On the North side of the Moxi island there lies the ruins of the kalssouna tribe village. The distance between the village and where Eros lives is about a one-day travel distance.

This means that Lina ran carrying her sister on her back for a whole day trying to escape away from the scorpion-men.

This also showed how strong and iron-willed she is. Looking at the east side of the village a huge number of scorpion-men are stationing themselves in the village.

Its been one day since the attack on the kalssouna village and because of the great victory, the leader, his Majesty the scorpion king Korio and the elders of the scorpions of the desert tribe decided on celebrating for three days.

The number of scorpion soldiers is over 2000. that also shows that the reason for the village fall is the huge number of enemies that was like a flood of water and made them sink in the ocean.

In the middle of the scorpions camp, there is a big tent. Inside this big tent were three Sp-men and one Sp-woman sitting in a grand table that can make the lower body comfortable and are drinking the wine and laughing.

[AN: from now on the abbreviation for the scorpions will be Sp and for the Spiders Sd ]

????: "Who thought that the great tomb of emperor Charles was in this desert and all these years we were sitting on a legendary treasure without knowing. What's more, now that we have the real map I bet that each one of the royal families of the three kingdoms will die from anger and spit blood hahahaha. Finally, after we find the treasure we will conquer the Lefia kingdom and invade the islands and create our own empire hhhhh if emperor Charles knows that the beast race is the one to find his treasure and not those filthy humans, he will be rolling in his grave".

The one who said that was the king of the scorpion tribe Korio. He is the strongest scorpion and one of the 4 powers controlling the Moxi desert.

His lower body was that of the black scorpion one of the deadliest and poisonous scorpions famous with his big black claws and long strong tail and the Orange stringer.

For his upper body, his eyes were deep yellow and rumored for its deadly gaze that can make his enemies souls escape from there bodies instantly and die.

He also has an arrow tattoo on his forehead and he protected his brown hair from sand storms with a red bonnet. His weapon was a black bow made by a rare metal found in this desert called cadiforum.

This Astonium is a metal able to channel the mana inside it and was of a high price in the different kingdoms of the southwest plains.

This arrow gives the ability to make the channeled mana in the form of an elemental arrow according to the affinity of the user.

The king turned to the Sp-woman. She is the first elder of the Sp-tribe called Zrinka. Although she looked the youngest in the room, she was by far the oldest among all the elders.

Even the king himself is younger than her. This younger look is thanks to her absorbing the life energy from young men of different tribe and races through eating their mana reserves.

She has the lower body of a red scorpion that is famous for ambushing their preys and torture them before killing them. Her weapon was a long silver poisonous spear that could make all the enemies suffer.

After the king turned to her he said to her with a tone that expressed his happiness and confidence.

Korio: "well-estimated elder what do you think about my great plan didn't I tell you that everything will be alright, my strategy was perfect and we were able to surround the whole human village and kill them and obtained the true map of emperor Charles great tomb".

After finishing that the other Sp-man which was the third elder said to the king with a flattering tone.

Third elder: "yes, your majesty. Your great plan was magnificent and our army and men are very happy with this great victory and are all supporting you and waiting for your orders towards a new victory".

The first elder said in her mind as she looked at the third elder.

Zrinka: (you shameless man. Trying to approach the king by saying all the good things he wants to hear).

In fact, the third elder is a new rising elder coming from the younger generation, so he knew nothing aside from praising his king. The third elder has dark skin and a normal scorpion type lower body and also his skin was going to the gray and has around his chest a fox fur to cover himself and also white marks over all his upper body skin.

For the last one, he is the second elder his name is Costel he has a grey skin over all his body and his claws were attached to his arms so he didn't have normal human arms and also a black beard and black hair and an eastern type hat.

This elder was a man of a few words and didn't use any weapons because he thinks that the claws of a scorpion are the natural weapons of Sp-man.

He didn't need to say anything because if the third elder was of the younger generation the second elder believes in the old teachings of the Sp-tribe.

As the king finished eating the meat he said to all the elders.

Korio: "Now that we have the map, we can rest for the remaining days here and we start moving towards the place mentioned in the map".

The second elder: "Sir, but in the map it shows that the location of the entrance to the great tomb is underground in the northwest of the island and that is the Territory of the spider tribe and just in the southwest is the Territory of the winged tigers and I fear that the winged tigers will notice a big number of Sp-man of our tribe and get suspicious".

The first elder added.

Zrinka: "Especially our attack on the human village. This attack has made them quite vigilant of us and we also put them in great pressure. For the last 500 years, nobody attacked the human tribe and they didn't attack any of the tribes so we were in peace. By coming from far the southeast towards the far north, we will make them have no other choice but to declare war on us because a huge army is running a mock on all the island".

Second elder: "Please my king, consider your actions because even if they didn't declare war they will understand that there was something with the human tribe that you killed them for and so if by any chance they find out that it's the great map of emperor Charles great tomb nothing will stop them from coming to take it".

The second elder who said that looked calm and just waited for the king response.

Zrinka: "Your majesty don't let the treasures of the great tomb sway your mind away because our role is to protect the tribe because after our attack I noticed that a number of winged tigers and also Sd-men spying on us".

When the scorpion king heard that he got up from his chair enraged and said to her.

Korio: "why didn't you kill those insects ????"

Zrinka answered him and said

Zrinka: "If we killed they would've gotten more suspicious that we were hiding something from them and didn't want that to be found out so I let them return to there tribes".

The king became angry and furious because of the elders always opposing his orders and hinder his plans but in reality, they weren't doing that.

Because the king an impatient one and didn't think before doing anything, they tried to advise him but to no avail and so they tried to stop him.

They knew that the ambitions of the king are beyond this tribe as he wanted to create a legend for himself and didn't think about his people.

The second elder thought about it and sighed.

Costel: (A king that doesn't build a good foundation for his kingdom through the people is not a wise king and his kingdom will die after his death just like the Argalia empire. The empire started crumbling just after emperor Charles death. Perhaps he was a great magician and a genius and he liked the empire very much but neither he or the empire couldn't escape death. my king, you must understand this).

The king started thinking about this and thought of something. He then raised his head and looked at them.

Korio: "Then how about this. We invite them to the expedition for the tomb and make them go with us. We will say that one of our tribe found this tomb and we will let them enter the tomb. After that, we will separate and each tribe will go in a direction and with the map with us, we will go to the treasure room. Because only the humans knew about the map and we killed all of them so nobody knows about this what do you think about this first elder, second elder???".

When they heard his plan they were surprised because they never thought that the king will able to think of such a great plan.

The third elder instantly said:

"What a great plan your majesty, it really is a great plan that only the wisest kings can think of".

When the King heard that a happy and prideful expression appeared on his face but he still waited for the two elders answer.

Costel: "This plan is good your majesty. if we can maintain the secrecy of the map we can perhaps rip huge benefits from the tomb".

Zrinka: "yes I agree with Costel, your majesty".

When the king heard that he smiled and then started laughing.

Korio: "Hahahaha. Then it's decided, we will create a fake story and sent messengers to each one of those guys so they can come".

second elder: "Even that guy your majesty ???".

When Korio heard that, his laugh stopped and then he sighed as he looked at the top of the tent and said with a dejected face.

Korio: "Although it's hard to admit, he is stronger than me so I can't invite all the others and not him".

Suddenly a soldier came and said to Korio.

Soldier: "Your majesty may I enter".

Korio: "Enter what do you have to say".

Soldier: "The unit you sent to kill the 2 running girls still didn't return after a day so I believe that some unfortunate thing happened and so I came to tell you. I am waiting for your orders".

When the king heard that he started thinking.

Korio: (Oh No, if these two girls go to one of the tribes and tell them about the map my plan will go in thin air).

The king didn't show any emotions and said:

"Send 30 men and Search for the girls until you find them, they went to the west so follow them in that direction. If you find the girls with any other tribe kill them immediately understood?".

The soldier saluted the king and Said:

"Yes your majesty".

He left the tent. The moment he left, The king said to the third Elder:

"Third elder I am counting on you. Go with them and make sure that the girls are dead, our plan must not be found out".

When the third Elder heard that he saluted the king and said with a serious face.

"Yes, your majesty. you can leave this mission to me and go to the tomb without any problem".

the king replied, "go then".


Meanwhile, on the west of the island, Eros and the girls were resting in the cave and Eros suddenly said to them.

Eros: "by the way, Lina do you think the scorpion king will send reinforcements for the unit ???".

Lina answered him with a serious face.

Lina: "For sure I heard from father that although the scorpion king is rash and doesn't think of plans most of the time, he like to grasp everything with his palm, he might even send an elder just to stop his suspicions".

When Eros heard that he stared at her and said with an amused tone.

Eros: "Hoooooooo, I wonder how strong is the elder of this Sp tribe".

Lina and Lisa both stared at him baffled and shocked as each time Eros surprises them more and more.