CHAPTER 3 Batteling Against a Giant Scorpion

Erod opens his eyes and wakes up as he said:

"Really, I must get out of this desert and search for civilization so I can sleep soundly this cave is really is not befitting someone like me".

He gets up from the rock bed and notices that the sunlight going through the gapes and then he noticed that his body got taller and muscular and he said:

"This sunshine is really awesome my normal height is only 1,70 m but now I can say that I am definitely 2m and It's just the beginning of the day ".

after he opened the cave and got out, he watched the position of the sun and concluded that the hour is between 7 and 8. He then said:

" I must find something to eat even if am strong I can't stay without food ".

after that Eros started walking and searching for anything to eat.


" AAAAArrrrrrgghhhhh how come I can't find food I searched for three hours and found nothing".

Eros has travelled the desert for 3 hours searching for food yet he didn't find anything

At that moment the earth trembled and suddenly a big thing came out from under the sand and a giant mouth swallowed me in one moment.



Inside the monster stomach, Eros was walking and he only had one word to say, completely Disgusting. He then said again:

" hmmm, it seems I found my food for today".

after He said that, he immediately released the heat off from his body into the monster insides of the monster and it started boiling and after some time the smell of meat burning in the hole body increased. Eros then said:

" Well, I will play with you slowly and to see how powerful you are, after all, I want to enjoy a little ".

He then sat and started waiting. The movements of the monster started becoming more violent. Eros size also started getting bigger and bigger Then he said:

"Really even the heat that emitted from my body easily burned this giant worm but then again its this monster fault for attacking me I the lion sin of pride Eros and also daring to think that I am food really a fool "



After eating Eros the monster got out of the earth hole it was a Giant scorpion with three giant worm heads and giant mouths that can swallow anybody in one gulp which shows how terrifying it is and with his long tail and acid poison gushing out of the stinger and 2 giant claws it was so dangerous that any person will get slashed 1000 times.

Sometime later the monster started feeling something strange like his insides boiling and pain going through all his body he tried easing the pain by entering his cave in the tunnels.

Then It started moving but as it moved more the pain got stronger and its body showed burning marks and after a while, he couldn't resist the pain anymore and the fire burned it entirely from the inside and the pain killing it.

After a minute Eros cut through The thick skin and created a hole in his body and said then:

" This thing is really disgusting and I almost stayed for 1 hour inside his body that means it's between 11 and 12 ".

As he said Eros started looking at the cave and inspecting anything and perhaps finding by chance any treasure and he then said:

" This cave is really big I can't say how much I am under the earth and looking at this creature I really believe I am in a different world well at least I have now something to eat disgusting sure but edible".

Eros started cutting some meat and he didn't need to cook it because, after the one-sided burn, the meat was quite tasty. After some time Eros ate the whole meat and were full when he said:

" Although it looks disgusting its really delicious be proud scorpion because you've been good food for me now I will try to feel the world mana and after that get out of this place".

Eros then cleaned his mouth and sat away from the corpse of the scorpion. He crossed his legs and got in meditating position as he though in his mind

( Those from the novels always got in this kind of position to sense the Qi or energies around them so they can cultivate).

after 3 hours Eros of meditation, Eros was able to feel the world mana in the air. It was warm and has a white colour. After that Eros felt his mana sense increasing more and more until Eros was able to sense all the world mana in the large cave. He smiled and said:

"hhhhhhhhhhh I knew it I was able to sense the world mana. Something easy like this isn't difficult for me Eros sama I will reach the 1 stage and my legend will be known through all the Sarna world hhhhhhhh "

After that Eros started storing the world mana inside the sun tattoo and the tattoo started shining more and more and his tattoo started having a symbol.

The sun tattoo and the symbol shined and illuminated all the cave and after that Eros felt like his body broke into a new realm.

His energy became purer and his heat became more powerful even though it's technically afternoon by much. He then said:

" Finally I broke through the first stage easily because I am in a cave where world mana is abundant and dense hhhhh even my luck is great to find this I must really thank the scorpion although my pride won't let me and also because it is dead Hhhhhhhhhhhh ".

After getting up from his place Eros decided to get out so he tried to find an Exit where the air was coming from but after some thinking, he decided to stay in the cave until tomorrow because he wanted to rest.

At first, he had the idea of going out to test the night power he acquired but decided not to because he thought he must try and gain some control over his abilities first. he then said:

" I will stay for the night and start moving in the morning".

Eros lighted a fire camp and started remembering about his battle with the scorpion. he said:

" well this battle was quite boring and to be honest it one-sided match where I only emitted the heat and he was dead I didn't use any abilities so can't judge how much I am strong.

He then cut some meat from the scorpion and said:

" I also must find a way to battle some monster without them eating me or else how can I prove my power and awesomeness in this world and more importantly I must get or create some techniques oh damn I forgot need also a weapon god damn it why didn't wish for sacred treasures rhitta ".

He then thought in his mind

(Now that I think of it I could wish for a sacred treasure so, why didn't I do that hmmm????).

But he smiled and said:

" well, I will work with what I have and just add searching for a weapon, an axe if possible or finding a good blacksmith to create a one for me and also an armour a golden one if possible so I can really be perfect and a unique existence that nobody could challenge".

After that Eros started roasting some scorpion meat on the fire and ate until he was full and returned meditating. Eros meditated until the night.

He was able to stabilize his power of the first stage. he decided that tomorrow, he will test his new powers and thought in his mind

(I must learn how to control the power before I enter the cities or else I will destroy each city because of the heat my body emitted during the day especially in the high noon where I will be at my peak power 'THE ONE MODE ' I will make every person die ).

after that Eros closed his eyes and tried sleeping and thinking about tomorrow.