CHAPTER 6 The 4 powers of the desret of MOXI

After Eros reached the surface he noticed that there was a bunch of scorpions. There is about a dozen of them.

What made Eros surprised a little is that these scorpions had a lower body of a scorpion worm with the same look as the worm scorpions but instead of the three worm head there was an upper human body and it was like they were part human, part scorpion.

For Eros, it is quite surprising because he came from a world has only humans and normal animals lived and seeing this kind of creatures for the first time will surprise anybody who came from the modern world.

At the middle of this bunch of man-scorpions, there are two twin girls who wear tattered clothes like those from the barbarian tribes wear.

One of them has blonde hair and green eyes and is injured and also unconscious while another one which surprised Eros has blue hair and two different eye colors.

One eye is blue while the other eye is surprisingly black. Eros didn't expect to find someone with heterochromia here.

The girl looked terrified and afraid of what might these beasts do to them. What made Eros more surprised is that even with all of this happening the blue haired girl tried to protect her sister from this cruel monsters.

After seeing all of this, Eros already decided to help the two girls. Even though it the sunset time, the sun hasn't completely disappeared so there is still some time at least 2 hours before the sun goes down.

He can use his powers although his abilities won't be as strong as in the day, he can still deal with them. If by any chance, he can't finish them before the sunset he can use his 2 hours of night time and destroy them.

With that much power, he will easily finish them with 'CRUEL SUN' and he can also use the new techniques that he created during the training.

Eros started running to the scorpion beasts who were laughing and looking at the girls like prey to eat and this made Eros enraged. He started accelerating towards one of the beasts and suddenly he activated his sunshine.

His size grew a little because he was at the sunset time but that was just enough as he started gathering the heat emitting from his body towards his hand and concentrating on it he launched all the heat.

Swoosh Swoosh

Eros appeared a little away from them and he launched his attack.


scorpion beasts turned to see where the voice came from and also see what happened. What they see is only light as solar beam came and pierced them at the chest and 3 of the beasts died without even knowing how they died.



In the middle of the desert, one girl with blue hair and two different eye colors, one black and the other blue is carrying her unconscious bleeding sister with blonde hair and green eyes On her back.

Behind them is a bunch of scorpions with upper human bodies walking leisurely and laughing at the two girls. They seemed to enjoy the misery of the two girls.

Scorpion A: "come on girl run more and faster because if we catch you and your sister will be eaten by us brothers hahahahaha".

scorpion B: "yes, we will kill you and roast your body hahahahaha and even let the rest of your body here so it rots in this big desert hahahaha".

the blue haired girl tried to escape from them but after some time she wasn't able to run anymore and started yelling.


The girl was desperate to save her sister who is injured and didn't think that there somebody here in the desert who can save her and closed her eyes.

????: (why why-why did this happen what did our tribe to deserve something like this my mother and father and all the tribe died and even my sister was injured in her shoulder all of this was. because of those monsters everybody died under the hands of these evil scorpions beasts they are monsters we were living a peaceful life in the oasis and these monsters came and killed every person of the tribe and now they don't want to let us escape and are chasing after why why-why!!!?????).

She fell in the middle of the sand and couldn't go and run anymore. The moment she opened her eyes, she saw that the monsters were already there and watching her with eyes of a predator looking at its prey and with there disgusting claws playing with them.

scorpion B: "prepare your self we will eat you and let your sister see us as we eat you hahaha".

scorpion C: "let's hurry we must return to the camp leader Korio is preparing his meeting with the other 3 leaders of the different monsters of the area and we need to be there or else we will be punished".

The moment he finished saying that they heard someone yelling.

Eros: "SOLAR BEAM ".

Scorpion A, B, C who were in the front turned and saw some light. They didn't understand what happened but all of them felt pain in their chest.

They then looked down and each one of them saw a big hole in his chest. They didn't understand what happened and then fell down.

The blue haired girls saw the three scorpions dead thought in her mind

????: (Are we finally going to be saved ???).

At that moment she saw a black haired man with green eyes and you could see in the depth of those eyes an unfathomable power and some rage that could kill anybody who is in his way.



After Eros took down three of the scorpions the other ones panicked and didn't understand how their captains died.

Because of 2 of the scorpions who died where the leader and vice-leader of the unit, the other man-scorpions didn't know how to fight as a unit without there leader.

They were in a total disorder and Eros took this chance and launched another SOLAR BEAM and killed 2 other scorpions and only 7 scorpions are alive and the moment.

Eros reached one of the remaining scorpions, he tried to attack him with his claws but he wasn't able to reach Eros because he dodged the claws thanks to his fast reactions that he acquired during his training.

At that moment he punched with all his powers the chest area of the upper body of the scorpion.

His punch penetrated through the scorpion body easily and immediately started running to the next scorpion and killed him with the same tactic with one punch.

The remaining scorpions were terrified of this human that was able to kill half of the unit without even sweating and they didn't think of attacking and fighting at all but just started running away.

Eros: "Do you think you can escape hmph let us see where you can run CRUEL SUN".

A sun sphere came from the direction of the tunnel and hit 4 of the remaining scorpions and burned them completely. In a moment only all their bodies became ashes.

What remains is only one only scorpion, when he saw his friends turning into ashes he lost any thoughts about running and tried to beg for his life.

Scorpion D: "please spare my life, I beg you to let me go".

When Eros saw that he was disgusted by this beast and said:

"If you answer my questions I may think of sparring your useless life".

When the scorpion heard that he was happy and said:

"Yes, I will answer any question that this mighty sir ask me".

When Eros heard that he said :

"First, where are we exactly and give me the exact place. Second, why did you chase these two girls to this place? Third, how much there are of your kind and who give me all the races that live in this desert".

When the scorpion heard the question he was glad because he knew most of the answers and even if they aren't exact they are still answers.

Scorpion D: "For the first one we are on the western side of the MOXI desert in the MOXI island. This island is a big desert and is positioned on the south of the LEFIA kingdom. The LEFIA kingdom territory is a mix between 3 big islands and a part of the land of the southwest of the western continent of the Sarna world. The southwest is called the southwest plains and is a little isolated because of the southwest mountains".

Eros: "So this place is called the southwest plains, interesting. Continue, answer my second question".

Scorpion D: "Yes, you see, on this island there are 4 powers called the 4 powers of Moxi island. I am part of an army of one of them and he ordered us to capture these two girls. His name is the Scorpion King".

Eros: "scorpion king???".

"These four lords lead four different powers and they are also the ones who are ruling this island".

Eros: " Tell me everything about them. I want to know how powerful they are".

Scorpion D: " The First one is the scorpion king Korio. The second one is the spider queen Shirafilia. The third one, ruler of the sky winged lion saydon. Finally, the darkness beast glasiosh".

When Eros heard their names, he felt the excitement and also happy because he's gonna finally meet powerful people.

Scorpion D: "Each one of them is a leading power on this island. the first one scorpion's tribe led by korio and the spiders led by queen shirafilia and finally the tiger's tribe led by saydon".

Eros heard that and looked at him waiting for something.

Eros: "What about the last one???".

Scorpion D: "You see the last one doesn't lead any power. He doesn't care about establishing power and nobody knows why. He came here 40 years ago. Thanks to his power which makes him in the same league as the leaders, nobody dares to confront him themselves".

Eros: "Interesting, very interesting. It seems like this island has really true powerhouses and if I fight them and defeat them I will be one of the strongest guys in the hole kingdom of LEFIA".

As he finished saying that Eros asked the scorpion.

Eros: "Tell me how much the 4 leaders power compared to the powers of the kingdom???".

"Honestly I don't know but if the 4 leaders didn't exist the island would have been conquered by the humans".

"That means they are at least on the same power of the elite of the kingdom hahaha. finally, I found opponents who can make me use some of my powers. Just don't disappoint me 4 leaders or else you will die under the hands of the lion sin of pride Eros-sama hahahaha".

As he said he turned towards the girls and noticed the blue-haired girl looking at him with a hopeful look wishing for him to save her sister.

Eros: "Fear not girl. I will not hurt you and your sister. I, Eros will save you now so you can rest".

The moment Eros said that to the girl, she only said some words and immediately lost consciousness.

????: "thank you please help my sister she is injured"

the girl looked relieved and has a thankful expression on her face even though she is asleep.

Eros turned to the scorpion man and looked at him.

Eros: "As for you, to dare bully the weak and fear the strong you don't have any dignity and you even chase after little girls and make them stay awake only by their own will. You deserve the most severe punishments ".

When the scorpion heard that he was terrified and said:

"Sir you said you will spar me if I answer your questions and I answered them ".

Eros: " I said I 'may ' and after I heard what you did with the village. I will not spar someone like you. My pride won't let me do that".

He then punched him in the chest and killed him and burned the corpses and took the two girls with him and returned back to the cave.