Chapter 1 - Tree of Life

We join our hero, sitting in a broom closet, in a dicky little swivel chair across from an annoyed case worker. Oh I am going to have so much fun, with as much sarcasm as possible…

From the desk, Karen brings out a small laptop, placing this on the desktop. It is then opened, and she begins typing on it at a rather impressive speed; I do have to commend her on that. This goes on for a little while before she looks up at me, adjusting her glasses, and in a not so happy tone;

"Okay, so before we get started on your new life; we must discuss your previous life and tally up the total points you have from all the subsequent lives." More furious typing follows, before she glares at the screen… poor laptop… "From the looks of it, you have gained a total of… sixty-seven points from your most recent life. A bit below your average, but it's noted since you went through treatment."

"Mind explaining these… points?" Obvious question, give the woman a break…

"Right, right… basically these points are what you have to spend for the life you wish to start. Souls start with a few, randomly decided, which gives them their first life." Quick clearing of her throat, and a thought; "Extra points are added for a few factors; if you're a virgin, how many kids, good or bad deeds, things like that. These can be multiplied or penalized by certain aspects; PCWs have a point penalty, so getting sixty-seven points on a PCW is a feat, especially for someone who went through treatment as you did."

"Okay, simple enough. So things are decided on by points… then how many points do I have total for this new life?"

"At the moment, you have a total of six hundred and sixty-six points."

"That's not ominous… is that normal for someone in my shoes?" And now she is glaring at me, was there something wrong with the question that I posed to her? Karen sighs in an exasperated way, but slowly adjusts her glasses before glaring at me…

"You are by far the strangest anomaly that has been seen by this department! Top five actually; gained form after one life, gained multiple colors before you hit ten, triple digits before you hit three! It is not normal for someone to have as many points as you do within thirteen lives!" Her head hits the desk in a defeated manner, her breathing sort of ragged after the small bitch-fest she dolled out. "Honestly, the lives you lived on the PCW don't actually count towards your life total… but for someone to amass this many even on a PCW… no one has done it."

"Okay, I get it… let's move on before you blow a gasket and strangle me…" Holding up my hands in a surrender fashion, giving her a smile that says friendly. I can feel she wants to strangle me, but doesn't actually do so… she has a strong will and professionalism it seems. Karen goes back to typing at the laptop, after raising her head, before she lets out another sigh…

"Just got confirmation that you are released from your confinement to the PCW, so you're free to select any world you wish. It's easier to use keywords when selecting a world." With that, she turns the laptop towards me after opening a program on it. It's surprising how far along this place is, but I guess they get the latest tech when a world invents it… until I look at this brick of a laptop…

"Is that a Lenovo Thinkpad X? Is the IT department taking the piss here?"

"What do you want, I just started today! They had typewriters in training for fuck sakes!" Her outburst is followed by a slam on her desk, glares pointed right at me. It's surprising how high strung this woman is; can't blame her, but still…

"Got it, got it." I admit defeat and apologize quickly, letting the program load in the time being before looking at what is on the screen;

[Welcome to the Tree of Life]

[Please enter Keywords to find your world.]

So I have to choose certain keywords to narrow down the search criteria then? Well this seems like a needless complication for finding someone's next life, if you ask me. Design oversight from the creator more than likely. Let's have a little fun then shall we…

[Loading Search Results]

[Please add more keywords; Current search brought up more than a billion different worlds.]

Well then… that's way too many worlds to choose from if I want to start my next life anytime soon; course it's not like I can feel time. This place is as temporal sterile as it gets. However, this brings up a different meaning to the phrase; "What the fuck."

"There's way too many worlds with , huh? Not surprising, but at the same time, that's kinda scary."

"Many souls that have lived on PCWs or worlds similar have the fantasy to go to worlds with magic, and a more primitive form of life. So there have been many worlds created with that criteria." Karen leans on her hand in a bored fashion, not even caring anymore about her professional image; "There are subtle differences with each one, so they're not all the same."

"Got it." Still surprising that there's this many though, moving back to the search bar and deleting the from the criteria; though now I have to think on it. It's sort of a tough challenge to think on criteria for a new world when there's literally trillions of worlds out there. That is until a… soft… emotion sort of stirs in me. Dunno what it is, but a feeling I long forgotten surfaces as I look at Karen.

"Yes?" She doesn't try to mask the annoyance in her voice, as if she is fed up with me already… she probably is, I'm not even typing right now; haven't for a bit.

"You know, there's this strange feeling I always had when I was on the PCW, Earth. One that I could not quite describe until I found out there were more worlds."

"And that would be?"

"It never felt like 'Home' to me." When I word it like this, Karen sort of flinches, it's not subtle nor outrageous; but she flinched. "Now I sort of understand the emotion, because it was not 'Home' to me, deep within my soul I knew. So, what would happen…" Typing slowly into the search bar, my fingers find a simple four letter word…

[Loading Search Results]

[One World Found]


Souls like this man are absolutely terrifying, in class they have given five examples of souls that should never be given a hint of doubt. This man was number five. How could they give this man to me as my assignment, it's downright scary. Just by a simple feeling in his soul, he was able to find the word he needed to find his way back to that world…

"Bravo, Mr. Jacobson, it's as you had said; that world was not your home. I'll divulge information that you would of course know if you were still… you." I look at the man across from me, as I sit upright and clear my throat; "Souls have their own traits that they choose before their first life; one of the traits you chose was basically�� 'Home World', which became that world when you went there first. That's why the PCW never felt like home to you."

"Makes sense; how many traits do I have, and is there a way to gain more?" Why does this bastard have to ask so many questions…




Timing is one of those essential things that makes life ever so colorful, which is of course the computer giving something I don't want.

"You started with three traits; and that beeping is notification of you gaining a new trait." Turning the laptop around, I click the notification and read the contents of the message from the head boss… and I can feel that damned tension headache coming to me again… "Congratulations, Mr. Jacobson, as the one who created all; or my boss, has given you a gift for being released from the PCW. It seems they have taken into account your full time on it, and have given you… well…"

- He Who Does Not Forget / Barred from taking the Treatment. All lives will from hence forth be given the unique trait at max effect, meaning they will remember everything. This is a freebie, I expect great things from you; my childe.

"My boss seems to like you… I wonder why. Anyway this mea--"




What the fuck now, oh my fucking god, this is getting on my fucking nerves; my fingers may have tapped on the buttons a bit too forcefully… but then I nearly fall from my chair as I read the next notification; which is meant for me…

"Is everything okay?" As the man… no… my client asks me with genuine concern in his voice, I can only smile happily as the 'I' on my badge becomes a 'IV'.

"Well, I just got a promotion, Mr. Jacobson, and my boss wishes to speak to me in person. Which is an honor that can only be given to those who have worked for so long." I look at my client in a new light as a grin spreads over my face, "Sadly, no changes will occur until you're done here, and we'll then see each other after your life." Now I see the perks to having this man as my client… he is actually carefully watched by the boss. I wonder why…

Well, did not expect this kind of… turn for the strange, and now Karen is actually showing me more than the basic signs of respect. It's kind of unsettling… just who is this boss, and why… you know what, never mind. Best not to think of it.

Moving back to the tree of life, I select Agenai as my world; which brings up the selection of a family to be birthed into. I guess that before you choose the race, you have to choose a family to decide your race options… makes sense really. Though there isn't a keyword search this time; only check marks for basic understanding of geographic locations, type of family, and a few miscellaneous bits here and there. There's even a space for a family name, I guess if you really must be born again in the same family…


[No Matching Names.]

Guess that was too much to hope for, leaning back in my chair as I rub my face once more; I wonder if there is anything in that strange feeling I get every so often while I am here.


Invisible voice, strange emotion, that which is to feared?

Guess that is too much to as---

[{Family, why not try other names for… Family?}]

And there it is, the strange voice and an odd feeling in my chest as I think of the word 'Family', even though the name itself 'Jacobson' never felt right… it felt like family. Like Agenai is 'Home', what is 'Family' to me…

I tilt my head to the side as I think this through; this strange feeling in my chest… wait… wasn't there an ancient name to the 'Jacobson' clan before it was changed when we went across the ocean. What was it again… didn't it mean… 'Watcher'?

Think Marc, think… what was that name again; I swear I read it in the books from the family graveyard back in Ireland. What did those runes mean again… seriously…

[{Retroactive start up of 'He Who Does Not Forget'.}]

Yes, thank you, I know it's quite funny how tha--

And then there was the pain in my… mind? My head actually feels pain as I clutch at the form, banging my head on the desk as I clench my teeth; when thoughts and things I don't… they're not from my own life… everything from my past flows through me as the runes start to translate themselves, as if I was fluent in Celtic Runes…

Reaching to the keyboard once the pain passes through me, Karen giving me a look that sort of screams; "The fuck?", but I know what to type…

[Searching Database]

[Seven Women meet criteria for Birth.]

Well, would you look at that; the old family is actually on Agenai… why is the old family on Agenai…

"Karen." She flinches once more before, just looking away and not wanting to answer; "Care to give me an explanation?"

"Honestly, I don't know too much on the subject save for what was in your files…"

"Try me."

"Fine." Sighing, Karen pulls out her files.. which seem to be rather thin; "Don't ask about the size of your files, blame the 'cunt' on this one." As she's flipping through, I can sort of make out a few things on them; "Basically, during your first life, you chose to go into the Haruk clan on a whim due to how the potential mother looked. Basically saying; 'She looks like someone who will truly love me no matter what I do.', turns out you were right. She was a good mother, so you chose that no matter what world you went to, you'd find families connected to the Haruk clan; and if you couldn't… you'd make one."

That explains a few things on why my family name is on both planets; I probably chose a nameless family on the PCW, then gained some form of Nobility to choose my own family name. Lord, I am some form of piece of work aren't I…

Well, now I have seven potential mothers to look through then… wonder if it will come down to that once again…

Let's go through the list, shall we?

#1 - Half-Orc woman, lives in a sort of stronghold with a man of the Elf race, expecting a child in a few months. Branch family of the Haruk, Patrilineal marriage so my name would go under his… which is not Haruk. So next.

#2 - Human woman, lives in a castle within an imperialistic country, husband is also Human, their third child to be expected. Another branch family of the Haruk, but Matrilineal in nature for marriage… once again, not Haruk though. Next.

#3 - Elven woman this time, living in poverty after her Husband of the Human race betrayed the Haruk clan, main branch. Husband is dead, and not a long life expectancy once she gives birth. I have no issues with being an orphan, but it's not good to be blood that is banished.

#4 - Human, no ties to the Haruk save for a single one night stand with a man who cheated on his wife… big no no, and thus got banished.

#5 - No, just no. I have no issues with being born into slavery, but just… no… gotta remember this one though to launch a rescue.

#6 - Ladies and Gentlemen, we have a… wait… no… why do they include that kind of information here… I did not need to see, know, or feel that. Thank you, but no.

That leaves the seventh lucky lady on tonight's episode of 'Who's Your Mother'… I'm losing my mind, next someone will be shouting; 'Jerry, Jerry, Jerry!' I swear to god voice, do not do it, or I will have some issues with you, even though I'd laugh; still not funny.


Funny. Seriously, become a comedian…

Anyway, let's read the file on this woman… since she's the last, hopefully she's the on--

Okay, just based on her picture alone; a rather beautiful humanish woman with slightly pointed ears. Eyes of amethyst, with hair of the purest snow fall; and her smile… I clutch at my heart as I see her smile…

"She truly looks like she'd love me, even though I'd probably do something that would make her disappointed." I guess it was to be expected, I'm choosing my mother… when I never really had a mother in my previous life. The woman ran out when I was young, and when we met again… not what I was expecting.

Main family woman, living in a country known as 'Handrak' within the village of 'Freyjan', a Nordic sort of country with a hint of Celtic heritage. Matrilineal marriage, so I'd have her blood and name of Haruk. Everything seems to be so far in order with her; and I can't really say no to her… it's just an odd feeling in my heart.

Under her race… Half-Angel? And her husband is a full blooded Demon? Okay, did not see that coming; but honestly it's not something I'd look down on. I wonder if it… yup, her parental lineage is here… wait… Mother was a full blooded Angel, but her father… Half-Dragon?This family tree makes my head hurt, but again… who am I to judge?

Indra Haruk, a Battle-Priest, expecting her… third child. So I'll have older siblings then? As I read through it more my heart falls; expecting third child, but first born. Well, guess that is the end of discussion; as I press select on the page for Indra Haruk. I'll be your first born, cause I am a bastard that doesn't know when to quit.

Seriously, this guy is something else… going for the same family as expected; but who knew he'd choose someone with the same criteria as the first mother. Looking him over, I can tell that something has changed since he started going through the paperwork on tree of life; with that little outburst from him, it's like his form became… clearer, and the colors more pronounced. Something is strange however, as it doesn't look like 'just' four colors are within him… but I can���t really tell.

"Pick a mother yet, Mr. Ja… Mr. Haruk?"

"Yeah, I like her smile, very pure and adorable. She looks like she needs a good child; hopefully she'll have a good child after she has me." The way he… smiles, and laughs… no souls I've heard of from training are like him, even the other four examples of strange entities. Normally souls don't feel while in soul form, but it's like he does. Or he… no, let's stop thinking like this Karen.

"Well then Mr. Haruk, next would be spending your points; after choosing your race from the ones given to you of course."

"Already chosen, went with 'Half-Demon', cause it sounds like fun. Thought there'd be something interesting with this pedigree, but it was really just that. Though I was given a choice of my variant, went with 'Wrath' due to a few things in my past. There was also 'Pride' or 'Lust', no thanks."

"That's good, so next is your potential on Agenai, just follow the steps as listed on the screen and we can continue from there."

"Oh, I also finished with that one quite quickly, seems each one is a single point. So I just looked at the stats, found the minimum was one while the max was ten; so I put five into each one. Seems more interesting that way."

"Oh… that was quick…" Seriously this guy, did he even read through the instructions on the page? A 'one' in a potential is slightly below Mortal average while 'ten' is akin to what Hercules was on the PCW… by putting 'five' into each one; he's an all-rounder, but one that is majorly above standard for Mortals on the world.

"Looks like next is… traits. And one is already selected, oh it's a free slot, 'Eidetic Memory'. Guess I can choose one… no, two more; my race gives me an extra trait slot." Seriously? Starting with three traits is also something to be more amazed at… and with his points… no, stop thinking Karen. "Hey Karen, do we have dice?"

"What?" I could start to feel the headache coming back again… "Why would you need dice for this?"

"Simple fun, really. If we don't, I can sit here and read through every trait available but…" He clicks a button and reads… "No, please tell me we have dice?"

"One second…" Seriously, I can almost strangle this guy; picking my phone up and pressing the button for the supply department…




And there's another notification on the screen, why oh dear lord is this day even happening… looking at the screen, there's another message for me…

Why can I feel my eye twitching, as the sound of the tube landing in the pipes behind the shelf; quickly getting this bastard his set of dice… but why are there so many different ones… aren't there only six sided dice? So why is there a three, four, six, eight… never mind. Just hand him the dice and continue with your life Karen…

She looks about done with everything here; should not provoke her too much anymore, but I at least have the dice I asked for… more unnerving that it's probably the Boss that sent them here. Best not think about it, better for my health.

Anyway, with the two traits I have; why not choose them from my parents… would make things a bit more believable that I am their child… besides, you know, coming out of one of their bodies. Well; looking at the father's stat sheet… which he looks like a stern but caring fellow with his black hair, horns, and eyes. Like someone took the night and morphed it into a human… er… Demon.

Picking up the coin for the two sided dice, it makes me think of the silver coin I always carried around with me from my Grandfather… I wonder if they buried it with me like I wanted, since I never had any kids. Well, no use thinking of things I cannot control; as I very deftly flip the coin, something that I have done countless times. And well… looks like a trait from both parents.

Father has four traits that look interesting, but only one that I can actually take as it's not a demon exclusive trait, and not eidetic memory. 'Cieri's Blessing', if my latin isn't as rusty as I feel it is, then doesn't Cieri translate to 'Twilight'? Why do I feel dirty just thinking about taking it… what does it do…

Depending on the tier of the trait taken, would mitigate need for sleep, to the point where one would never require it. Only to be taken by those who enjoy having more time on their hands.>

Well now… that seems like an interesting prospect… more time on my hands would be something to be happy with. It said tiers, let's see what different ones there are;

[Tier I: 5 Points | Require sleep once a week, slight resistance to 'Sleep' type magics.]

[Tier II: 10 Points | Require sleep once a month, average resistance to 'Sleep' type magics.]

[Tier III: 20 Points | Require sleep once a year, improved resistance to 'Sleep' type magics.]

[Tier IV: 40 Points | Require sleep once a decade, advanced resistance to 'Sleep' type magics.]

[Tier V: 80 Points | Never require sleep, immunity to 'Sleep' type magics.]

Not only a lack of sleep requirement, but also a chance to resist or become immune to a whole type of magic, huh? Well, sign me up… even though the name is a bit… much. I have the points to spare, so why not buy it at max, so I have a full twenty-four hours to my life, and full immunity to sleep magic. Now what to do about the other trait… mother doesn't have anything that seems interesting to me…

Of those that could be of use to me… and I can take…

One gains experience through any means at a more rapid pace, showing their true potential at an earlier stage of life.>

Increase the gain of specified attribute(s) depending on the tier this trait is taken.>

Increase resistance to a certain element, specified when taken; amount resisted dependant on tier taken.>

Increase the duration/effect of magic of specified element(s); dependant on tier taken.>

I mean, all four of these seem rather interesting; useful, and can give me a foot up in the world that I am going to. Can't really fucking decide on which one though. Since there are four, and I have a four sided die… might as well leave this to fate; with a shake of my hand and a flick of my wrist, it lands on…

Two; so Advanced Attribute. Let's read up on what it does specifically…

[Tier I: 10 Points | One Attribute; stage one increase per year]

[Tier II: 20 Points | Two Attributes; stage one increases per year]

[Tier III: 40 Points | Three Attributes; stage two increase and stage one increases per year]

Maxing this bitch out that's for sure, three different attributes get better dice rolls, with one of them getting a two die increase. So all get a four sided die every year, meaning one would be eight sided, and two would be six sided…

Going to increase the gain of Intelligence to the eight sided; Luck will be one of the six sided. Better intelligence and luck would be good for the long term… now what to do with the final one… Wisdom could come in handy, but so could Dexterity… back to the coin flip…

And landing on heads, looks like Wisdom gets a bit of a boost as well; which is good in its own way, an intelligent man without wisdom is not often a good thing. That takes care of the traits, so let's move on to the next step then…


"What is it this time? There's a description on the page if you don't understand something."

"Yes, but I'd rather have someone explain it to me, I understand better." Actually, the silence is stifling, so I'd rather have some conversation before I begin thinking…

"Fine. Damn idiot causing be problems all day long." She grumbles as she turns the laptop around, then looks at the next step before pausing; "Ah, yeah no I can understand. Patrons, basically this world has no actual gods looking over it like some do; instead every person is born with a number of Patrons which give them certain abilities based on how familiar you are with them."

"I get that, rather makes me happy I won't have to hear church goers giving me shit for being a Pagan…"

"Church of the One, and a few other Temples to other Patrons are around; religion is a thing every world has, don't get complacent." God dammit, I hate religion more than anything… that and politics. Karen clears her throat as she continues, "So what don't you understand?"

"The contradiction."


"Basically the opening passage states this;" I turn the laptop around back to me, "'Those born on Agenai have anywhere between one to three Patrons guarding them, guiding them through the world; though there are those born without."

"How is that a contradiction?"

"If 'everyone' is born with at least one Patron, how can there be those born without. That in itself is a contradiction, and it���s rather annoying."

[{Seriously… no one reads between the lines.}]

"And you voice, always popping out of nowhere… people will start to think I am insane!" I shout to the nothingness;

"You are insane."

[{Ask the Tyrant.}]

And with that I am done with this voice, and that was a deep shudder through my soul. Don't want to ask, don't want to know, let's just get this done so I can leave this voice behind…

[{You're making me sad; but I understand.}]

Well now I feel bad… let's just get to Patrons.

So one of my Patrons is already locked into place it seems; going by the name of Ugdralath, Patron of Death with the Sphere of influence over… Family, Honor, and Darkness. Not gonna ask what these do at the moment, now to look at the abilities that he gives me the choice of…

Looking at the descriptions; Patience increases my regeneration of fatigue and mana while I am concentrating on a task, to the point of nearly being blind to the world around me. Honor Bound is downright a no, as it would require me to actively hunt out Undead to gain any form of enhancement. Reaper's Descent would allow me to summon some form of the Reaper to increase my damage potential and lethality… though I can only use it every so often and for such amount of time… Death's Patience it is!

[Tier I: 10 Points | WIS/5 Added to Regeneration of STAM and MANA; Minor Tunnel Vision]

[Tier II: 20 Points | WIS/3 Added to Regeneration of STAM and MANA; Advanced Tunnel Vision]

[Tier III: 40 Points | WIS/1 Added to Regeneration of STAM and MANA; Complete Tunnel Vision]

Going to max that out, as it seems to be useful… though the complete tunnel vision may cause some issues; we'll cross those bridges when we get to them. Possibly add pitch to them, and then light the fuckers to cause major damage. Anyway, onto the next… well, if I am forced to take the Patron of Death; probably has something to do with my family and being part of the Main lineage; then why not look at Life…

Yrmala, names of the Patrons must be tied to the nationality of the person, so the Handraki name of Life would be that. I like it, I'll call her Mala for short, she's the Patron of Life with the Sphere of influence over… Growth, Healing, and Light. That makes more sense than anyone will ever know, more than Death being about Family. And her abilities…

Well… these abilities seem a bit more useful than Dralath's, as Guide allows me to know anything pretty much as long as I look it up. Growth will do the same as that previous trait from my mother, and Holy Matron gives me a Holy attributed Spirit of appropriate strength depending on the tier bought… okay I lied, only Guide looks fun.

[Tier I: 5 Points | Basic information is known, can only look up information once a week.]

[Tier II: 10 Points | More common information is gleamed, and can search once a day.]

[Tier III: 20 Points | Rare knowledge is given once every twelve hours, dependant on the Patron's mood towards the Holder.]

[Tier IV: 40 Points | Access to all available information whenever you choose, but cannot ask for things that others do not know. Able to look up a Hidden piece of knowledge Once in your life.]

[Tier V: 80 Points | All knowledge is available, whenever the Holder desires. Unlocks certain perks dependant on Patron's mood. Able to ask for Hidden knowledge Thrice within your Life, and able to gain more questions dependant on Patron's wishes.]

Second verse same as the first, only a little slower and of course a little better. Max out the ability, and give praise to the Mala; too bad her Sphere doesn't include the sun, I can feel a little… okay, I am losing my mind for being here for so long. One more patron to choose… and no ideas are springing to mind for this one. Maybe looking at my parents once more will give me an idea?

Huh… seems only my father has someone that speaks to me in a more… spiritual sense. Hannash, Patron of Knowledge with the spheres of influence over Mana, Spirits, and Dreams. Those influences seem important, and the knowledge part… well I wonder if that could play nice with the Guide. Depends on the abilities he has, anything less amusing and we're leaving.

Yeah, not gonna lie, only the Eye is interesting to me for this one… Manifestation, I may have an idea that is similar to that; dependant on if it works in this world. And Conduit… well that requires me to sleep, now doesn't it?

[Tier I: 10 Points | Gain basic Analysis of the world around you, certain truths will be hidden from view however.]

[Tier II: 20 Points | More detailed information is revealed to your discerning eye, with the ability to see through lies of those weaker than you.]

[Tier III: 40 Points | All information is freely available to you, all lies and truths can be seen through, slight increase to WIS and INT with every Hundred objects examined.]

With this one maxed out as well… I have so far spent around… two hundred and twenty points on Patrons alone, with the thirty-six I spent on the Potential, and the one hundred twenty for the traits; three hundred and seventy-six points currently spent… leaving my just shy of three hundred points. Maybe I should raise some of my potentials, give some extra points there and see what happens… at least that was the thought…

See, this is what I dislike about Souls with so many points; they can take all their potentials to the max, while maxing out all abilities and traits. At least we're nearly done here and I can get some work done, and why has he stopped?

"Mr. Haruk, you're nearly done right? Only need to have your soul examined by the system to decide on your gift and curse; basically what you'll be good at and what you'll have a penalty to." I don't understand why he is just staring at the computer screen…

"There's a strange option here."

"What?" Quickly turning the laptop around, I read the option before feeling my eye twitch as I read it; over and over again…

[Spend one hundred points: Gain a Fourth Patron Option based on Soul information.]

"What in the fuck is this? Three is supposed to be the max for Agenai, why is there an option for a fourth patron?!" I grab up my phone to begin making a call to the IT department to see what the fuck their game is…




The fuck do you want now Boss? No, keep calm Karen, the Boss is not someone you can piss off… let's see what they have to say for themselves this time…

A long, drawn out sigh escapes me as I feel myself slump in my chair… I give up, I give up this time… everyone is insane, this place is insane… what is common sense, what is life?

"Do what you want."


Poor girl, this being her first day on the job, all these different things must be weighing down on her. Anyway, a fourth patron huh? I also don't select this one, it's chosen for me based on… soul data? Well, I have the points; feeling a strange mad smile spread on my face, before pressing the button for okay. Let's see what sort of mad god you summon for me, oh grand tree of life!

[Scanning Soul Data]

[Searching Database]

[Match Found]

(Baalish - Patron of Consumption / Sphere of Influence: Family, Desire, and Chaos.

Forgotten Demon Patron of a bygone era, sealed away for millenia as he had tried to overturn the natural world order to protect one close and important to him. The more he feeds, the stronger he becomes. May try to overtake the Holder if criteria aren't met, but his mood is that of a mad Patron.)

Well, that's a name that oddly feels familiar to me… could be the name Baal, but I don't dislike him, wonder what abilities he is willing to offer to one who holds him.

Only one, makes this easy, I have a hundred and ninety points left after purchasing him… wonder how expensive the ability is to max out…

[Tier X: 100 Points | Holder is able to activate this ability to indulge in the moral sin of consuming essence from the designated mortal; thus allowing the Holder to gain a Trait of their choosing from the mortal, though certain criteria must be met. The chance of obtaining the Trait is dependant on the level difference of the mortal and Holder, the Holder's Luck stat, and Trust the mortal has in the Holder. This can only be used once per mortal.]

Ain't that a kick in the teeth and an unwelcome broken jaw? Only one tier for the ability, but… why the fuck not; we're already across the line, might as well see how far I can go!

[Fourth Patron Selected; Forgotten Demon of Chains]

[Race Updating, Please Wait | Reading Soul Data]

[Race Changed from 'Half-Demon' to 'Nephilim - Demon of Wrath���]

Okay, that's something…

[Reading Soul Data]

[Gift and Curse chosen based on current Data]

[Gift: Lord of the Craft]

[Curse: One Who Can't Give Up]

[Remaining points split in half and being integrated into Gift and Curse]

[Gift's Power increased by 50% due to points integrated]

[Curse's Power decreased by 50% due to points integrated]

[Prepare for Soul Transfer: Thank you for using Tree of Life]

[Have a Wonderful Life]

It seems like Mr. Haruk wanted to say something else, but all I was able to get was; "Interesting-" course he was aggravating from start to finish, and now he is out of my hair. I can finally get my office in order, and… wait, I got a promotion earlier, meaning my office is going to get an upgrade. The happiness I feel is mitigated by the fact I need to go speak to my boss…

Fuck my life…