CHAPTER 8 Lina and Lisa (2)

After Eros nodded Lina started talking about the story of the there tribe.

Lina: "Our tribe history is related to the founding of the empire of Argalia".

Eros: "Argalia empire?? is it related to the LEFIA kingdom by anyway?".

Lisa looked at him with a puzzled look and turned towards Lina. They got a little suspicious. Everybody who lived or lives in the southwest plains must know about this.

Lisa: " You don't know about the Argalia empire??? That means you're not from the southwest plains??".

Both Lina and Lisa looked at him surprised that someone doesn't know about the Argalia empire.

Eros: "Yes I don't really know about this Argalia empire because I am not from the western continent. I came from a far place in the west called Britannia.

Eros: (They must not know that I came from another world or else I will have some problems in this new world).

As the girls heard that they were shocked that Eros came from such a far place because it was really tough to come from another continent without the airships.

Eros didn't look like someone having one of those and what made them more shocked is that they never heard of a place called Britannia in west far from the western continent that only means that it's like a hidden world.

Lina: " Cough cough, the Argalia Empire was founded 30000 years ago by the genius of that era and the most powerful Mage of the southwest for a whole 5000 years Charles Argalia".

Eros looked unimpressed by what Lina said. Eros didn't think too much about it because he didn't know the average power on this continent.

Lina: "He raised the flag of rebellion against the evil demon soul sect and battled against them. thanks to him and his allies, the sect was destroyed and All the southwest plains people were freed. After that Charles crowned himself as an emperor and prosperity came to the empire in his life and then he gave the throne to his son and secluded himself to study magic".

Eros who heard that felt the respect and the adoration in Lina tone. It seems like Everybody who is born in the southwest plains loves and respects the Great Mage.

Lina: "Many years after that, when his death became near, he built a great tomb. Nobody knows where it is he put in it all his treasures and sacred weapons and many other secrets that only he knows in there. Before his last breath he said to them and I quote 'To whoever finds my treasures; if you can pass the tests inside the tomb you will be worthy of everything inside it'. Since that day everybody searched about the location of the tomb but til now, nobody found the exact location or any information about this tomb. Many people started thinking about it as a normal legend among the past legends".

When Eros heard this he started laughing in his mind and thought.

Eros: (Really, he didn't want to be like those numerous kings that are like the grains of sand so he decided to build the great tomb so nobody can forget his legend. He even made it like the great pirate era just to find the one piece hahahahahahah).

[AN: Yea the idea is just like the one piece. Because I am a huge fan, I needed to at least make some reference and don't expect for him to create a crew and go search for the tomb hahahaha].

Lina: "Hey hey, Mister Eros, did you hear what I was saying?? if you don't want to hear I can stop".

Lisa was looking at Eros and giggling and laughing at Eros misery.

Lisa: (hihihi, sister doesn't like when people ignore her. This is the payback hhhhhh ).

Eros who saw the angry expression of Lina, smiled and thought of cute she is looking. he then hurriedly replied to her.

Eros: "Yes, of course, I am hearing. you can continue your story".

When lina heard this she pouted just like her sister and started saying.

Lisa: "You see, after the death of Emperor Charles the power of the empire decreased and became weak along with the passing years. After 10000 years of founding the empire, the 20th emperor of Argalia was assassinated and because he didn't choose the next emperor, the three princes declared war on each other and each one them crowned himself as an emperor".

Eros nodded and started thinking about where did this war go to. Lina was about to continue when suddenly Lisa interrupted her f and continued the story.

Lisa: "In the end, the great empire of Argalia had fallen and three new kingdoms emerged which are, kingdom of Yodatia led by the crown Prince Athos who changed his name to Athos Yodatia. The second kingdom of Ailonia led by Aramis Ailonia and finally the Lefia kingdom led by Rochefort Lefia".

Lina looked at Lisa who shut her mouth and looked for Eros to protect her. Eros shrugged his shoulders and said nothing. He just smiled.

Lina: "After these events, any hope of finding the tomb of emperor Charles completely vanished until 500 years ago".

When Eros heard that, a glimmer appeared on his eyes. He looked at Lina waiting for her to continue.

Lina: "A general of Lefia kingdom, Ivan Genk rebelled against the throne and his rebellion failed. he was sentenced to death as for the remaining family and all the servants they were exiled to this place called The MOXI island. In reality, the general was never thinking of betraying the throne and the kingdom".

Eros: "What happened??".

Lina: " The real reason for all of this play was because the Ivan family was in possession of a map.

Eros: "A map??!!".

Lina: " A special map that could lead to the location of the tomb. It wasn't the royal family who wanted to exile the Ivan family but the general traded the map for the life of the family and he was the only one who knew where the island is. So he gave the royal family a fake map and died".

Eros: "What happened to the other members?!!".

Lina: "The Ivan family who has been exiled to the Moxi islands was saved by the general sacrifice. They then turned their names and became the kalssouna tribe of the Moxi islands".

When Lisa finished saying the story both of them started crying, feeling anger and hatred towards the royal family because of the false crime they gave them.

Even making there lives hell in this monster island for 500 years. Eros came to there side and hugged both of them and said to them.

Eros: "No need to be afraid anymore. I will protect both of you. Be glad for that because I the lion sin of pride Eros is going to take revenge for you and your family".

When the girls heard that both of them were surprised at how Eros phrased that. Then both of them started laughing and felt like they have now someone that can protect them from this dangerous world.

Eros saw the expression of the two girls and thought in his mind

Eros: (For two little girls who are still just in their childhood and to hold this much burden when they should be playing and having fun. This world is really cruel to the weak I will not abandon them).

As he finished saying that he remembered something and said.

"Wait a moment you said that the general gave the royal family a fake map and decided for your exile to be on this monster island that means one only thing".

Lisa and Lina said at the same time.

Lisa, Lina: "You're right, the location of the tomb of the great emperor Charles is in the MOXI desert".

Eros: "Wait a minute, doesn't that that makes the royal family of Lefia kingdom even more stupid for not discovering the general plan. I mean, if after 500 years, they couldn't find the treasure, they should've understood the general plan by now".

Lina: "It's not like they didn't think of it but there was something that made them ignore this kind of possibility. Because the fake map showed them that the treasure tomb is on an island that resembles the island where the royal capital".

Lisa: "They didn't care when the general sent us here. perhaps it was because they thought that he wanted to make his family stay away from the Lefia kingdom and so granted him his wish before his death nobody knows what the king thought at that time".

Eros: "Greed really blinds huh. By the way Lina, what is your request now??".

Lina looked at him with those blue and black eyes and then wiped her tears and gave him a serious look.

Lina: " Sir Eros, I saw how you fought those monsters and that made me admire your great power. can you help us so we can find the tomb? We want to kill the Scorpion King who slaughtered our whole tribe".

When Eros saw her face expression he noticed something and thought

Eros: (So she didn't trust me even after saving her. She was afraid that I might kill them after obtaining the map and so decided to tell me the story and make me promise her that I will help her. hahahahah I fell for a 10 years old plan trap. If people heard this, he would be a laughing stock for all the people).

[AN: OH, believe me, you are already a laughing stock and you don't need to be ashamed. After all, Lina is.... oops spoiler alert].

Eros looked at her then smiled. he then said to her.

Eros: "You're quite smart for a 10 years old girl. but not enough for me to acknowledge you. One Last question how did you know for sure that I won't kill you after telling me your tribe secret".

Lina smiled and looked at him.

Lina: "Because you're the lion sin of pride aren't you? The pride you have is immense and won't let you kill two harmless girls".

Eros: "Perhaps I said that so I can deceive you and in reality, I am a psychopath who enjoys killing people".

Lina: " giggle, giggle. You can't because I have a magical ability called 'eye of truth' it gives me the ability to discern between the lie and truth and when you said you're going to protect us you were sincere. At that moment I decided to trust you".

Eros turned to Lisa and waited for her to also answer him. Lisa then smiled and looked at Lina.

Lisa: "Yes, I trust sister because she is Never wrong when it comes to the feelings of someone so I also trust you".

Eros turned around and said to them.

Eros: " Hmph, both of you are naive. for now, rest and after that, we will think of what we will be doing next".

he went out of the cave to the lake and heard the two sisters giggling and laughing.