Liang Jingchuan's past

There was never a lack of kind people in the world, but being too kind was stupid.

All of the Lin family's misfortunes stemmed from her good intentions. If she had not allowed Liang qixuan to get close to her back then, she would still be herself, simple and ordinary. However, at least her family was still around.

Liang Jingchuan looked at the woman opposite him. At that moment, she seemed to be surrounded by a thick wall, not allowing him to get close at all.

The room fell into a brief silence. After an unknown amount of time, Liang Jingchuan said in a low voice,""She just fell in love with someone who doesn't deserve her love. She's not in the wrong. It's those who claim to be noble and trample on others."

Lin Yi looked at Liang Jingchuan in surprise. Was he trying to absolve himself of her past?

But ... Did he misunderstand something from the start?

She loved Liang qixuan? Ha, that's a little funny!