The king Korio was furious because it's been two days since the two elders and the soldiers went after the unit yet none of them came back so he was very angry because this signified that his plan has totally failed before it even started and the chance of the two girls surviving is high . Acording to the direction that the third elder went to he felt a high energy last night because that energy was at the same level as him and the other 3 of the ' 4 powers of MOXI island ' and although it was just for a moment but it was still unbelievable because it appeared suddenly in the desert that means it wasn't from the other three because he battled all of them and the enrgy was difrent because he felt the island was heating in the time of energy burst so this also made him shocked because the energy must be in a high level of purity so it can influence the whole island . So to be sure he decided to send 2 of his guards to scout the place and this time both of them where at the peak of the third level ' Grandmaster warrior ' and a ' Grandmaster mage ' so both of them can scout the place and work coordinatly and he instructed them " Last night i felt an immense energy that appeared in the west side where the great tunnel is , i want you to go there and search for any traces of the third elder and if you can't find anything then return immediately and don't risk your life and if you find any of the other tribes don't attack them we can't afford problems for now because will send the messengers to collaborate for the great tomb exploration " . " yes your majesty " .

After that they started traveling towards the great earth tunnel and after a whole day they reched there distination and they discovered that all the place around the tunnel was burned and even the sand became all a glass terrain . Because of the the high temperature that Eros used in his final attack the sand was totally melted and this shows how high the temperature Eros fire and heating ability and that was just in the night and in the day it will for sure became more terrifying . The soldiers also noticed that some of the Sd-men tribe and also winged tiger tribe flying around the area and when they tried to search for anything about the soldiers or the third elder they found nothing and so they returned to the camp at the north in the human village and reported to the king what they saw .

The king was seated in his tent and listening to the report of of the guard and after the guard finished the report Korio said " What do you think about this First elder is it the doing of one of the tribes ????? " . the king asked because he knew that the first elder was a wise woman and she can give him at least some answer " your majesty you must now that to make glass you need a liquid sand and also to get it in the liquid state it must be put in high temperature and yet a whole ground of glass is now in the middle of the desert made instantly in one night there is only one explanation and that his attack was a fire type and was so High that it turned the whole area to glass " . " Can someone at the ' king warrior ' or ' king mage ' do this tell me ??? " " Well if his magic ability is related to high temperature or he has high affinity to fire and perhaps lava affinity then he can do that easily " ." So if it's like this ... " . suddenly The king got up and said " summon the 3 messengers " and after a moment 3 Sp-men came and the king looked at them and said " each one of you will go to the 3 leaders of MOXI and you will give them the information about the great tomb of emperor charles and make sure to mention that there is an enemy of the human race that knows about the existence of the tomb and say that he is the responsible for the incident of the glass and he might be at the 5th level ' king warrior ' and that we need to unite against the common enemy and we will discuss the treasure after the end of the exploration of the tomb " . " yes your majesty " . and then each one of them went on his way to the leader they were instructed to go to . The travel will take one day to reach each of their destination .

[ After a day ]

In the Sd-men tribe . people were talking about the attack of the Sp-tribe on the human village a week ago and were preparing themselves for the possibility of the Sp-tribe attacking them but they were also unafraid of them because the Sd-tribe was also a powerful tribe and they also had their queen who was younger than all the other 3 powers yet she was on the same level as them and this showed how shirafilia the queen of spiders was a genius . she was at the 5th level a ' king mage ' at the age of 28 years and diferent from humans , in the tribe she was considered a young one and also full of potential and talent so the Sd-men weren't afraid of the war . In the middle of the homes of the Sd-tribe a big house that was like a mansion but a primitive one build with stones .

Inside the mansion there was 2 people one of them was a young woman who had a human appearence ans surprisingly human leges , she didn't have a lower body of a spider but behind her and from the center of her back had 8 black long spider leges and her head she had two black thin horns. her long black dress with her black hair and with this her red pupils that could enchant any person and making him or her fall her completely and beside her was an elder person so called the great elder of the Sd-tribe and protector of the spiders his name was Fadyouss . He had grey short hair and half armor separating his lower body and upper one and two thick blac horns and a black spider type lower body . When the Sp-tribe attacked queen shirafilia was surprised because none of the 4 powers attacked the humans for years and suddenly the king Korio ordered the attack and even the night she felt the energy at the west side and that energy was so pure that it was nearing the purity of the WM itself wich made her shocked and after sending the scouts she also understood that none of the other powers was the one who had the enrgy burst and this made her more curious about the guy that was able to launch such an attack that made the sand turns into glass .

" queen we me must prepare ourselves for a war against the Sp-tribe tribe because of their invasion of the north they now have the east and north while the winged tigers have the south and even the west south and only us have the west north we can't remain like this or were gonna be the next target " . said the great elder . " Great elder please think if the goal of the Sp-tribe was taking the north they would've made all the tribe go to the north yet only the army is staying there even the elders returned and only the king stayed , it's clear that they have another goal that we must know " . suddenly a Sd-men came and said " my queen one Sp-man says that he is a messenger from the Sp-tribe and he wants to talk to you and give you the message from the king Korio " . When she heard that she thought a little and said " bring him in " . then one of three messengers that were sent by the king Korio came and said " greetings to the shadow queen of spiders shirafilia i bring a message and a proposal for the king of scorpions Korio " andthe messenger started saying evrything the king instructed him to say and after some time he finished saying everything and left .

" my queen we must size this chance and go explore the great tomb or else we will be left behind and the Sp-tribe will reap evrythingand nothing will stay for us and also about the human enemy that will be perhaps there , we must deal with him so he can't report to those kingdoms or else they will also come and it will be a disaster for our race " . " please elder we must think through this don't you think it's suspicious that Korio who is very greedy will tell us about such an important information like this , i believe that there is something messing that he didn't tell us and the energy burst that happened that night shows that there is relation to the Sp-tribe to it so we will prepare ourselves and go to the meeting decided point and investigate ourselves " " as you order your highness " .

the same thing happened in the winged tiger tribe and they all agreed on the meeting point that will be 5 days at the valley of the dagger . Only in the center of the desert a sinister darkness creature was inside a cave and beside him was a corpse of Sp-man that was one of the messengers and his face was lifeless and suddenly the creature said " finally i found a lead to the tomb but who thought that the location will be here at this backward desert in this backward place well after i finish my mission i will return home . Also i am curious about the guy that was able to generate that much pure mana create an energy burst that changed sand to glass he must be at least at the ' king mage ' to do something like that well i am sure that i will meet him inside the tomb and test his power " . After the creature said that he submerged himself again in the darkness

Meanwhile at the great tunnel at the great cave after the battle and returns to the cave he took some time to rest . it's been two days since Eros was meditating and storing world mana with him and the girls got quite shocked at how much energy Eros can store and it was in its most purist form the WM itself because nobody can use the great mana without converting it and for two days he was doing that . Suddenly his energy got higher and the sun tatto shined more and more and suddenly the symbol of number two appeared beside the number one Eros chest and ' || ' appeared and Eros said " finally i broke through the second stage and now i can stay for 4 hours at the night and even gained more control on my abilities and i can for now make some of my attacks only damage the enemy and not the surroundings . After that he looked at the two girls " so are you sure you want to come with me ???? " " yes we want to come and see how the tomb looks " both the girls said at the same time and with there serious look so Eros couldn't refuse them " how about you stay here and i promise you i will make sure to return in one day " " No we will come with you wether you like it or not " said Lisa and then continued Lina " Also we still didn't tell you the location of the third gate so you need us to come with you hmph " when Eros saw there expressions he couldn't say anything and said " okay you can come with me but you must obey everything i say okay " " okay " . " well then to the great tomb of charles ".