After Sophia and the bunch destroyed the cores, Shira Started using her magical ability and made a purple gate appear. This was spatial teleportation magic ability.

It gave her the power to teleport to any place in a 1km radius and as she rises her cultivation the distance becomes bigger.

There is even a legend that when you reach the legendary 12th stage you can teleport to any place.

After going through the gate they found themselves on the surface of the mountain and they noticed that everybody who participated in the battle of the first floor was there.

Suddenly Lina said: " It seems Korio isn't here with us ". Then they discovered that Korio stayed in the 2nd-floor because he was injured by Seath thanks to the arrow. The final to fat out of the gate was Sophia and Aquila behind her holding Seath in his hands.

Sophia then started inhaling the Fresh air of the night and then raised her head and stared at the sky and said: " Seeing the sky after a whole 10 years in a dark prison is really making me happy ".

Sophia started remembering about those dark nights where she almost killed herself and was traumatised by that monster. Her rage and hate towards him made her live through everything.

Aquila said to her: " Your Highness, you are finally free from this prison and with me, I can protect you now because last we were ambushed and you weren't able to summon me".

Sophia nodded at him and then said to them: " Everybody I want you to hear what I am about to say so, please listen carefully ". Everybody turned to Sophia and looked at her as she was with a serious expression.

Aquila put Seath who was just like that staring at space with a lifeless look. Seath was very shocked by his defeat because aside from his defeat against Shira and the skeleton, he never lost a battle his whole life.

Seath was a wolf that was born and grew up in the forest of the island his whole. In the forest the strong feed on the weak but because he is born with a pure bloodline, All his battles were won easily he never felt this feeling before.

The shock of him losing 2 times in a day was big on him and made him feel like he lost everything. Aquila looked at him and said: " Don't feel bad about losing. You discovered all your wins are fake that's all ".

Then he turned toward the princess and said: " Her Highness didn't stop trying to get up from her prison for even one second. In the end, she won the battle. You see the difference between winning and losing is just not giving up after losing ".

When Seath Heard this, he started shaking as he thought about what Aquila said to him and suddenly he got up and blue lightning. shining in his eyes as he said: "it's meaningless to just fight or live after the battle. My goal is to win every battle and learn from losing ".

Aquila smiled when he heard his answer and said: " If this is your answer then good chance doing that ". Seath turned at him and said: " By the way thank you for saving me from the skeleton attack ".

Aquila answered him: " Don't thank me although I saved you, it was her highness who ordered that so thank her ". Seath gave him a weird look and said: " You really serve her wholeheartedly like a super servant ".

Aquila looked at him and gave a look that was saying ' Of course I am her servant and she is my master '. Seath didn't say anything and said: " By the way how are you attached to her shadow, The skeleton called you a shadow monster. What are you exactly??? ".

Aquila gave him a sly smile and said: "let's just say that I was summoned by her to serve her and protect her ". Seath didn't ask too much as he felt that Aquila didn't want to tell him so he forgot completely.

Sophia stared at how Aquila and Seath were talking to each other and was happy for them. ( It seems Aquila gained a friend through this event). Sophia smiled and then suddenly felt a big magic disturbance towards the direction of the third mountain.

Aquila and Seath also felt that as they were 6th-grade monsters. Sophia then turned and started talking and said: " Everybody please hear me out it seems the battle hasn't ended yet and so we must go and help Sir Eros because he is now fighting for our sake".

Sophia talked to Shira as she said: " Miss Shira can you use your spatial gate to teleport us in the sky above the battleground???". Shira looked at her and then started thinking about the possibility.

After some thinking, Shira answered her: " Although opening a spatial gate in the sky would be more difficult than opening one in the ground, I can still open one but it can't be maintained for much time ".

Sophia said then: "that's enough, the ones who are going there are me, Aquila and Seath ". When the people heard that they were shocked by her decision. Aquila interrupted as he said: " Princess Seath is injured and he can't battle anymore so why not stay here".

Seath became angry and said: " Oy big bird, don't underestimate me, I am just like you a 6th-grade beast and I can give you a huge beating so don't try to be my parents okay ".

" Hmph, I don't and I will not try because I don't care. I only care about you slowing us ". " Whhhaatt??". Then both of them started punching each other " Even with one arm I can beat you, you dumbo bird ". " I want to see you try you one-armed puppy ".

Sophia looked at them and sighed then she turned towards Shira and said: " please open the gate ". Shira started opening the gate and before leaving the twins came toward Sophia and said: " Sister Sophia you need to rescue brother Eros, you can save him right??? ".

Lisa said that and Lina gave her a hopeful look. Sophia was surprised by how attached they are to Eros and thought( They really like him ). Sophia smiled and said: " of course count on us ".

Shira then said: "it's prepared now ". Sophia, Aquila and Seath entered through the gate as the holder onto Aquila who was flying using wings and saw Eros saifon exhausted and facing a middle-aged man with a mage robe. They heard: " After all you're just a spirit warrior ".

The sounds laughing resounded through all the destroyed mountain. Aquila understood the situation and said then: " Then how about you say that in front me".


When Eros looked above he saw a big eagle with White feather and black claws as hands and then he didn't have a lower body but a part of shadows. On his back were 2 big black feathered wings that merged with the white feather and gave him a Badass look.

The eagle descended from the sky and on his back was the girl who Eros rescued from Rodiss. She was like a heavenly beauty descending from the heavens on the back of the divine creature. Eros also noticed the wolf who was with Shira at that time and they knew that they were all okay.

Sophia then looked at Eros and gave him a beautiful smile and said: " Sir Eros sorry for making you wait, It seems like you took care of The dark emperor Rodiss and I believe that this appeared after him ".

Eros stared at her smiling and even lost himself a little but that was just for a fraction of a moment and didn't show it. Eros then said: " Hmph no need for you to come, I am enough to take him down ".

Sophia looked at him stupified by his reaction but then started giggling to him and said: " yeah, you are right it was my fault ". Both saifon and Eros couldn't help to do anything but being mesmerised by her demeanour.

Sophia then turned towards the mage and became serious and said: " I can't let you take the life of my friend and saviour so go away and I won't kill you ".

Korino was shocked by her arrogant personality and thought( These days nobody respects me despite my power, perhaps did I lose my cold and scary expression ).

Korino said: " Girl go away or I will be the one to kill you ". Before he did anything Sophia said: " Aquila, Seath destroy him". Aquila answered: " Gladly " and he charged at him immediately.

Seath also charged at him while saying: "She's already ordering me like a servant who does she think is ". Eros said: " careful he is an illusion master. we may already be trapped in one of the fake realities".

Saifon said: " I can't use magic negate against because my ability only negates magic attacks and beaks the magic power flaw. I need to see the spell so I can negate it ".

Sophia smiled to them and said: " No need to fear anything I have a power that can deal with this kind of magic ".

She then used her magus-mana and put it in the ring and said: " magic isolation ". When she said that, the reality around them started shattering and the real Korino appeared behind them about to attack Eros but Aquila went to his direction faster than the wind.

Seath also followed. Korino was shocked by Sophia spell and wasn't able to understand how she broke the spell. Both Aquila and Seath didn't give him any chance.

They gave their most powerful attack as Seath said " LIGHTNING CLAW ". and Aquila said " MANA KLAW ". Both of them hit him on the chest and shoulder and Seath pierced his shoulder completely.

Seath laughed as he said: " hhhhhh die you ant human ". Aquila said: " For daring to try threatening the princess pay with your life ".

Korino started coughing blood and because of Eros previous CRUEL SUN attack, his injuries opened again and he can't continue battling so he retreated.

He saw that his injuries became heavy and if he stayed, he may stay here forever so he decided to abandon everything and run away.

Although he didn't like the idea of running away, He knew that if he continued battling his injuries will grow more. He thought( How dare they make me I korino the lord of illusion retreat. Eros and all of you I will make sure to get everything back with interest ).

Korino didn't say anything and just destroyed the red necklace around his neck. Then crimson smoke started forming around him. Seath was about to continue the attack but was stopped by Aquila.

Korino then said: " I remember all of you and I will make sure to chase all of you with the full force of Darkness star guild". Then the smoke covered him completely and he disappeared from there.

Sophia said: " That was a teleportation magic circle that could teleport you to a location set by the one who manufacturer that necklace ".

Eros said: " He is really a coward running away from the battle. this is an act only done by the weak ".

Saifon nodded as he said: " The moment he fell at a disadvantage he ran with his tail between his legs ". Seath started getting The blood out of his hand while Eros crossed his arms. The prince fell and completely lost consciousness after Korino running

All of them were tired of this night that was exhausting and all of them except Aquila fell to the ground and slept.