CHAPTER 4 Testing The New Powers

In the next day, Eros woke up and got up, after that he went to the scorpion corpse and cut his leg which he roasted it and ate for his breakfast and said:

" AH having meat for breakfast is really annoying I should find a way to leave this desert I mean who is the idiot who made a portal in the middle of a desert and makes I THE LION SIN OF PRIDE EROS thrown in this place. Mark my words I will find thou whoever thou are and wherever thou are because this is a promise I will not turn black on".

After that Eros followed the direction wind came from and after an hour and walking in different directions and even getting lost Eros found himself in front of a long vertical tunnel with a wide surpassing 40m going from up and going down to an unknown place. He said:

"Hmm, looking above I can see the light of the day that means I found my exit and the size of this huge tunnel make sure that the scorpion worm thing is not the one who dug this tunnel that means there is another beast in and it's a huge one".

[AN: I didn't find a good name so I named him scorpion worm ].

Eros started thinking about going down to search the tunnel for any signs of the monster and thought

( I must find a way to test my powers so I can compare myself to the powers in this world the earlier battle didn't give me enough information about the strength in this world).

[ AN: man that wasn't a battle you just roasted a scorpion for a dinner].

(And if I can't know about the power structure in this world perhaps I will die and couldn't know how I died).

Eros then said:

"For now I will just go down so I can explore the place down there and test my powers but the problem is how can I get there without injuring myself because even if I am the embodiment of strength, that won't make me grow wings ".

As Eros said that he started thinking about a way to descend and after some time suddenly he remembered something and said:

" How could I forget about such important thing it seems my excitement made me forget that I can fly and in an epic way hhhhhhhhhh I knew it, nothing can stop me I really must make some time to praise myself for having this good brain ".

As Eros finished saying that he jumped from the tunnel to the wide tunnel and he fell from a high altitude and said:

"This feeling is awesome. people who fall from this high place will pee there pants but something like this is funny and nothing that I fear".

After that Eros concentrated on the mana inside him and the symbol of the sun started shining.

Eros: "CRUEL SUN".

He directed his hand palm toward the bottom of the tunnel. A golden sphere appeared in his hand and high amounts of heat started emitting from it like a sun in the middle of the night.

Eros: " hahahaha finally the technique I always wanted to use the most epic attack ever. Whoever dares to come in front of me will melt like rubber and I will be the winner".

It was the mighty attack of cruel sun that Escanor used to burn his enemies to ashes. Nothing can escape from this attack and now he is able to use this technique.

He can even get on it and fly with it as escanor can do. Such an attack that can be devastating and dangerous, moves at high speed and can make all his enemies hide in fear and pray that he will spar them.

After getting up on his Sun his fall started slowing until he was able to float and he started going down slowly until he reached the end of the tunnel.

The moment he descended from the Sun, a Giant Black Spider with his 8 legs. It came and sneak attacked Eros with his acid venom that got out from his mouth and Eros tried to defend himself by using his sun to kill it with the heat.

Eros: (I must keep my calm and think through this situation this is the battle I longed for, I must win. No, it's guaranteed because I am the strongest man the legendary mightiest man strongest sin).

As the spider tried to take down Eros, he got out and distanced himself from him. he then directed his sun towards The giant spider.

Eros: "Don't die or I will be disappointed by how weak you are CRUEL SUN".

Eros launched his attack on the spider and then it hit him directly. Half his body burned completely and the other half was bleeding and the legs completely disappeared and what remained were only the bones.

The spider didn't understand how a fireball was able to injure him this much and made him half-cripple half-dead. It couldn't feel the whole left side of its body completely and only pain remained.

The spider: "argharghargh grharahra".

The spider started regretting going to the light because when it followed the light source and noticed a human it thought it was an easy food.

Who thought that the human was so strong that it couldn't even defend against the light ball the moment it hit him it didn't feel anything and after a fraction of a second he could only feel pain over its whole body.

Eros: "To dare attack me, hmph, you really don't have any once of luck. you even used a filthy disgusting acid poison on me, you really have no respect for the great me. Remember that you were killed by the lion sin of pride Eros-sama and be glad. Oh, it seems it's already dead hmph daring to die without my permission you really are a beast".

After that mini-battle with the spider, Eros made the sun sphere return to his side and started walking toward the inside of this cave.

Eros: (Really that was dangerous. its good that I didn't lose my calm some other person would have exploded the sun with pride flare and made the whole cave go down and die. As expected of me, the lion sin of pride Eros. Nobody can match me in strength and intelligence and keeping calm during hard death situations hahaha).

[AN: come on dude it would be surprising if you didn't keep your calm with that much power].

Eros: "It's really surprising, I didn't think I have that much power. Just one hit and I was able to make a giant spider go dead well it's not that surprising after all the spider tried to attack me. His fate was sealed the moment he thought of attacking me but for now, I will restrain my magical power because the first stage has increased my magical reserves and made my affinity with the Mana is better but my control is still not enough. I need to train and have control over this energy. For now, I will try to only use physical attacks and test the limits of this body of the 1 stage and I must again try to control my attacks if I ever need my enemies alive ahhh really I will still search underground perhaps I will find something useful for my training and can help me also get out of this desert".

After that Eros kept walking into the cave wanting to find something useful what he didn't know was that there was a surprise waiting for him at the end of this underground tunnel cave.

This surprise will have a change on him but the whole world he's in.