Chapter 2 - Traumatic Day

Oh dear fucking god, what happened to the fucking lights?!

Why is it so cramped; why so squi--

Oh, right; I just finished with the tree of life, and the damn thing decided it would be a good idea to push me straight into the den of wolves without any form of warning. So this is what the womb feels like… warm and squishy. And I will never be able to forget it; this is so going to become a trauma. But again, why is it so fucking cramped in here?! Whose hand is that?!


My hands are right here… my foot can feel a hand there… but there's a hand on my head… did this woman seriously wish for children so bad that she was graced with multiples?! Her poor body. Seriously though, I wonder how much longer I will have to stay in here…

"The lady has gone into labor! Quick, get Zekiel here so he doesn't miss the birth; also get the Jarl here, his daughter is giving birth!" Well that answers my question; that with the accompaniment of screaming from what appears to be the greatest pair of lungs on a woman; lord Mother, do you need to wake the dead? "Water and blankets, gets swaddles ready! I will be a damned Hag if I let these ones pass!" And there's the mood killer, dammit midwife!

Huh… I feel like I am about to experience something that should never be remembered… this is more than likely going to be a trauma… Buddha, Cthulhu, Spaghetti Monster? Anyone listening, please give me a sign that I will come out of this unscarred…

Well fuck you too!

And now there's movement, why in god's name is there so much movement; oh wait, give the mother encouragement! Push dammit! Kiegels! Breathing techniques! I have never done this, can you tell? Better quietly chant in my head while this blows over, nothing better to do… counting sheep?

"My lady, you're nearly there, I can see a head crowning!" Seriously, how large is my lady, she's probably having multiples again; course being a midwife, this is nothing new to me. But I will be damned if I let these ones follow their older siblings. "Keep breathing, it's coming out, don't worry and just keep going, you're doing good!"

Crouching between my lady's legs, the door behind me bursts open as the familiar scent of tobacco and books enters the room;

"Zekiel! Dammit, where have you been?!" My lady cries out with so much emotion as the man quickly makes his way to her side, gripping her small hands in his own; a soft smile on his face as he quickly begins to wipe sweat from her forehead.

"Sorry, I was on the other side of the village, and only just got the news. You're doing very well my love, this time for sure." I can only imagine what is going through the heads and hearts of these two, but I know what is coming out of my lady at this moment;

"One more push my lady, there we go!" And out slides a small child, silver hair like… his… mother, and little bumps on his forehead where horns will be grown. Appears to be a small half-demon here, but I can't concentrate on making sure this one is alive as I can tell a second is close behind. "Keep pushing my lady, there's a second following suit. These two must have been fighting to see who would be born first; but the little demon boy beat it to the punch."

The look of happiness and relief washes over the two expectant parents, before more screams are had, but the vigor is renewed…

"Ooo, aah, oo, eeh uh aaah" It is then we hear something from the helper's direction as she is washing the newborn child… and I swear, it nearly made me start crying how tears just instantly streamed down Zekiel's face. This is the third time I have seen him cry over one of his children; but this time I can tell… let's get to work! The next and the next will live as well!

Good lord small child, are you trying to chill me to the bone with this water; aren't they supposed to use warm water to wash babies? I was lost in my thoughts and even lost track of the song in my head thanks to you! At least the blankets are warm… wait, why are you turning me upside do--- oh… the smack on my tushy answers that. Not gonna work I'm afraid!

"Aaaough!" I will not cry for you, but I will complain for the mistreatment small child! Then the second smack came, and I again release a growl of annoyance at the child; as I force my eyes open to get a good look at this one; and they give me a surprised look back.

"I apologize, young one, just seeing if you're breathing, guess we can skip that formality…" The child swaddles me in warm blankets, eliciting a coo of happiness from my mouth; yes, this is pleasant! "Hey Gram, do babies normally have teeth when they're born?"

"Why are you asking me daft questions while I am in the middle of birthing… a small dragon boy… seriously this bloodline will be the death of me."

"Well, it's because this little demon has a mouth 'full' of fangs, sharp little teeth. And his eyes… well; I won't give away them, let the mother see for herself." A small smile plays on the child assistant's face, I like this one; I shall remember you and say hi when I get older. "Okay little curious fang boy, I'll set you down over here for now, gotta take care of your… younger brother." Holy shit, I'm the older brother! And this cradle is comfy. The screaming is not stopping… yup, woman is giving birth to triplets! Go Mother! Fight! Don't believe in yourself, believe in the me that believes in you!

"Aaaaoooo! Aaaaoooo!"

"Hear that my lady, your little son is cheering you on, just a bit more! I can see this one coming out; and oh dear lord in the mountains… angel child." I can feel the confusion in her voice; before a loud smack can be heard, followed by loud crying from very powerful lungs. Two for three, I can imagine with her innocent smile; this mother of mine is going to be crying for days with two living sons. "And that's a little angel boy as well; and from the way your stomach is looking, you're quite done my lady. Let's get this one cleaned up; but first…" Another loud smack… and no crying��� huh, so this is what chilled blood feels like.

Another smack, followed by a third… before I can sense the dread in the room coming up; come on youngest brother; Mother deserves a good child, and that is not me. Dunno about younger, but you have to at least be a good child!

"Mmmmm, waaaaoooo… mmmm." And then silence again after younger gets settled from crying… wait… is youngest just sleeping? You little bastard, I'm gonna love you all my life, and swear from here on to now that I'll make sure you remember this!

"Congratulations my lady Indra, my lord Zekiel. You now have three very healthy, tired, and differing little boys. Demon, Dragon, Angel; take a rest my lady, gotta get some strength so you can feed them." I can almost feel the smile on the old crone's face from here, and then I have two little babies on either side of me. One having a bit of a fuss, and the other sleeping soundly.

"I can't wait… Zekiel, my babies; hand one to me… the oldest… I want to see my baby's eyes. The child teased me!" Lord, her tired and pleading voice is adorable; which makes father happy as he chuckles, quickly moving over to the three of us; staring down with his pale skin, black long hair in a ponytail draped over a shoulder. His black eyes stare directly into mine, as I stare back…

"Well… don't you have special little eyes there, my son. My son…" A very warm, gentle… fatherly smile spreads across his face as he repeats the word son, tasting the word. "Come come now, your brother's seem to be sleeping, while you're wide awake. Makes me worried you inherited mine and my mother's curse." His hands are huge on my small body, as he gently lifts me up; gingerly, practiced. As I stare into his eyes…

"Aaaooo, uuuwaaah eeeooo!" I happily declare to him… rough translation to those who do not speak babyish; 'I will not die before you.' But he just smiles and carries me over to where the very tired mother now lays, her white hair laying in sweat clotted mats… fluffy… and her tired amethyst eyes stare in my direction. When she sees me come close… the warmest smile I have ever felt spreads over her face, and hits me right in the heart.

"This is my baby… oh my… Zekiel, he has silver hair! Little bumps, he'll have your horns, same position. His eyes… dear me…" Her eyes start to very profusely leak tears as she weakly reaches to me, father helping her hold onto me as they both stare into my eyes… enough secrets dammit, what is so special about my eyes! "They're little stars… little chunks of amber dug from the freshest springs… and so curious. Watching… do you want to hear your name; my little boy?"

"We've been thinking it over for the past few months… looks like we can use all the names since we have three sons." Father looks very happy as he rubs at one of my bumps on my forehead, eliciting a small coo of good feelings; so I have full feeling from those. "Zeriq… little Zeri."

"My precious little Zeri; please be a good older brother and watch out for Yehai, and little Xihlis. This is the only wish I have for you three; watch out for each other, be good brothers… live long, healthy, and find those you are forever meant to be with." Mother, those are flag words… but her life expectancy is good and long. Don't scare me.

As we were enjoying a family time as the younger brothers napped and mother recuperated enough to feed us; birth is a tiring business… woman had three children in a row, she deserves a breather. But yes, as we were resting; the door flings open and mother looks rather happy;

"Papa! Come here, they're here, all three of them, little boys!" Oh, it's Gramps, I can't see him cause I can't fucking turn my head or body; you know, being minutes old. "Nanny was baffled though, seems I had a child for each of the major races in our blood." Lord, this mother of mine is adorable when she giggles like that, is what I think before I am snatched up by the largest fucking hand on this side of the universe!

"Well now, so yeh're my little grandson eh? Let me get a look at yeh!" Oh my god, low gravely voice that makes your heart thump from the thunder… and when he turns me around; seriously, I can fit easily in a single hand… what a fucking unit of a man. I didn't know they made crossbreeds of oak trees and bears. Luckily I can't look down… how the fuck is this place large enough for him! "Look at the light in 'is eyes; yeh are full of vim and vigor, have yeh gotten a name from yeh ma yet?"

"His name is Zeriq, father. He's the first born, with Yehai coming second and Xihlis after him. I'm happy they're easy to tell apart… white hair, black hair, gray hair." Mother is now leaning back and looking very pleased with herself; and father is gently rubbing her shoulders. Gramps looks at me with the biggest toothy grin, and it seems he is the happiest bear I have ever seen.

"Little Zeri, eh? Well, let yeh gramps give ya a secondary, shall we. Our clan name is Haruk, means 'Watcher'" As he speaks, he begins walking out the door, making me give a surprise whine; but mother seems to be snoozing now, and father knows I am in good hands now. He's examining his other sons with the most fatherly smile; jeez you two, bear is kidnapping me! "Now then, did yeh know what Zeriq means? 'Graveyard', something that our clan keeps eyes on. Among other things." He just continues to laugh; "So what about Tigrerious? It stands for 'Mysterious', sounds like it would fit. Zeriq Tigrerious Haruk, the 'Mysterious Watcher over the Graveyard!"

It seems we're in some form of longhouse, should be the Jarl's longhouse considering what the nanny said… his deep emerald eyes staring at me as he speaks. This place is warm, and rather cozy really. I like it; ten out of ten on Trivago, though they seem to have walking tree bears. This one has a lot to say about the clan, Handrak, and Freyjan… and now we're going outside… and the warm cozy feeling is replaced by a general fresh and warm air. A slight chill, so we must be in a colder month, or climate.

"'EY! Yeh lazy louts! Come here and say 'ello to my grandson Zeri!" Gramps makes his way down the walk to the front gate of the yard, where a couple of guards, and people are waiting… is our birth really something that special? Well, I mean… okay, let's just gloss over that thought…

"So is this the little one that made Indra so bloody huge?" As gramps turns me around, I can see the guards, both decently equipped beast men of differing animals. Maybe an actual bear and wolf.

"Naw; the other two are inside sleeping… I have three grandsons, yeh know?" I swear, this family is gonna choke me in tears at this rate… as both guards and a cheer is raised amongst the crowd of what I surmise is some of the villagers. And from the hill we stand on, I can see that this is quite the large village… why is it a village? Shouldn't this be a town or city at this point?

"Ooooaooo!" If I was a normal baby, then wouldn't I be overwhelmed, but I can at least stand this; that is until everyone stares directly at me…

"Look at 'is eyes, don't they just sparkle like the stars?"

"Hes looking around, just look at curious this one is. Looks to be the perfect mix of both parents, eh? I can't wait to hear of their Patrons."

"Of course, he's the Jarl's grandson, so he has to be something special."

Boy these people are just speaking to themselves, I can differentiate conversations… as children come up… all differing races from what I can see. Wow, they're all very adorable. Gramps crouches down and can't even get close to their height; how tall is this guy? The smallest little child, who seems to be a girl with her spring blue locks waving in the wind; stares at me with eyes of topaz as she stands on tip toes to look at me while peeking over gramp's hands. I can't help but smile and laugh at someone so adorable; her eyes light up as she runs off to pull at an adult with amazement.

"Alright everyone, gotta take 'im to meet some others before 'is mother wakes. Everyone will get to greet all three of them in a couple days after the witch comes to give her outlook." Witch? Well, not like I have anything to worry about; thinking this as gramps begins walking to the back of the yard. I will blame him for how huge this place is, considering how big he is. Course he's only been here for so long, while the building and land has been here longer… so might not be fair to put all the blame on him.

Beautiful day, you'd think with the leg span of gramps, we'd be traveling just a bit faster; but it seems he is being leisurely of this whole thing. His hands are huge, comfy and warm… hopefully you won't die a meaningless death like last time…

"You won't know this, my small little child… but you're not the first child those two have had. You're the third. But the first born; they lost the other two during birth due to complications. They would have been four this year, twins." I can feel that he is a sentimental kind of man, and it's a deep emotion this man feels; what must it feel like to bury your grandchildren… to see your own child devastated…

"Oooooo… eeeeaaaoooo." I swear, this little baby mouth, unable to put words together that will allow me to show my emotions.

"I wonder if you can understand everything; my precious child. No matter what; I will protect you. I will protect them. I won't bury another; not again." Gramps, you're making me tear up here, you guys must have gone through so much. Seriously, how long is this courtyard?! "Here we are boy." Ah, there we go; as the old man bends down before what looks to be two small cairns that appear to be rather well taken care of.

"Hey there you two; I'm visiting you again on such a wonderful day. Today, your younger brother's were born safely into this world. I have the oldest here with me; his name's Zeri. Will you watch over them? Will you be happy that they can live, being your younger brothers?" He seems to be getting choked up as I stare at these cairns; a small smile on my face as I affectionately look at the stones, wondering how it would have felt to have older siblings.

"Oooooo, aaaaa, oooo!" Hey there you two; I'll bet you woulda been mother's favorites. Though she doesn't seem to be the type; it was you two that made me decide on her as my mother. She needs a good child, and maybe one of my youngers will be that for her. I swear, I'd laugh at that, you know? I doubt I'll be a good child, but I will do everything I can to make mother happy.

"I see you like them; your mother visits almost every day until she could barely walk. Apologizing everyday that she couldn't keep them safe." Gramps stands to his full height, and boy am I glad I don't have a fear of heights; "Well, I'll come visit again; this one must be getting hungry!" Now that you mention it; I haven't had a trauma for a while, might as well add to them. I'd wave bye to my siblings, but I don't quite have the motor skills as of yet.

Well, we're back here in the cozy little room; and the nanny is back it seems, with her little assistant helping clean the room up. I can tell my brothers are still asleep, but there's a strange sweet scent in the room; then Gramps hands me over to the still rough looking mother; jeez, making me feel bad.

"Did you enjoy your walk, my little Zeri?" Staring at me with those eyes is a lethal weapon, mother! How can one person be so pure… and of course her chest is out and waiting to feed her young; "I already fed your brother's and they're sleeping soundly. From what your father says, their channels opened up just fine." Channels?

"Indra, dear, I doubt Zeri would understand that since he was just born." Father, dear bastard, I can understand and I want to know more. "Now don't give me that look child; even though you'll learn later, no harm telling you." I can feel your chuckle, and I want to bite you… "Though it's strange… all three have teeth, of differing types. You're the only one with full fangs…" As he comes close and opens his mouth, showing a full set of dangerous looking fangs; every tooth a sharp razor meant for tearing into people; "Just like me, eh?"

"At least he has my hair, and eyes from my side of the family." Mother's jealous face is adorable, and she is warm. I could get used to this kind of treatment. "Mother's milk will help open your mana channels; so you can awaken your patrons and get appraised by the witch. Course your papa can also look at you with his eye; he is able to see quite a lot with that eye of his. The stubborn and paranoid bastard he is." Oh I can feel the overly sweet affection in those words; how much do you two love each other?

"I can, will, once you feed the little child. He must be hungry." Father, I am trying to avoid this a bit; but it's only natural for a baby to feed from their mother… might as well get this over with…

All I can hear are the sounds of my wife feeding our little firstborn son; the suckling being the sweetest music to my ears. Nothing can compare to the sound of this, and the pages turning in my book as I silently read next to those two and my other two sons. Three sons… I am now a father of three sons. What a day, and I have used all the luck in my life; marrying the perfect woman… having children.

"Zekiel?" Turning my head to look at my wife, we being the only ones in the room as the nanny and the Jarl had left, lord does this woman look as beautiful now as she did when we first met. "Zeri's finished, he's quite the glutton. Wish he'd give some of that feeling to Xihlis, child didn't eat much." I can see her smile easily in the flickering candlelight; patting the back of my oldest son, eliciting a burp from him easily. I wonder if he's being considerate, or if he is really just this easy to handle.

"Alright, hand him over and I'll take a look; don't want treachery to come to us." As I reach for Zeri… Indra just looks at me as she keeps him where he is;

"Zekiel, darling, you can see him fine from there… you don't need to take him from me to examine him with your eye; now do you?" Oh? I can feel the slight threat in that small voice of hers. Makes me smile a little fiendishly as I look at her defiant eyes;

"Alright; I can see him fine from here then, now calm down my dear. You just had a very long day, and you need rest." Reaching out to stroke the side of her face, the woman of my dreams giving just the smallest smile with a small purr; as I look at Zeri and let my eye open…

Holy shit, did his left eye just seriously light up in flame? Wait, is that… oh right; he did have Hannash as a patron with the Keeper's Eye as the first gift… so this is what it looks like… I wonder if I can do that?

"He's very healthy; and like the others he is born with three patrons." Oh, must not be maxed out like mine is; or he'd see through all truths. "Ugdralath is there as well; so all will have no issues with the rest of your family."

"I don't care what any of them think; they're my children I worked so hard to bring into this world. Anyone tries anything, I'll make them regret it." Oh, mama dearest is a tad protective. And her tone is simply adorable… though a bit scary.

"Yes, yes. I had barely anything to do with any of them, now did I?"

"Oh don't be like that; you know what I meant you sourly demon." Oh goody, didn't think I'd get diabetes in this world from how much sweet sugar is flying between these two. Anyway, so that's Keeper's Eye, huh? I honestly wonder how that works…

Buddha, Cthulhu, Spaghetti Monster? If you're listening, give me hints!

<"Channel mana from your forge; move to your right eye… evoke the eye.">

Thank you almighty lord above who… wait… now I know you must be Cthulhu; cause I have gotten knowledge and surely have gone fucking mad!

<"We'll meet soon. Have fun surprising your parents.">

Yup, I have lost all semblance of my mind… but I am still me… oh well, best not think of it and just do as almighty Cthulhu, with his raspy and hollow voice, has given his knowledge on. I mean; I know my body best really, and I can feel a sort of… so this is mana huh? Nearly parallel to the bloodstream, and converging in the area between my stomach and heart. Though consciously moving it is a tad difficult… hmmm… just like this? Oh, it's moving the way I want it to… towards my eye… he said the right eye?

"Well, that's interesting…"

"What's wrong? Did something happen?" I should be careful how I word things around my dear wife; "Is something wrong with my baby?" Yup, keep my mouth shut from now on…

"Don't worry dearest; it's just something odd in his status that is not anything dangerous, so don't give me that pitiful look." Rubbing her worried head, I just continue to look at Zeri; where his status is currently saying 'Concentrating on a task'. There's also some even stranger… 'Thinking of a Ghost of a Rose'…

As I am collecting my thoughts, I see a sort of small spark… something silver over the right eye of my child. I cannot help but get closer and look at him, his eyes not focused on me but on something… behind me? Is he so lost in thought… that can't be though; do newborns even have their own thoughts complicated enough?

"Zekiel, nothing is wrong with my baby?" Oh my dear, the worried tone in your voice really breaks my poor dead heart. Leaning close so I can kiss her temple; leaning onto her…

"My dearest, he's just thinking of something… that is what's going on."

"Oh dear, don't tell me you're taking after your papa, my little Zeri? Thinking about many things, and not sharing them?" That smile really is not playing fair, the smile of a mother who is staring at one that deserves every bit of it…

"I am sure he isn't doing anything that wo--" I swallow my words as his right eye comes to life though, and a silver flame coats it…

Huh… so this is what the eye is showing me… some form of status panel with tabs; and according to what the stats of the ability said, that I am able to learn everything about a person. So my mother is only twenty-four? And father is… ninety-seven? Robbing the cradle or robbing the grave, don't know and don't really want to know. Guess demons have a longer lifespan… let's just examine myself while I am here… oh, no idea what to compare it to with a newborn, but my numbers are rather impressive… a fourteen intelligence? That's my highest attribute.

"Darling… why is his eye…" Oh, right… that voice did say that I would be surprising both of my parents… and father is looking at me with a look of disbelief, and now he's laughing. "Dearest, seriously… what is going on?" More laughing; "Zekiel I swear on meh ancestors that I'll knock yeh block to the green moon!" And mama is mad, is it strange I find her slipping accent adorable?

"I need to speak to Runesca on this…" Who?

"What does your mother have to do with this? Why is his eye like this?" Mother is now trying desperately to gently bat at the flames, seeing if she can blow them out; which reminds me… how do you turn it off… maybe the reverse of… oh; there it goes; "Oh good, it's not doing that anymore… oh dearest me, why must today be so stressful…"

"Well, maybe it was a fluke?" Oh, is that so father? Fluke? Wanna bet, with my little cute devious smile, I hope… "I don't like that look in your eyes, and that smile…" Oh, so it's just so…

Following the same steps as before; I activate my eye, then turn it off, and do that a few more times so this bastard can understand that I did it on purpose. With each time, both my parents look more fuddled, my father laughing as my mother just stares at me with her mouth slightly open. See? I am doing this intentionally. You may now praise your genius of a son!

"Zekiel��� that's the Keeper's Eye, isn't it? And he activated it?"

"Yeah, that's the eye, and he as a newborn was able to activate a Patron ability… just like that… huh, this is a new feeling…"


"Pride. Pride that one of my children is able to do something so easily it took me years to do… little bastard beat me by five years!"

"Zekiel, language towards my baby; he's your son, so of course he's smart." Mother looks at me with a very gentle smile; "Zeri, you probably do understand us for some reason; know that we are proud of you for that… just stop scaring your mother." She then leans back on the bed and sighs softly as she closes her eyes; "Now I am sure you two don't require it, but seriously… that was the last of my energy… I'm gonna knock out for a few hours…" And knock out she did, I am sure she wanted to say more, as she mumbles to herself before falling into a deep slumber.

Though I sort of wished that she didn't have to fall asleep with me clung tightly in her arms, against her chest and her warmth. Would be nice if I can sleep here, like this… a mother's love…

"Well, guess you're not going anywhere for the time being, get comfortable kid; even I can't break out of her hold when she sleeps. I'll just go bother your brothers until she wakes up. They're not as nerve wracking as my smart little boy." He laughs, but I can still feel he is smiling warmly at me; so I didn't make any mistakes showing off… these two are a little too carefree…

<"That's what parents are kid…">

Oh right… forgot about you…

<"That hurts, right here in the hole where my heart was."> Lovely, and now I am hallucinating while I am trapped; couldn't this voice sound like a more cute girl? <"Kid… your thoughts… you're not just a newborn, are you?"> I take it your name is Mr. Shit Sherlock; first name No. <"Jokes, I'm gonna like you. Come into your forge, and we can talk some more… just bring your perception inside yourself, the eye will help with that.">

A small sigh comes from me, dunno if mental or physical, but honestly; do I have to do so much on the day I was born? I mean yeah, I'm older on the inside than the out, but seriously people; quite tiring being born… and can remember it.

Anyway, he said something about bringing my perception into myself, and that the eye will help me do that… honestly; not helpful. Might as well try anything really, not like it can hurt. Closing my eyes as I listen to my mother's heart beat, relaxing to the gentle rhythm of life itself.

Well, was not expecting this when I was told to come into my forge… a small cave with nothing around me; a window in the cave wall that shows some form of colorful night sky. A staircase leading up on one wall, with literally nothing else.

I am wrapped in some strange feeling of… familiarity?

Looking around the small cave, I don't really find anything of use save for some runes here and there; guess the only way to go is up. A sigh comes from me as I start heading up… wondering what is going on…