Before Indigo league (part 1)

Zero return to Part town with the company of Misty and Giselle.

Zero: Lest go towards Dr oak. institute.

I will show you where he works.

Misty: I think we should go first to greet your parents Zero.

Giselle: Fantastic, I always wanted to see his institute.

Zero, Misty is right, it is better to see your parents first.

Zero: Don't worry, we are going to see my dad first, he is working at the institute of Dr oak.

When they arrived, many voiced could be heard in the backyard.

Misty: Look, is Ash, Brock and Margo.

Giselle: It seems that they already been here for some time.

Zero: I'm back and bring my friend and girlfriend.

Ash: Zero, you arrived in time to see how I defeat Gary in a Pokemon battle.

Gary: you made a mistake, it is; how Gary defeats me in a Pokemon battle.

Zero, wait until I defeat Ash and we will have a Pokemon battle.

Ash: I also want to have a battle against Zero.

Zero: OK, I will fight against both of you, the winner between your fight goes first.

Ash and Gary began their battle with Dr oak as the referee.

While Ash and Gary were fighting; Zero and the rest were talking between each other.

Celdric: Glad that you are fine.

Margo: Brother, you are cruel with me. I was the last to know about your engagement with Misty.

Zero: My bad sister, I could not find you in the travel.

Brock: Misty, Zero congratulations have a happy marriage.

Zero: Now is only missing Mom and Miss Delia (Ash Mom), I will go for then to celebrate.

Margo: What is being celebrated?

Giselle: Zero won the Ribbon cup at the Grand festival and became a top pokemon coordinator.

Everyone: Congratulations Zero.

By the time Zero came back with Delia and his mother; Ash and Gary already finished their battle.

Gary: Zero, I will be the first to battle against you.

Zero: OK, let me formally introduce my parents to my fiancee.

Gary: fine.

Zero: Mom, dad she is Misty my fiancee and future wife.

Misty, they as my parents Daisy and Celdric Zoldyck.

Misty: Nice to meet you, it is a pleasure to meet you. Zero have talk me about his family.

Daisy: Nice to met you too, let me ask.

What attract you from my son?

Misty: First, I was attracted by his appearance. After knowing him and spent time with him, I began to love his gentle and caring personality.

What made me fall completely in love with him is his sincerity and the thing we experienced together made me realize that I will regret leaving him.

Daisy: If you want to marry him, I need to tell you something first. If you accept what I'm going to tell you, I will support and bless your marriage.

Zero, have a fiancee since he was a baby.

Even himself doesn't know about her.

Zero: Mother can you explain that?

Celdric: Let me continue.

Zero, we were not planning on telling you until both of became mature enough to marry.

since you found someone you love I will tell you the reason.

And Zero, Misty you don't have to feel nervous, our family is an Aristocratic family, is normal for men to have more than one wife.

Now, let's go back to the other fiancee of Zero.

Her parents and ourselves became good friends when we were young and travel in different regions.

When Zero was born they also have a daughter.

At that time we  made an engagement between both you and their daughter.

But you don't have to worry, it is not forced and any of you can reject to marry the other. 

Since the beginning our friends knew about our identity and did not want their daughter to become unhappy by sharing her husband against her will.

If she is willing to share and there is love between you, or any of you reject to marry ; either way is fine for both families.

The only thing is that you need to spend one years together and there is no discussion in that aspect.

Zero: When I'm going to know her?

Daisy: We will tell you the moment you travel to the region were they live at.

Celdric: Don't worry Zero, we will tell them about things here for them becone prepare before you meet her.

Daisy: Now that you know about Zero situation, are you willing to marry with him and Share your husband with his other fiancee?

Misty: yes, I'm ready, but I will never allow other women get close to Zero if they only love his appearance. If his other fiancee does not have true feeling for him, I will never allow her to marry with him.

Zero: Thank you Misty. Lest be happy.

Now that my parents approved our marriage, is time to give you this.

Zero took a wedding ring from his backpack.

Zero: The stone I called it Moon goddess tear.

you can see the ocean inside of hit and it glows with light.

The most amazing is. That stone restore slightly the mental and physical strength.

Misty, will you make me the honor of becoming my wife?

Misty: (Crying) Yes Zero. I will never leave you even if you stop loving me.

Zero: That won't happen, I will never do anything to make you feel insecure.

When Zero end his declaration,  all the women began to circle Misty and talks about the ring and other things.

Leaving with no option Zero began his combat with Gary.