CHAPTER 5 Training And Power-Up

In the middle of a desert, the sun is rising on this barren place and void of life. You could even see a huge hole that resembles the gates of hell.

When you enter, you will find yourself and inside a long tunnel that led to the bottom of the island. In this tunnel is a little cave to the side that lives in it a young man.

the young man has green eyes and black hair. the young man is very handsome and even his body is quite muscled as all the muscles contract with each other to create a beautiful sight.

Eros who is inside the cave and since he woke up and With each passing minute his size grows and in his chest 2 tattoos one which is a sun symbol the moment you see it you will feel like your in front of a true sun and the other one is a symbol of number 1 but in Romain language '|'.

A scorching heat emitted from his body making the cave like a volcano and having only his black pants and beside him, shirt totally torn.

Eros: ( I must get out of these desert because of my changing size my t-shirt is gone and even my pants became wide and I can't fit in them anymore unless I am in the day form ).

Its been 2 months since Eros came to this world and in all the time he passed here, his power has raised to new heights because of his training.

Whether it's physical strength or magical power, his control over these aspects makes the old him 2 months ago looks like an infant.

After the spider incident, he continued to search underground and after hours he decided to return to the scorpion cave and made it his resting place.

he saw that his power was amazing but his control over it is really trash. He is very lacking by much so he decided on a training regime that can help gain the perfect control over his grace.

So for a whole month, each morning, he gets out and goes each time hunting monsters. What he noticed during this time was that in this desert was there were many scorpions worms and also all of them have one pattern of attack which is hiding under the sand and ambush its enemies.

After falling for their tricks many times, he was able to develop a sensing ability for killing intent or a danger like observation haki.

he also fought in the underground tunnel against many spiders and was able to discover that one of there weaknesses was fire so he used the heat that comes from his body to burn the silk and even the skin of spiders.

Each time he does that, he will leave marks of extreme burning in their body like they were inside an oven with a high degree of heating and each day was like this.

Through this hunting, Eros was also able to get the necessary food to stay alive and at the same time gain battle experience against monsters.

He also uses only his physical power in the surface to fight scorpions and not magical abilities so he can train his body and increase the stamina and endurance.

Against the spiders inside the underground tunnel, only emitting his heat and magic attacks. He then returns to the cave afternoon.

When he returns to the cave, he rests for some time and eats his lunch. During his stay in this cave, he was able to find an underground source of water that the scorpion used for drinking water.

After exploring different tunnels, in the end, he found that all the sources of water come from a big underground lake, so after he returns from the hunting he goes to the lake to bring water for drinking and to clean his body.

Eros: (Although this is not befitting someone great like me, for someplace in the middle of the desert this is quite acceptable).

In the afternoon he returns to the cave and start sensing the mana and store it inside the sun tattoo. At first, it was quite hard storing the mana and also stabilizing his own new power at stage 1 because when he brook through the first stage last time it was surprising and he didn't have the time to concentrate on that.

After some time, he was able to easily sense the mana. The mana was white energy that gave a warm feeling when outside his body and when it entered through his body when meditating it gathers and goes to the sun tattoo making it shine like a true sun and gives in unfathomable burning energy.

[AN: I changed the WM into just mana and there won't be magus-mana and Ki-mana. There will be mana, Ki, spiritual power].

After a month of training like this, one night, after eating the beast meat, he went out above to the surface at midnight where he is at his weakest form and tried to use his powers.

What he discovered was that he could control it with his will whether he wants to activate it or not but the longest time he can stay in this form during the night is only for 2 hours as mentioned in the explanation of the first level of the Divine sun cultivation technique.

He was able to launch attacks like CRUEL SUN only for limited times and he also tried PRIDE FLARE which made the fire sphere create a huge explosion.

Along the attack, a few numbers of monsters among them, 3 scorpions of what Eros killed last time and also 1 tiger-like creature.

It was a tiger who was almost 3m long and 2 meters large with white fur and also a long fluffy tail and 2 giant horns coming out from his head and with 2 big wings.

It was killed because it was beside the explosion when it happened. So after that Eros got many bests and didn't need to concern himself with food anymore because he had more than enough.

Eros: "I must search next time for this winged tigers perhaps they will see my powers and be tamed by me and I can leave this desert finally and go and find civilization and create a legend for myself in this world".

As Eros finished saying that he returned to his cave. In the next day, he changed his daily routine by training in the morning his physical abilities only by doing push-ups and sit-ups and squats and boxing.

The afternoon he goes to the surface and using the corpses of animals as a weight attaching it to his body he runs until the sunset.

This was Eros daily routine for the first 2 weeks of the second month and after this mad training, he noticed that his body has gained in endurance and durability.

Now, even if he fought against the scorpion again, he can easily match it in speed and strength and when it launches the claws on Eros it will break the claws because his body now is like a diamond can't be damaged by normal attacks.

In the last 2 weeks, he stopped the intensive training of his body and physical abilities and only doing normal training like normal running and only push-ups.

He started concentrating again on his mana store again so he can try improving his magical abilities and create new ones and so after he finished his morning body training he stays in the cave the whole day and tries to control the mana inside his body stored in the sun tattoo.

After days, he discovered that even in the day he could control the ability of sunshine and activate or deactivate his body transformation.

Eros: (This cultivation technique is really amazing after cultivating just the first stage I am now able to control my transformation in the day even Escanor was able to do that only thanks to the glasses that Merlin gave him and even that took time only after studying his abilities and yet this technique gave me the same effect and I can even control the amount of heat with this I will be able to walk among normal people without worrying about hurting them although it doesn't matter for me I need information about this world and to do that I must enter some city without melting it) .

As Eros finished thinking about his next plans he decided that on the next morning he will get out of this cave and search for some winged tiger so he can get out of this desert.

After that, he noticed that his power begun decreasing and understood that the sunset has come and he started preparing dinner when he suddenly heard some screams coming from the surface.

Eros: (what is this. I could swear that I heard someone crying for help).

after that, he started running towards the end of the cave and when he faced the wide tunnel he heard some sound.


It was coming from above in the surface and from the voice, he knew that a child was calling for help.

When Eros heard that, he knew that he wasn't hallucinating and without wasting a second he jumped and Said:


He directed his palm towards down and his sun like fire sphere appeared and he jumped on it and begun ascending towards the surface.