Rodiss looked at Komo shocked as he didn't think that he will hear the name of his former guild 100 years ago. Rodiss became enraged as he said:

"How dare you, to try to imposter yourself as a member of the organization. Hahaha, they will come after you and hunt you until you are killed a thousand times Hahahaha.... Aaaarrrrggghhhh what are you doing Stooppp".

Komo gave him a cold look as he said:

" Shut up little Rodizio do you think that I was talking to you. Trying to lie and say that you are 15000 years old while you are only 250 years so don't talk too much Rodizio".

Rodiss or Rodizio didn't talk anymore as he thought

(who is he, How can he know about my past and he even knows my true name. That means he is a high ranking member in the organization. I must find a way to know). While Rodizio was thinking. Komo turned his attention to Eros and suddenly two shadows appeared beside Komo.

Eros looked at Komo and was surprised that he had Williams and Saifon with him and then gave him a jovial laugh as he said:

" tenebris organization, never heard of it sorry I will not join such an unknown organization ".

Even Komo didn't expect such refusal but he didn't get angry on the contrary, he smiled at Eros and said:

" Of course you didn't hear of us after all, we are an underground organization that only work in the shadows but let me guarantee you that our roots and secrets are even older than the Argalia Empire ".

When Eros heard this he wasn't surprised as He read in many novels and mangas and Anime about such an organization. Even in the real world existed. Eros thought

( Even if you pay me all the money of the world, I will not join an organization under the name of Tenebris, It's definitely an evil one).

Eros then looked at Both the prince and saifon and then said: " Did you also ask them to join your Organization or did you just hypnotize them??".

Komo then started to laugh as he said:

" Eros, they are just pawns that we need for our plan not like you. You see the prince is going to be a great political slave so we can control the kingdom and make all the princes fight between each other weakening the power of the royal family of Lefia. After all, our goal is to concur all the 3 kingdoms and create the ideal empire that we all want to. The 3 kingdoms abused their power as the nobles became tyrants ".

If Eros didn't read novels and mangas he would've easily believed them. Komo continued:

"The people dying from hunger and commoner daughters being raped by the nobles son. Even the elderly didn't escape from this as the nobles make them toys that's why we will destroy all the people responsible for this, you do understand right Eros??".

Eros didn't answer him as he saw in Komo eyes that there was some truth but also was hiding something from him. Eros then said to him.

Eros: "What about Saifon, don't tell me that he is also a noble and murder people and rape women because he doesn't look like a noble, to begin with".

When Komo heard him he smiled and said:

"Its true Saifon is just a commoner who became an imperial guard. Even though his talent is promising way more than the prince and even his magic ability is amazing and rare. Still, The reason I want him is because of his little sister. "

Eros: "Sister?".

Korino: "Yes. You see his sister is talented with magic and is the spirit mage at the age of 17 but there is something rare about her which is her magic ability ".

Eros: "Let me guess her magic ability is something that can make your plan in creating the ideal country faster and stronger".

When Komo heard him he was looking so happy and said:

"Your power is not the only thing that makes you amazing, even your wisdom and intelligence are fantastic. Yes, it's true that her magical ability is something special that is needed for our goal. You see her magic ability is called 'Heaven knowledge' ".

Eros wasn't that surprised so this made Komo a little bewildered because Eros didn't react that much. He then continued:

"Our sources told us that she has an ancient bloodline inside her that gives her the ability to remember all the knowledge of the past family members who had this ability ".

Eros: "Ohhhhh well that's interesting. That means she can remember all the knowledge and memories of her Ancestors".

Korino: "Yes, you see, all of this was made because her ancestor was one of our enemies so we need some knowledge from him and she is really the perfect one".

Eros then understood what he meant by ' needed for our goal '. and he said:

"Then what about saifon, isn't he her brother??? ".

Korino: "Sigh, Unfortunately, her family isn't good related to her and all of her adoptive family are dead except for Saifon ".

When Eros heard this he was surprised and thought

( Really you can find anything and everything in this world I must get stronger so I can protect myself during the night. The day won't be a problem).

Eros then looked at Komo and said:

" Well now that you told me all of this I see that you are all a bunch of crazy people who just want to be the new ruler. Your organization doesn't deserve me so I will not join and now free them or I will destroy like your friend in your hands ".

Komo smile disappeared and his nonchalant demeanor completely as he became serious and his body started changing. Darkness came out of his body and his form started shattering and what appeared was dark eyes without any white in them.

It was like an abyss that was as dark as space. Eros looked at him then he heard Rodizio screaming

" It's you glasiosh and this ability to manipulate reality and create illusions. Only one person among us has this ability. You are Karino the 8th-star but how you were able to pass the talent testing ground ".

Rodizio was very shocked that one of the 12 stars of darkness was here. He was once at the 12-star rank. he then remembered something and said:

" Impossible, I activated the sensing magic so that no illusion can be used. that's why I am sure that you must be detected the moment you leave the ground but even after all of this I still couldn't stop you Aaaarrrggghhh ".

Suddenly glasiosh form also started breaking again as he said:

" Rodizio you forgot that I am an illusion master and all my previous abilities are illusions that I created for the sake of hiding my identity. I waited 40 years for the end of this mission and I can finally get out of this form and out of this place. Eros, let me introduce myself again but without the identity of glasiosh. I am one of the 12 darkness stars of tenebris. Given the 9th-star number illusion emperor mage Korino".

glasiosh whole body shattered now and what appeared was a middle-aged man with brown eyes and brown eyes. He had a dark blue mage robe and dark miasma floating around him and a long sceptre with a dark crimson ruby on the head.

A necklace was hanging on his neck with a red star with number 9 on it. This showed his identity as a mage belonging to the darkness stars.

Eros didn't take long to think too much as he activated sunshine again and gained some size and he reached the 2m tall form as he started emitting the heat from his body and then charged towards Korino but the moment he reached him.

Eros disappeared from his position and appeared in Eros former position as he sighed and said:

" Eros you really don't give me any choice. You are a big threat to me so goodbye. Killing someone like you will make me feel like I killed a future expert ".

Eros hmphed and said:

" Futur expert, what you are saying as I am already an expert".

Eros then tried to attack him again but he disappeared. Eros wasn't able to attack him as he is an illusion that couldn't be touched and he thought

( How can I reach him its like he is an illusion and I can't give him a blow if I can't touch him).

Eros was exhausting his time because he can maintain this form for at most 5 minutes and can't use anymore because of the last attack that made his body tired and without energy. Korino looked at him and said:

" Your power is already exhausted by the previous battle against Rodizio and you can't continue anymore come on Eros stop this and join our guild and you will see that we have the noblest goals ever".

" noblest goal???, I don't have such goals I am the lion sin of pride and nothing can make me join your guild. Mark my words after I kill you I will destroy your guild and make it turn to ashes".

Suddenly Eros noticed something

(wait a minute, where is the head or the those two ..... I understand now your power ).

Eros then closed his eyes and started concentration and suddenly smiled and said:

" I will show you how weak your illusions are ☝☀ CRUEL SUN ".

Eros gave all the remaining mana he had in the mini-sun as it went to the sky and then Eros heard someone shrieking and saying:

" Arrrgggghhhhhh How is this possible??".

Suddenly the space around Eros shattered and he found himself kneeling and his finger towards Korino direction and behind him was The prince and Saifon with lifeless expression.

Eros lost all his power because he put all his mana in the cruel sun and make it reach the power of an emperor mage spell power. Korino was injured and burned in his chest and also his left hand disappeared completely like it was cut but in reality, it turned to ashes after Korino tried to hold the Cruel sun with his hand.

Rodiss head was nowhere seen because it was the first one to be hit by the sun and so he didn't even have the chance to beg for his life as he turned to ashes. Korino was enraged because he lost to a young man who was in his twenties, He who was a great mage feared by everybody as a powerful assassin.

He then made his burning robe stop burning by using ice magic then he started healing his injuries and stared at Eros with huge killing intent. Eros has a satisfied look as he looked to The enraged Korino and then Korino looked back as he said:

" How did you know that I was in that direction grrr ".

" You of most the people should know that a mage never reveals his tricks".

When korino heard this he became more enraged but controlled himself and said:

" hmph even if you injured me that doesn't make it good but worse. I believe that all your mana is exhausted and you don't have the ability to use that weird magic ability anymore so it gonna be the end for you and now I will kill you and burn your whole body".

Then ice appeared on his hands and he said:

" although I am not specialised in elemental spells this can still kill you as you are now so goodbye and I will remember you Forever 'Ice freeze ' ".

When Eros was about to be hit by the ice and be frozen. Someone appeared in front of him and said:

" Magic negate ".

The ice started melting and it turned into the water before reaching them.

The one who saved him was none other than Saifon as Eros was shocked because he thought that he was still hypnotised but he didn't show his surprise and just said:

" Hmph, why did you appear I was about to dodge ".

Saifon didn't look at him or said anything. Korino then said:

" Saifon so you're still able to maintain your mind and even use your magical ability after getting out of my illusion but don't believe that because of your rare ability that you can defeat me, after all, you're just spirit warrior right".

Korino laughed at him as he thought about how he will destroy both these geniuses but then they heard a voice from the sky saying:

" Then how about you say that in front me".