Zero began his battle against Gary
Zero: It will be a 3vs3, that way I will fight against you and Ash using my strongest Pokemon.
Gary: Fine, Blastoise I choose you.
Zero: Dragonair I'm counting on you.
use ice beam.
Gary: Blaistoise use ice beam.
Zero, now use Dragon rush. When both ice beam impact with each other. Zero made Dragonair to immediately use dragon rush as he does not want to give Gary the opportunity to fight back.
Gary: Blastoise use hydro pump.
What Gary did not expected was that Dragonair could withstand the attack and land a solid hit on his pokemon, when he wanted to command his blastoise it was already late.
Zero: Finish him with thunderbolt.
Dragonair electric attack was strong enough to make Gary's pokemon to lose the fight.
Gary: your Pokemon is strong. Dodrio I choose you.
use tri attack.
Zero: Avoid it and use thunderbolt.
when Zero's Pokemon avoid the tri attack, it cost him more time than expected as the attack was in three directions not far from each other.
Gary: Now hyper beam.
Gary made a good use of that time gap and his Dodrio made clean shot with his hyper beam.
But Dragonair still have strength to fight.
Zero: Lest show them our desire to win Dragonair, throw him to the sky using dragon tail and finish him with thunderbolt.
Dodrio and Gary did not expected. that Dragonair will have strength to continue their fight, much less kept a good speed while moving.
This cause Dodrio to became vulnerable as he still need time to recover from the stillness from the hyper beam.
It was a perfect opportunity for Dragonair and because of the injury he use all his strength In his last attack grafting him the victory.
Zero: Dragonair you won, our training was not in vain.
The moment Dragonair won against two strong Pokemon's, his confidence became stronger then, with a strong dragon roar, Dragonair got wrap in the light of evolution.
few breaths of time later the light disperse and a Yellow dragon Pokemon with a withe belly walking in two legs and short wings at his back replaced the previous previous eastern like dragon.
Zero: fantastic you finally evolved.
Gary lest finish our fight.
Gary: let's finish.
Arcanine go. use extreme speed.
Zero: Wait for him.
When Gary Pokemon got close and was about to hit Dragonite, Zero finally made his instruction.
Zero: Now use Hyper beam.
Arcanine could not avoid the attack, but the impact at short distance also affected Dragonite causing him to lose the fighting ability.
Zero: Good job Dragonite take a good rest.
Gary: Wait Zero I abstain, Arc a Nike Nisa already injured and I don't want to make him suffer meaningless.
Zero: No problem, after my battle with Ash I will help with the treatment of your Pokemon's, Blissey is an excellent doctor.
Ash: Is not necessary, I will wait to fight against you at the league. you can easily defeat Gary. And he defeated me which means that you can win me.
But the next time I will challenge you after I train my Pokemon's.
After the battle with Gary.
Zero and the rest began to prepare for his celebration.
During the party they laugh and have a lot of fun.
At the end of it Zero pare to made Misty and Giselle stay at their home as guest.