" you're saying that they were burned here ???? " . " Yes, third elder looking at the way they traveled all the traces end here and along with that you can notice by the blood that stayed on the rocks that that there is a battle that happened here and its been quite a while , i would say that it's been 2 days since the battle happened and because we can't find any traces of the corpses there is only one possibility and that they were completly burned " said the soldier to the third elder .

It's been two hours since they came to this place as it was where the unit trace stopped and more than that they couldn't find even the corpses of the soldiers ( how can this happened , who did this and where are they now , did they also burn the corpse of the two girls or not i can't return to the king with only a possibility i need a proof because his majesty will not tolerate such an error related to the great tomb ) . Suddenly without noticing the third elder was letting his energy in the surroundings because of how furious he is about this incident ( if they didn't follow them to this place and killed them when they were in the village none of this would've happened this only shows how incompetent those soldiers they totally desrve thre deaths , hmph ) .

Suddenly one of the soldiers yelled " Elder there is a young human male coming in our direction , he might know something about the incident that happened in this place because he came out of the tunnel ". When third elder heard that third elder thought (yes finally he i found a lead perhaps this human might know something about the battle that happened in this place and might even know if the girls are alive and where they went ). third elder said to one of the soldiers " bring that human here and if he doesn't want to , use strengh to bring him here " " Yes third elder as you command ".

The young human male was none other than Eros and in the night he was at 1,70 m and had normal body not too weak and not too muscled . the soldiers the was ordered by the third elder headed to Eros and said " halt ,

human we the great tribe of Sp-men of the Moxi island want to know something and the third elder want to interrogate you so come with me and don't ask many questions ".

When Eros heard that he stared at the soldier and said " Fool you dare to order me I the lion sin of pride Eros to come with you i don't know if you are unlucky or a foolish one not knowing the great existence that I am in front of you " .

[AN : when Eros address himself as ' I ' i use capital letter to show how prideful he is when he says that . ]

When the soldier heard that he laughed and said " Oi did you lose your mind or something because you are very afraid hhhhhhh " . then Eros sighed and activated his night time sunshine and suddenly he became taller and his size of muscles grew and he got the spear from his back and when the soldiers and the third elder saw that scene they were surprised because the young human without magical power started gathering the energy and got bigger . the soldier beside Eros became afraid and when he noticed the spear in Eros hand " you are the one who killed the unit ???? " when Eros heard that he laughed and said " yeah so go join them and they will tell you in hell " .

When Eros said that he cut the head of the soldier with a clean hit with the spear . The third elder saw that and was surprised because that soldier was at the initial stageof the 2nd stage 'master worrior' and yet the young man killed with one hit . ( The spear he's using is like the one we give to the unit leaders and that means he was the one who killed the unit that chased after the girls and for that he needs to kill the unit leader which means his level is at least at the the peak of the ' master worrior ' and this isn't that much of problem but what making me curious is how was he able to hide his level ) .

Eros looked at the corpse of the soldier and said " stupid and weak and he dares to order me hmph " .

Third elder said " Human how dare you kill one of our tribe you deserve thousand deaths for your insolence against the Sp-tribe . After saying that Eros looked at him and said " hmmm looking at you must be the strongest of this bunch of weaklings and also an Elder of the Sp tribe i don't want to kill too much people this time so come here and fight me elder " . " You foolish human how dare you speak to the third elder like that you puny human " One of the soldiers said that but Eros ignore him and say to the third elder " you're so weak that you need someone weaker than you to talk for you " .

When the third elder heard that he became furious and ordered the soldiers " all of you attack him at the same time but don't kill him just make sure that he is able to speak and break evry bone in his body " . when the soldiers heard that , all of them went to attack him at the same time and they thought that Eros will be terrified but he looked at them with an expressionless face like they were idiots . This enraged them and they all directed there spears toward him and attacked at the same time . To everybody surprise when they looked there 29 spears couldn't even scratch him and not one injury appeared on his body it was like they tried to cut a diamond with a kitchen knife . The third elder and the soldiers heard Eros saying " sigh i told you that if you came and battled this men death could be avoided but you decided to sacrifice them look how will they die " . and then Eros unleashed his heat and everything surrounding them became so hot like they were in front of a volcano and Eros said " for the sin of slaying humans without a reason and destroying the lives of many people accept your punishment " and the heat increased and all the spear of soldiers started melting and the handle also started boiling which made the soldiers burn their hands and then Eros with his half melted spear cut all of them with one of his new attacks and said " FIRE SLASH " and cut all the soldiers upper body in half and said " die you evil creatures " . FIRE SLASH is an attack that the fire coming from the heat and using that burning fire he attaches the fire using mana to the weapon and cut the enemy with a fire slash that injures the body by burning his internal organs

When the third Elder saw his soldiers saw this he was shocked not because of the death of the soldiers because they were just useless and all of them were at the second level and only 3 are at the third level . He was shocked because the Level of Eros was at has risen again ( I don't belive it he was able to hide his level at the second stage but now it's at the peak of the third stage and it's still rising i must finish him before he reach the forth level or else i will definitely not be able to face him )

The third elder looked at Eros and said " your power is quite good for a human at your age but your still a match for me you are at the third level while i am at the forth and you know that the difference between each level is huge and you can't surmount it easily " .

Eros didnt look at him and said " I must really find a weapon that can resist my power and also compatible with my magical abilities so i don't destroy them each time i battle " . Then he looked at the third elder and said " Oh you are still here and I thought that you got scared and ran away doesn't matter, you can go i will spar your little life this time because i don't have a weapon so go back to the scorpion king and tell him that The lion sin of pride is coming for the treasure of the tomb and he doesn't need to go because i will take everything " .

The third elder became more enraged and angry because he was never looked down upon by any person even the king himself respects him because of his level which is at the fourth level a 'spirit warrior' power which makes him one of the strongest powers of the Sp tribe and yet this young human didn't give him any respect or face so he said to him " mark my words i will tear you apart and burn your body completly " then he charged to Eros and used his claws to attack Eros and used fast but strong attacks so he can get Eros but Eros dodged the attack easily and said " is this your true power , disappointing " . Then third Elder infused ki mana that was a type of mana developed after a person use his warrior power . The person after he goes on the warrior path he use The WM the first time and unlocks his own mana that is inside his body and so that will make him have a reserve of his own body mana wich they call ki mana because no person is able to use WM without converting it to either ki-mana for warriors or magus-mana which means mage mana . this warriors also have an affinity for an element and there ki will be the same as their element and also a stronger body than mages as for mages they will have a weaker body but high magical abilities and also affinity to many elements .

For example if a mage has high affinity to ice then he will have high affinity to water and wind but if a warrior has a high affinity to the ice affinity he will not have an affinity to wind nor to water that's why magicians are rarer than warriors but for warriors they are master of close combat range and of a mage fought against a warrior the moment he get close to him it will be the end for the mage .

returning to the battle after the elder infused ki-mana to his hands and he used his magical power " Earth spike and launched them at Eros chest but to his surprise not even a scratch appeared on him and after that Eros stared at the elder but he noticed him smiling and then suddenly his tail got around Eros body and his stinger on Eros neck . " well you got me but this usless thing cant stop me you know " , " usless you say i got my stinger around your neck and the moment you move my poison will be inside your body and you will be killed and even that my level is higher than yours and i will easily defeat you hhhhh now tell me where are the two girls and pehaps i will give you a painless death hhhhh " " sigh so you came for the girls huh then i will not spar you then suddenly he felt a pressure and when he looked in front of him he saw a giant human with a powerful fire sun energy and was about to burn him completely and he thought trembling ( this sfx ' tremble ' this level is difrent from the 3rd level it's comparable to his majesty at of the 5th level warrior ' king worrior ' and might even surpass him how is this possible why did i meet someone like him here , why did i think that i could defeat him o was a stupid ) . third elder couldn't move and he felt that the gaze Eros gave him was that of his death then he heard Eros say " i will let you go if you can stay alive after this attack " . then Eros said ' OVERHEAT ' and Eeos released all the heat he was charging and evrything in a 500m radius was totally burned and nothing stayed and all the bodies were turned to ashes as for the third elder which was quite strong unlike the soldiers was only part of his tail " hmmmm i got a little serious and destroyed evrything and my power has reached the peak at the night and i must wait a little before returning to the cave with the girls and i must tell them about the location to enter the tomb "

[AN: you can imagine the scene for the elder is how galand looked at escanor but without the axe and also Eros was crossing his hand and gave third Elder a disdainful look like a man looking from above at an ant and an evil smile ].

[Inside the cave ]

Lina and Lisa felt the last wave of energy and were terrified " sister do you think the one who launched this attack is Eros or the Elder " . " I don't know but what we know now that the battle above has finished because i can guarantee that nobody under the fifth level a 'king warrior' or a ' king mage ' can survive this then after one hour they saw Eros coming to the cave and were happy because this means that he was the one who launched that energy and won the battle then when he came in front of them he said " didn't i tell you that i will tell you the rest of the story then they hugged him and started laughing " .