CHAPTER 7 Lina and Lisa (1)

Its been 3 hours since the battle with the scorpion-men and after the sun completely disappeared. Eros brought the 2 girls with him to the cave and made a quick run to the lake.

He took the water back and then he started cleaning the wounds on their skin.

Eros: (Although I am an Otakou, I wasn't a shut-in. I was studying medicine and in my 4th year. Nothing can stop me, the lion sin of pride. I will heal these little wounds and make them like there was nothing that happened to them).

The wounds on the blonde girl were just some scratches except for a one wound on her shoulder which looked like a sword slash looking at it from the back.

As Eros finished inspecting her wounds he started cleaning her body and had to take her clothes. Eros felt like he is molesting a child and because of that, he tried to reason with himself.

Eros: (There is nothing wrong, it's for her sake when she wakes up she must be glad I took care of her. Don't think, just know that what you're doing is for the sake of saving the girl. you are not molesting a child, how can the lion sin of pride Eros think of this, I am helping her with her wounds so she can get better also I don't like little girls so I will not do anything indecent to her, I am not like Escanor who likes loli merlin, snap out of it Eros).

After cleaning her wounds Eros used some of his T-shirt as a bandage and used it on her shoulder after that he returned her clothes again and let her rest so she can recuperate.

Eros: (She needs medical care because I didn't close the wound I only stopped the bleeding so she can't move or else the wound may start bleeding and she won't survive if she loses too much blood).

After That Eros turned to the blue-haired girl and did the same thing but contrary to her sister she didn't have critical injuries and is just exhausted from running and carrying her sister and going through all the desert.

Finished taking care of the girls he carried them to a bed that was made of the fur of the few winged tigers he killed during the hunt and left them to rest.

Eros started questioning himself about the ability to communicate with other people of this world and being able to understand the language of this world even though he isn't from here.

how was he able to learn the language? After some thinking and remembering the events he noticed that when he was talking to the girl and the scorpion he wasn't speaking English but another completely different language.

a language that he never saw back on earth. In the end, he concluded that the moment he entered this world through the portal door he was able to master the language of this world.

Eros also started thinking about his earlier battle and said:

"This time I was able to easily destroy a whole bunch of scorpion-men with ease, but what also helped me was the first attack because when the scorpions saw that three of their comrades were killed instantly, they totally panicked and weren't able to fight back and this shows how my first attack was so strong".

SOLAR BEAM is an attack created by Eros during his training. It was based on the ki attacks of DBZ and Eros changed the source which is ki by the heat emitted from his body.

He gathers all of that heat into one point and launches it in one direction. Thanks to this, he is able to do long-range attacks aside from CRUEL SUN because having many cards in your sleeve may save you one day.

Eros: "There also my physical power which is quite high because I was able to penetrate the chest of these monsters with one punch. I didn't even suffer any injury and also my fast reaction enabled me to dodge the claws with ease. they even started hitting me more with their claws and not even a drop of blood appeared. the claw didn't even go through my skin now I can say that the strength of my skin is as strong as diamond but most importantly".

As he finished saying that he looked at himself and thought about the one thing that bothered him a little.

Eros: (Why didn't I feel anything when I killed those guys. Even if they were monsters, they were still creatures that were alive. I killed them with my own hands and far more than that I killed and nothing happened to me not fear, remorse, guilt, anger, hatred and I didn't even find pleasure in the killing it was just like that).

Eros looked at the ceiling of the cave and sighed as he continued saying.

Eros: "Perhaps the grace influenced my thinking and made my emotions sealed. Especially when I kill people. No, that can't happen. If the grace really sealed my emotions, I wouldn't feel rage when I saw them playing with the two girls or when I was glad that I have come to this place. At all these moments, the grace was inside me and I am sure that those were my true emotions and feelings".

Eros: "Then why didn't I feel anything during the killing of those scorpion-men? Even when I killed the scorpion worm heads and the spiders I felt disgusted and now nothing. Perhaps because of their upper human body, I considered them part of humans and so I felt nothing when I killed them. No, if that was true the logical answer was to feel something because as a fellow human I killed one of my own race".

After more thinking into this situation, the only answer that came to his mind was that his own emotions for killing were non-existing just like having no-effect of the commandment of love on Escanor when he battled Estarossa.

Eros: (Which means during my day form I will not feel any remorse towards that I kill I will even pity them for standing against me).

Eros had another answer but he wasn't sure about it because if it was true that means that killing for him was a part of him.

Because he was in the modern world, the killing was punished and because he didn't have the power to go against the law he made his killing intent dormant and this made him suspicious of his true nature and if it made him a natural born murderer.

After that, Eros didn't continue to ask himself about because it didn't harm him in any way so he started sensing the mana and storing it inside the sun tattoo.

Eros wanted to try to break through the first stage and go to the second one so he can then go and battle the 4 leaders and at the same time protect the girls from any harm.

Although their physical injuries healed, the mental ones are still there and they the true injuries.

It will leave a scar in there mind and it will take a long time for them to forget all the events.

Eros: (It's truly unfortunate for this girls to have this fate but I will make sure to get them out of this island no matter what, it is a promise).

After that he went to the surface to scout and if any back-up is coming to annihilate this forces.

He took the spear he got from those scorpions he killed. After burning the corpses he noticed that one of them had a spear with him and although the spear was quite not the good one it was still acceptable until he finds a good weapon that can resist the heat of his body.

After finding nothing, he returned at the cave and noticed that the blonde girl had woke up and was staring at the whole cave and suddenly when she heard Eros footsteps she turned to Eros direction and started asking him immediately.

(blonde girl): "Who are you??? where are we??? who saved us??? and where are the scorpions that attacked us??? Answer me now".

When Eros heard her questions and saw her bossy attitude, Thia made him quite angry so he decided to play with her a little and so Eros started talking.

Eros: "Why should I answer your questions?? little girl you are in my place and you will abide by my rules. I only saved you because you were with that girl who asked for my help otherwise I wouldn't even think of saving someone who is as ugly as you".

As Eros finished saying that the girl started blushing and was furious and said:

"I am not ugly. My papa and mama said that I and my sister are the most beautiful girls ever in the whole world ".

Eros: "(smirk) heh, you the most beautiful?!! Yes perhaps your sister is beautiful but you??!! With that bossy attitude of yours, I doubt you're really beautiful because to be a beauty you must be beautiful from the outside and even inside your heart. If you don't know that then you're a naive girl".

As Eros finished saying that he saw the girl furious face and even some tears started dropping and he thought.

Eros: (Perhaps I have gone too far).

When he was about to say something both of them heard the blue haired girl saying:

"So much noise let me sleep".

Both of them didn't talk anymore and only stared at each other then the blonde girl sighed and looked at Eros as she asked him.

(blonde girl): "Mister what is your name?? "

Eros: "It's rude to ask someone about there names without introducing themselves isn't it??".

This time the girl only pouted but didn't care about it anymore and just answered.

(blonde girl): "My name is Lisa and I am 10 years old almost 11. This beside me is my twin sister Lina. We are from kalssouna tribe in the MOXI island and we are the only........ well, we were the only human tribe on this island and now your turn hmph".

Eros: "Well I am a unique existence in this world, a higher being that is at the peak of this world. I am one of the seven deadly sins, Lion sin, Pride sin lord Eros. Be grateful to be born in my world".

Eros: (Finally, I always wanted to introduce myself like this in front of someone even if I am in front of a child, I still look badass. I knew it, if I had a badass weapon it would've been perfect in every way).

He then turned noticed that Lisa expression was that of someone seeing looking at a crazy man. She then shook her head and said to him.

Lisa: "Mister are you okay?? did you hit your head or something??".

When Eros heard that he didn't get angry but on the contrary, he started laughing.

Eros: "You girl, I don't resent you for not knowing the sun lord when you see him. After all, I am a legend and even the most ancient person in this world can't perhaps know me. Well, it doesn't matter I will create a new legend of the sun lord Eros".

When the girl heard that she didn't concern herself with him anymore and turned to the cave and said.

Lisa: "Mister where are we?? where are the other scorpions ???".

Eros: " Sigh, you are in my resting place. This is a cave that belonged to a filthy scorpion worm. As for your second question, I was the one who killed those scorpions. All of those despicable monsters because they didn't deserve to live".

Lisa looked at him surprised and started saying hurriedly.

Lisa: "Impossible, to be able to defeat 12 scorpion men at the same time even the village chief who was the strongest in our tribe was only able to defeat 2 of them at the same time and after using all his power, he died immediately after succumbing to death because of the poison and injuries".

After Eros heard that he said, with a prideful tone and arrogant expression.

Eros: "Hmph, Of course, I can don't compare to your little village chief I am the incarnation of power and the embodiment of invincibility".

suddenly Lisa and Eros heard another girl voice. They then looked at that direction and found the blue-haired girl, Lina looking at them and then started talking.

"It's true sister. He was able to finish them all with ease and burned all of them. They became ashes. Again sir, thank you for saving me and my sister. My name is Lina and I truly thank you for saving us".

At that moment, both Lisa and Eros turned and found that Lina is awake. Lisa started running towards her sister and said to her.

Lisa: "Lina, are you alright?? do you feel any pain??".

Lina "I am okay. just tired because of running but thanks to mister Eros, we were saved and you, what about your shoulder injury??".

Lisa noticed that her injury was bandaged and knew that Eros was the one to heal her and stop the bleeding. Lisa then remembered and said to him.

Lisa: "thank you for saving us and am sorry about earlier".

Eros: "It doesn't matter I don't hold a grudge. What I want to know is how did you get here?? and what do you mean when you said the only human tribe ???".

When they heard the two girls feces became pale and lost all color. Tears started falling then Eros said:

"If it's painful you don't need to tell me ".

Lina then said:

"No I will tell you everything and when I end my story...please I want you to grant me one request".

Eros nodded and she started telling the story.