It's been already hours since Eros battle against Rodiss and Korino. The sunrise was illuminating the destroyed mountain and Eros, Sophia, Saifon, and Seath who were sleeping on the ground.

Eros then started opening his eyes as he completely recovered. His injuries totally healed. Although his battle during the night was very dangerous, he was able to destroy an emperor warrior who was considered on the same level as the protectors.

"I really need to raise the DSCT to the third level and also train more so I can control my power output ".

Although Eros wanted to raise his level, he decided against that because he found that during his battles he had one flaw which was wasting some mana that gets out of his body without any use.

This made his form during the night shorter than the 4h in the technique. Eros decided to consolidate his foundation and after that raise his level again.

" I will show this world the true might of the sin of pride ".

Eros turned and saw that Saifon, Sophia and Seath started waking up. Sophia who woke up looked like a goddess with the black wings and the red ruby eyes. Eros couldn't get his eyes to look at any other place except her.

Sophia looked at him and when she saw him looking at her, her cheeks start reddening and then could only giggle a little as she said:

" Sir Eros why are you looking at me like that is there anything on my face ".

Eros then said:

" No, I was just looking at how beautiful you can be in the morning".

[AN: Well Well who thought that the great sir Eros can compliment someone].

Sophia whole face started blushing as she thought.

Sophia: (Is he perhaps making fun of me but he said that I am very beautiful. Now that I look at him Sir Eros is quite the handsome one. Ahhhhhhh Why I am thinking about that).

[AN: it's love sweet love, ☝☝☝☝].

Eros didn't say anything more as he saw that others woke-up so he walked towards the second prince who was still asleep. When Eros saw him from a closer look. He really has a handsome face.

Eros: (Although he Has a handsome face, it not as handsome as mine hmph).

[AN: you narcissist bastard, Well you are handsome but I still didn't find an image for you so we don't know yet].

Saifon walked toward the prince as he unsheathed his sword and came toward the second prince as he said to Eros:

"Sir can you get out of my way so I can kill this foolish prince".

Everyone was surprised by his act as normally imperial guards will do their most to protect the imperial family yet this young man, Saifon want to kill the prince he's protecting.

Eros looked at Saifon expression and saw the anger and hate for the second prince. Hate that he hid all the time since he joined the imperial guards.

Eros then thought a little and said with a calm voice.

Eros: "Is it because he took your sister from you??".

Saifon was surprised a little as he turned to Eros and gave him a troubled look as he said.

Saifon: "How do you know about her, do you know something. Please, I need you to tell me, she's the only remaining family I have".

Eros then looked through his eyes and all the hate and anger disappeared and instead, it was worry that appeared. Eros answered him:

"Unfortunately I don't know her location because that man didn't tell me. The man I fought, Korino was one of the leaders, told me that his Guild the tenebris is searching for her and wanted to use to locate her ".

When Sophia and Saifon heard the name they gasped and Saifon started shaking. Sophia looked at Eros and said:

"Sir Eros, By the leader of tenebris guild do you mean the guild who's leaders are known as the 12 darkness stars??? ".

Eros: "Yes, He said that he was an 9th star or omething even that Dark emperor Rodiss was a former member. Although I don't think that they are that strong because I already destroyed one of their members and injured the other".

[ AN: For the first one yes, you win. For the second one... Eros, you couldn't defeat him if it wasn't for Aquila and Seath so don't be angry ].

Sophia didn't answer him and then started thinking about What Eros said and then looked at Saifon and said.

Sophia: "It seems the tenebris has some hidden plans for your sister and want to use her so they can achieve something".

Eros: "For now leave that prince here and don't kill him, he doesn't deserve it and let's think about a way to save your sister".

Suddenly, all of them heard a groan from behind them. They turned and found the prince starting to wake up.

Saifon: "Look it seems like he's going to wake, let's interrogate him".

The prince woke up and found himself in front of Saifon, Eros and Seath staring at him. Williams only remembered a little about what happened in the tower before he lost consciousness.

The prince said: "What happened, Where are we and what about the trials. Did it end tell me now Saifon? ".

Saifon looked at the prince and started regretting about not killing the prince because of how annoying he is.

Williams then noticed the beauty that was behind them and was charmed and couldn't resist the feeling of admiration for how an angel can be this beautiful.

Williams: "Greetings my lady, My name is Williams loumiouss Lefia, Second Prince of the lefia kingdom and the most talented genius of the whole kingdom, may I have the honour of knowing your name Miss angel ".

[AN: I had to go to the chapter where he introduced himself to remember his name. sigh, you're really a true support character ].

A vein appeared on Eros' forehead as he became a little angry about Williams way of talking to Sophia and he activated sunshine and his size grew-up and became a little muscled and said:

" Look Prince or whatever we don't have time to play her so can you please tell us where is his sister and go f*** yourself away ".

When William heard him say that he became enraged and said:

" How dare you say that to me. I the second prince don't care about you but to say such words in front of the lady. You really are a desert bumpkin who is without a brain ".

Sophia started giggling about Eros fighting with William. Seeth and Saifon rolled their eyes because of How ridiculous Eros is.

Sophia then looked at the prince and said:

" Your Highness William, can you please tell us about Saifon sister as it seems that one of the 12 darkness stars, Korino that disguised himself as glasiosh wanted Saifon sister for something ".

William then turned to Sophia and said to her:

" Please don't concern yourself with her or with this commoner and let me invite you to the castle of Lefia at the capital of the kingdom of Lefia after all invite... Arrghggghhggjhhh ".

Before William said anything Eros held his head and then throw him to the ground so fast and blood started gushing out of William's head.

[ AN: it's like the scene where teach got puffy head and smashed him in the ground ].

Eros then raised him and his face and held him in the neck. The Prince looked totally wrecked and his red hair mixed with blood.

He then said to Eros:

" How dare you attack the prince of the Lefia kingdom, The whole kingdom will chase you and even my father, the king won't forgive such a thing ".

Eros tightened his grip around his neck and made him unable to breathe. William started hitting Eros hand but to no avail. Eros said:

" You will tell us where is the girl and apologize to Saifon for taking his sister and also the deal between you and glasiosh or I will kill you ".

Sophia then said to Eros:

" Sir Eros stop or he's gonna die and we won't be able to get any information ".

Eros released him immediately and turned to sit on a rock and said:

" Start talking or you're gonna die ".

William coughed nonstop and was trying to breathe. After some time and before William started talking, a purple gate appeared and Dayton came out and when he looked at the destruction in the mountain he was scared of the power that does such thing.

He turned and saw that there was no sign of dangerous enemy so he told the girls to come with him. Lina and Lisa came running out of the gate and then started turning their heads and searching.

Finally, they saw a young man sitting with a rock and with him was a beautiful winged girl, a werewolf and 2 other men and finally a big eagle monitoring.

The eagle which was Aquila saw the newcomers and said: " Princess it seems that they came ". Sophia turned and saw the girls running toward their direction and then she smiled.

Finally, the reached Eros and jumped to his chest as both of them hugged him and have tears in the eyes and hitting him. Lisa said:

" Bad Brother Eros why did you leave us alone in the trial ".

Lina nodded and continued:

" You promised not to leave us right or was that a lie ".

Eros didn't say anything and just let them hit him as he knew that they worried. After some time Eros said:

"Your punch is weak so next time try your best".

Lina and Lisa pouted but then started laughing. Sophia smiled and felt great. Then Shira came with Saydon. Eros said to Shira:

" Good job, you protected the girls so you deserve my compliment ".

When the people heard what Eros said, All of them thought

( His pride doesn't even let him give a Normal thank you ).

All of them started laughing and Shira giggled and said:

" Okay, you can count on me ".

All of them then turned towards William who was sweating and afraid of Eros and that he will really kill him.

Saifon then said: " Talk ".

William said:

" Yes you see, glasiosh or Korino came to me 7 days ago, I don't know but he somehow knew that I was in Wadia island which was the closest island to this island from The Lefia kingdom border. After coming he immediately proposed an alliance with a deal within it ".

Saifon said: " What kind of Alliance did he propose and what is the deal??? ".

William looked at him but didn't say anything. Eros then said:

" Answer him ".

William didn't have any choice as he said:

" He said that he will help me get the inheritance of emperor Charles and even give me some items that can help me get the throne and I will give him one girl which is Saifon sister ".

When the people heard this all said in their minds(scum). Saifon was completely enraged and was about to kill the prince when he heard him say:

" I didn't tell him yet the location so perhaps he still didn't find her so please don't kill me. The location is the Faina island which is just after Wadia island ".

Saifon then said with an angry voice:

" We were hypnotised by you son of a b**** that means that you already told him without you knowing ".

Saifon then unsheathes his sword and when he was about to behead him Sophia said:

" mister Saifon, please control yourself you can't kill him. although he deserves it, I think that you need now to rescue your sister. For now, she is your First priority ".

Saifon stopped and looked at William. William who was so terrified was about to piss himself at any moment. Saifon then returned the sword to the Sheath but he still punched him and made him go unconscious.

Sophia nodded and then looked at all of them and said: " For now we must find a way to leave the flying island but before that, we need to do something ".

All of them are looking at Sophia and thinking of what she is talking about. She smiled and said to them.