Chapter 2091-guilt

His voice was very calm, as if the abandoned child was just a character in the story and had nothing to do with him.

Lin Yi suddenly understood why Liang Jingchuan had been so unsociable and difficult to get along with back then.

Because she had been abandoned before, she was unwilling to trust others.

In fact, this was just a way of self-protection.

Actually, she didn't quite understand why Liang Jingchuan's mother had abandoned him after giving birth to him. Was it because she disliked his status?

She suddenly rejoiced that she did not look down on him because of his status back then. In fact, no one was more noble than the other.

"Have you ever thought of looking for her?" She looked at him and asked.

With his ability, it was too easy to find a person.

Liang Jingchuan's face was indifferent."There's no need."