After Eros kissed Starfire, they returned to the banquet and noticed that most people have gone. There were only some people remaining and among them was Lina, Lisa Sophia and Saifon.

Eros then said to Sophia:

" Where did Aquila go??? ".

Sophia didn't answer and just looked at Starfire who was happy and smiling at her. Eros could feel the chilling aura in the air.

Sophia and Starfire continued staring at each other and finally, Sophia said:

" Well, Aquila felt a little tired and returned to his room to meditate and recover".

When Sophia said that, he understood that she didn't want to tell him anything and he didn't ask too much as he didn't want to ask too much.

Lisa then looked at the happy Starfire and she smiled, she then said to her:

" Ohhh sister Starfire, why do you look that happy. Did brother Eros do something good to you "?

Suddenly Starfire started blushing and all her face became crimson. Lisa who saw that was shocked and thought

( So something really happened. Hhhhhhh I with my powers will know what really happened. Sister Starfire, you will have no choice but to tell me).

Lisa then started walking towards Starfire who was holding Eros' hands and she started going in circles around them and gave a sly smile. she started giggling and said:

" Ohhhhh, Look at you sister Starfire, you really look beautiful. I bet even the lion sin of pride won't be able to resist you if you ask him ".

Lisa then continued:

" Sister Starfire, Now that I look at you beside Brother Eros you look like the perfect couple and suiting each other ".

When Starfire heard that she started thinking about what Lisa said and thought in her mind

( Just now she (tremble) she said COUPLE. yeah Now everybody sees us as COUPLE. I AM SO HAPPY).

Lisa who was about to continue was interpreted by Eros who hit her in the head with a Karate chop as he said:

" Now stop teasing you elder sister Starfire and don't do that again. She's older than you and even me so you must respect he okay ".

When Lisa saw that she pouted and then said:

" You're not even married and you're already on her side mouuuu ".

When Starfire heard that she became even redder. She then thought

( MY GOD MARRRRIIIEEEDD. Ahhh hhhh, I don't believe it. She said I am gonna be married to him. Isn't this like a sister approving the wife of her brother).

[ AN: 😬😬😬😬😬 oyoyoyoy you're going too far here don't you think so and what is this sister approving the brother wife. My gosh, she's just 11 and weren't you a star than a metal how do you know this much ].

When Lina saw how Eros hit Lisa with the Karate chop, she remembered how with a single one of those, Eros was able to kill a peak 5th- grade beast easily.

She was really glad that she met Eros that day and that he was the one to save her otherwise none of this would happen. She then thought

( Perhaps fate decided that I, no we will meet Eros like this. After all, even though we lost a family. Destiny gave us Eros and I am very happy).

Unlike Lisa who was still childish, Lina was mature and wise compared to her peers. Her ability, eyes of truth perhaps made her mature before time. Although this wasn't a bad thing, it still was necessary for a child to live a normal childhood.

Eros reprimanded Lisa and then walked toward Lina and stayed beside her and said:

" So Lina what do you think about all of this??? ".

" What do you mean, Brother Eros??? ".

" Well, I am talking about our destination. Although I know the final destination I still didn't decide the destination ".

" Well, Why are you asking me, I am an 11 years old girl ".

When Eros heard her answer, he smiled and said:

" Well you appearance is that of an 11 years old girl but your mind and wisdom is more than that right and believes me if I Eros praise you, you must know that you are something ".

Lina started giggling and said:

" Then should I feel honoured??? ".

Eros gave a jovial laugh and said:

" Of course you should hhhhh ".

Lina sighed and said:

" Well, we must first go to Faina island so we can search for Brother Saifon. We at least gonna stay there for 3 days so we can search all the city".

Eros was surprised by Lina and her plans and thought

(She is so mature for her age. I would bet that she is a reincarnated person but I don't have evidence. Also, I don't want to expose her. Perhaps she reincarnated from another world from mine).

She then continued:

" I asked sister Sophia and she said to me that she used Aquila own magic power so he can mark him. That means even if he changes his appearance, we will know him and you can finish him".

" Well of course. What are we going to do after that".

" After we get Saifon sister, We will head immediately to Yodatya kingdom. I also think of entering the mercenary and Merchant Guild. This will help us to travel and also get some income".

When Eros heard her plan, he was very surprised not because of the merchant or the mercenary guild. n, on the contrary, the existence of such guilds was normal after all this is a fantasy world where magic exists so its normal.

What really surprised him was how an 11 years old girl was able to think this much. Of course, Eros didn't show anything and only thought in his mind (My God, she is so different from Lisa. How could she think so far. I must know her secret).

Eros then looked at Saifon and said:

" Hey saifon tell me about your sister so I can get some information ".

Saifon started at him and said:

" Why do you want to know that much about my sister. Just to know, I will never let her marry a playboy like you ".

Eros looked at him with ' are you an idiot ' look and said:

" What are you saying, If we meet her and don't know how she looks then how can I save her. hmph, it seems you don't know how much your sister will be glad when I save her I, Lord Eros".

Saifon grunted and then said:

" Well, she has blue hair and green eyes. She also looks has a blue dress last I saw her but I don't know any more now ".

Eros then said:

" Doesn't she have anything that will make us recognize her. I don't know a necklace, a bracelet just tell us".

Saifon started thinking and finally after some type, he said:

" She has 2 black beauty marks beside her left eye and also her right hand has a dragon mark on it ".

When Eros heard that, he became more curious to meet Saifon little sister. What Eros didn't know was that he will be so shocked when he sees her.

After that Shira came as the meeting with the elders finished and she was able to convince so she came to tell them the good news.

Shira then saw Starfire setting beside Eros and she was blushing. Lisa who saw Shira coming giggled and went toward her as she said:

" Ohhh Sister Shira, so what did the elders tell you about leaving".

Shira smiled and said:

" It went very well and I can go out of this island and go to adventure with you ".

Eros then turned to her and nodded as he said:

" Well, this is good now we will have another one we know coming with us hhhhh ".

Although Eros said those words what Shira thought was another thing as she thought

[ Inside Shira mind ]

( Eros said:

" Ah so Shira you're coming with us and this makes me very happy ".

shira then said:

" Oh Eros, I am very happy that I am coming with you and can't contain my happiness ").

[ AN: WOW 😲😲😲😲 it's worse than Hancock in one piece and what am I doing inside her mind ].



Eros then looked at Shira who was in her purple dress and with her long eats that made her look like an elf. Eros could only ask her:

" Hey Shirafilia, are you an elf???".

When Shirafilia heard that she giggled a little and said:

" Well, I have elf blood inside me. You see my mother told me that my father was a half dark elf and half human. Because he was a very powerful mage, I inherited some of his abilities".

" Hoooooo a powerful mage huh so where is he now???".

" I don't know. My mother told me that he was chased and accidentally fell here and fell in love with mother and married her but when I was born he has gone because he was afraid that I and mother will be in danger ".

" Well don't worry because I the lion sin, Sin of pride Eros will search for your father for you so you can meet him".


[ Inside Shira mind ].

( Eros said:

" Don't worry Shira I will find your father for you So I can ask him for your hand and marry you ".

Shira who was happy said:

" You don't need to do all of this I would gladly marry you ".

[ AN: How am I able to enter her mind, damn it ].


Everyone then got up and each one got to their respective rooms so they can sleep soundly and prepare for tomorrow.