Eros was sleeping and when he got up from his bed he noticed that his body is heavy and he thought

( How can I be this heavy, I mean I already deactivated Sunshine so I don't wake up and find myself a giant ).

He then saw that Lisa is on his chest and even Starfire was beside him and hugging his left arm while Lina was hugging his right arm. The only thing he thought was

( I am sure that I left Starfire in her room and Lina and Lisa in their room so how did they come here ).

Suddenly Lisa started waking up. She opened her eyes and saw Eros looking at her. She smiled and said:

" Good morning Eros. Today the adventure gonna begin right???? ".

[ AN: Stop, Stop my heart is melting. wait, 😲😲😲😲 doesn't that mean I am a lolicon, Noooooooooooo ( Death Vadar style)].

Eros couldn't say anything to her and he said:

" Okay, so what is the meaning of this. I am sure that all the three of you were sleeping in their room so how do I wake up and find you here, explain???".

Lisa ignored him completely and said:

" Eh, Is this your room Eros. I thought that this is my room and you came sleeping with us because you were afraid of sleeping alone ".

When Eros heard her, he smirked and said:

" Hoo, so you think that I came to your room hmmm. Then How do you explain Starfire who is here with me ".

She then looked at Starfire and on her face was a surprised look. She didn't expect that She will find Starfire here with them.

She looked at Eros and he said:

" If you don't explain I won't let you eat the sweets that Saifon talked about yesterday ".

" No, No wait I will talk ".

She then started telling about what happened.

In reality, after Eros left them in their rooms, Lisa wasn't able to sleep and then she wanted to go to the toilet. She then told her sister to go with her to the toilet.

After she got out of the toilet, she was too lazy to return to her room and Lina wanted to sleep so they decided to go to the nearest room which was Eros' and after that, they slept with him.

After Eros understood what happened, he looked at Starfire who just woke up and when she noticed him looking at her, she blushed and her face became like a tomato.

Eros then asked her:

" So what brings you here Starfire and don't tell me that you went to the toilet and came here because you were lazy ".

When Starfire heard that she became more embarrassed and thought

( That was exactly what I was thinking about, how did he know that ).

Finally, Starfire said with an embarrassed voice:

" I wanted to sleep together with you like a couple, aren't we????".

When Eros looked at her expression and yearning, he couldn't resist and was about to kiss her when he remembered the two girls who were in the room.

He then looked at them and sighed. He then looked at Lina who was already awake and said:

" Lina, Lisa go and wake up everybody. We will start moving after everybody prepare themselves".

Both Lina and Lisa pouted as they felt that Eros was telling them to get out of the room. Lisa didn't give up and said:

" Then we will take sister Starfire with us So she can also prepare herself ".

Starfire who heard that felt disappointed but Eros replied immediately:

" No, she will stay with me so I can tell her something. Remember that she is my knight ".


When Lina and Lisa heard that they hmphed and went out of the room and slammed the door. Eros then sighed. He turned and saw Starfire who was blushing and looking at him.

Eros smiled and said:

" You know that Lisa is trying to Tease that's why you mustn't fall in her traps ".

He then went to her and gave her a kiss on her lips and even his tongue started entering her mouth and made her have some pleasure. After some time they stopped and he said to her:

" If you let her tease you next time this will be your punishment".

When Starfire hears that, Starfire blushes and nodes but what she really thinks is

(This punishment is amazing, I must let her tease me more ).

Eros gave her a satisfied smile and then he went to the kitchen of the house. Although the houses of the tribe looked simple, they really look amazing from the inside.

Each guest house has 4 rooms inside and 2 bathrooms, a big living room, a big kitchen and finally 2 toilets. All of this gives a house of 2 floors.

As for the water, Shira said that there exists an underground big lake under the whole west of the island and thanks to that, they have water.

Eros then went to the bathroom and took a bath. It's been a long time since he bathed like this, so he enjoyed it.

When he got out of the bath, he found that his clothes are totally tattered. He decided to get new clothes. He got out of the bathroom and went out. He searches the whole first floor naked.

When he got up to the second floor, he found in front of him Starfire who looked at him surprised and shocked. She was shocked by the size of his little brother and thought

( It is so big and even without using his magic ability. If he starts using his sunshine then his thing will be like a giant thing that will break any woman body).

She then blushed because of what she thought and started running toward her room. After Eros saw her like that he smiled and then looked down at his little brother and thought

( Of course, she's gonna run after all she saw my sword that can one-shot any woman hmph ).

Eros then started searching the rooms so he can find any clothing. In reality, In this house, there was only Starfire, Eros, Lisa and Lina. Saifon, Seath was in the other guest house. Sophia went to the mansion with Shira.

That's why Eros was walking like that because Lisa and Lina went to The other house to wake up Seath. So the only one remaining was Starfire and since she was his girlfriend, Of course not officially, he didn't need to hide anything.

Eros didn't find anything and so he decided to search in the treasures he took from the vault, perhaps he might find anything.

After some time of searching, he surprisingly found a heavy white armour with golden guards and even white wings attached to it. there was also Three blue gems, one on the chest part and two on the shoulders parts. Eros then thought

( Why didn't I see the armour while I was taking all those things, I mean it's a badass armour how can I miss it ).

Eros then got the armour out and the moment he did that the wings disappeared and noticed that the blue gem on the chest shining and when he touched it, the armour disappeared and entered the blue gem.

When Eros saw that, he was very surprised but he smiled and said:

" So the reason I didn't see the armour was that it was inside the blue gem and this explains everything ".

Eros smiled and then put the gem back to the necklace and then he said:

" Although the armour looks badass and everything I don't want to walk wearing such things because its gonna brings just attention".

Eros then searched again and finally, he found another interesting thing and he thought

( How can this old man have this much magic items. I must he really did a good thing by having all of this ).

What he found were special clothes that can be controlled by the wearer. He can decide the form and colour of the clothing. Eros was happy because he found such cool clothing.

He then searched and found gloves and shoes that looked exactly like the one Mael wore as Estaroosa. When Eros saw them he was glad because he's gonna finally have good clothes.

He then wore the clothes and made them look like Estarossa clothes and then he added the metal gloves and metal shoes and looked at the mirror.

When Eros looked at himself in the mirror. The magic clothes perfectly fit him and made him look like a villain and with his black hair, it made him really look badass and nothing could defeat him.

Finally, Eros got out of the room and found that the breakfast was brought to them. He found that Lisa and Lina have returned and were eating breakfast with Starfire.

When everybody looks at Eros with his new clothes, They are totally surprised by how handsome he is and also the great aura surrounding him.

Eros smiled at them and said:

" What are you looking at, am I that irresistible, what I am saying??. Of course, I am hhhhh ".

The girls were surprised by Eros new looks and all of them blushed. He looked like a bad boy. After breakfast, all of them got out of the house and found Saifon and Seath waiting for them.

When Eros looked at Seath he was surprised by his new clothes. He was wearing a suit with black shoes and also a white shirt and black tie. Seath wasn't wearing them well but that also made him more handsome.

He had a brown belt with a silver skull symbol and chains attached to the chains. Eros then noticed that he was wearing black gloves. When Lisa saw him like that she smiled and said:

" Oh brother Seath look at how handsome you are, where did you find such clothes ".

Seath smiled and said:

" When I was searching in the pouch I found this suit and even a note that says that it can protect from all the attacks under the emperor level ".

When all of them heard that they were all shocked but didn't say anything. Saifon, on the contrary, was wearing normal clothes without any armour or any things aside from the red sword on his back.

He was hiding his mouth and nose with a white bandage. His light red hair was shining with the light of the sun rays. He then started saying:

" So can we go now. Miss Shira and Miss Sophia have already gone and we are the only remaining ones ".

When Everybody heard that, they were surprised but then started walking towards the north. Eros then activated sunshine and his size started growing but because it was just the morning he didn't grow by that much then he said:

" Lisa, Lina you will be carried by me and Saifon and we will start running toward the north. Starfire, you will be also carried by me ".

Although the mages were powerful with spells, their physical power was another complete thing. Eros then carried Sophia like a princess and this made her blush.

Lisa then got carried by Saifon and this made her blush pout because she wanted to be carried by Eros. Lina went on Eros' shoulder because he was quite big as he was almost 2m and he was quite strong.

He said to Lina:

" Don't let go of my neck ever ".

Lina nodded and said:

" mhm ok".

They then started running toward the north. Although Eros level was only at the beginning of King warrior level, it was still enough to reach the island in an hour.

After one hour of running nonstop. They stopped at the beach of the north. They then found Saydon who was waving at them and said:

" Oyyyyy You finally came. Although you are a little late, It doesn't matter that much because Miss Sophia has a ship so we can move ".

Eros who looked at Saydon and said:

" How can she have a ship. I mean she never talked about it and told and I was planning on using Cruel Sun to travel".

Everybody looked at Him and were surprised but what he said

Everybody: 0__0, Oy we don't want to be burned by your Sun.

Eros looked and them and then hmphed but continued till they reached the Ship. The ship was quite big and has a red with black colour. It also had on it the mark of an eagle.

[ AN: You can say that the Ship is as big as Luffy Sunny go so you can get an image but note that it doesn't have the same design ].

they then heard Sophia voice:

" Welcome to the flying ship, The Orzel. Hope you like it".

Everybody looked surprised but then they heard her voice as she was smiling and said:

" So shall we go to the Wadia island".