisters.

Misty: don't even think about getting any of them as your girlfriend.

Zero: I know Misty. We are only good friends.

Violet: Misty you are back.

Daisy: I'm glad that you sent some Pokemon, now our gym became more powerful.

Lily: Misty, you are lucky to travel with him.

Zero: Sisters-in-law nice to see you again.

Daisy: What do you mean by that?

Misty: We got engaged, I'm his fiancée and will get married in a pair of years.

Violet: Misty, the luck for the rest of your life got exhausted by getting him 

Daisy: Poor Zero, I'm sure Misty deceive him to force him to marry her.

Lily: It is impossible for her to get a handsome boyfriend before us.

Before Misty began to scream at her sisters, Zero got hold of her hand.

Zero: it was my luck to get Misty as my wife. She loves me not only because of my appearance and we have a lot in common. please gave us your blessing.

Daisy: Misty, congratulations

Violet: Don't make her cry Zero.

Lily: Stay some days we have known more about our new brother-in-law

The next day.

Zero was giving food to all the Pokemon's at the aquarium.

When he finished he began to play with them.

All the girls got mesmerized by his gentle smile when they arrived at the water field. he looks like a prince charming.

 With seel at his arms, he radiates a calming aura which inadvertently makes people and Pokemon feel safe.

Daisy: Seel like you a lot 

Misty: Zero can easily make friends with Pokemon.

Zero: Sadly your Gyarados seem upset, I could not get near him 

Just when Zero finished, the gyarados in the cage use his water attack towards the floor near Misty.

Misty: Zero, Save Togepi.

Zero did as Misty told him and began to swim towards the direction that Togepi was thrown.

Misty, got near the cage of Gyarados and Most of the water Pokemon's were in a different water tank.

Misty got scared and could not move.

Just before a hydro pump from gyarados hit Misty's body,

Omanyte got in front of her, and began to shine.

Result that he was near at the pool playing with seel before they arrived, when he saw Misty in danger he swam towards her, but he was far away, to save her he broke his limit and evolve into Omastar.

After getting the help from Omastar, Misty safely leave the pool.

Zero: I'm glad you are fine. 

Zero got close to Misty and hug her delicately because Togepi got in the middle of their hug and he don't want to hurt him.

Giselle: Here, take the towels. 

I'm glad that nothing bad happen

Zero: It is the best result, and Omanyte evolve into Omastar.

Misty: He did it to save me, thank you Omastar.

Zero: I'm thinking, that today is perfect to continue our travel towards Palet town, the last gym and Contest are in a city and town  close to Palet town  and we can rest at my home before the Grand festival and the Indigo league begins.

Misty: I'm going to stay with my sisters for a month, I miss them and want to spend some time with them. 

It will give you time to talk about me with your parents.

Zero: Leave it to me, if you don't show yourself in a month I'm going to search for you and take you to meet my parents even if you hide at the end of the world I will find you.

Giselle: I'm going to stay with Misty. See you later Zero.

Zero: I almost forgot. Daisy, Lily and Violet take this disc. 

Here you can see my Pokemon performance.

I know that you don't like Pokemon battles. 

This can help you to become better trainers, and your shows with some creativity and the help of Pokemon's will be more popular.

Daisy/ Violet/ Lily: You are a good brother. take care in your travel 

Zero, continue with his travel after spending one night at Misty home.

His next destination; Terracotta town.