Sophia who looked at Korino with a smile on her face said to Aquila:

"Aquila I want you to protect us while I use a spell that can transform my spiritual energy to Lina which will make her able to control more magus mana and help her break the illusion formation".

When Aquila heard that, he was happy and glad that Sophia was with them. If she was under the control of terror bringer, it would've been a disaster.

Aquila nodded and said:

" Please be at ease your highness and cast the spell. I will make sure to protect you".

Lina then said:

" Mister Aquila, there is no time. It seems that Korino is coming for us".

When Aquila heard that he saw the illusion of Korino coming towards him and he was even as fast as an emperor warrior. Aquila immediately cut his way and both of them clashed with each other.

Boom Boom.

Yes, both of them are fighting like warriors and none of them is stopping from hitting each other. Korino who saw this said:

" I must say that if it was my real body that was fighting, I would've been dead long time ago and because my illusion power can't affect you, I can't neither control you or make you injured because of that girl".

While Aquila was fighting against Korino illusion, Lina was using her truth magic ability to cancel all the illusions on Aquila body.

Lina also didn't need to use that much magus-mana because Korino wasn't using high-level magic spells and also Aquila has quite the resistance against illusion attacks thanks to his shadow beast origin.

While Lina was healing Aquila and Aquila was fighting Korino, Sophia was preparing her spell to transform the spiritual power and she then noticed something and thought in her mind

(Wait a minute, Why isn't Korino using his magic spells. I mean if he used lightray again while I and Lina are preparing the spell, she won't be able to use truth on him because of the magus mana unless.....).

Suddenly she remembered something and said to Aquila:

" Beware, Aquila, He's planning to use our friends....".

Before she could continue her words, a spear attack came from His left side and immediately stabbed him in the stomach.

Although all of this was an illusion, the pain feeling is still real. For Aquila right now, This attack is sudden and made him spit some blood.

When Aquila looked at the one who attacked him, he was surprised because it was none other than Saifon.

It didn't stop at this because he also saw that a sword attack came from above, it was Saydon slashing with his red sword towards him.

Aquila was shocked and didn't expect that Saifon and Saydon who were just not long ago on the ground to come to attack him without any warning. Aquila started saying:

" Saifon, Saydon get back yourself. Try to break his control over you".

Swoosh, Swoosh.

It was like he was talking to stones. Both of them are still attacking him and with each second their attacks get stronger and stronger.

Boom, Swoosh, Boom, Boom.

Korino didn't give Aquila any chance as he also went and tried attacking him. Aquila was taking hits from all three of them and he wasn't able to do anything.

While Sophia and Lina prepared the spell, Both Shira and Starfire also got up and headed towards them as they were going to attack them.

Aquila who saw this tried to use some of his left power to escape and protect them but he couldn't. Aquila who heard that started yelling and saying to them:

"Your Highness, be careful. You must end the spell incantation before they attack. You have only one chance".

While yelling to the top of his lungs, Aquila was being hit by the triple power of Saifon, Saydon, and Korino.

When Korino saw that he started ordering Starfire and Shira:

"Both of you girls, go and attack with your most powerful attack and make sure to destroy them".

Starfire, Shira: "Understood".

Lina and Sophia who saw this started sweating as they looked at Shira and Star preparing their own attacks. Lina who saw this said:

"It seems that he is using his magus-mana to control the 4 of them but by doing this he will exhaust his spiritual energy and won't be able to maintain the formation".

Sophia: " Then If we can resist against all their attacks for a limited time then we will win, right?".

Lina shook her head and then continued:

" It won't be that easy. he must've added a magus-mana gathering formation to the whole formation".

Sophia: " Sigh, then that means we still have use your magic power and spell fusion to break through and at the same time protect ourselves from them".

Lina nodded to her and while they spoke like that, Shira and Star already finished their incantation.

Shira: "Fire Magic Red Meteor".

Starfire: "Light Magic Repulsor Ray".

Sophia who looked at Starfire and Shira launching their spells and then said:

" I didn't expect Starfire to have the rare holy element light magic. Only the holy church of the Dormus Empire has those people".

Sophia was prepared to use her isolation magic ring to protect herself and Lina. Shira and Star launched their attack and they went towards Sophia and Lina.

Aquila: "PRINCESS".

Korino: "You can go to sleep now, you will find me waiting for you in the true world".

Suddenly a purple sword held by a young girl cut both the fireball rock and the light magic of Star in half at the same time.

All the people present in the scene were surprised as they didn't expect such powerful attacks to be taken down like that. They then heard a voice saying:

" Well, Well, It seems like you need my great help. I the great Dragon sword to have a time where I will battle a bunch of weakling at the emperor stage".

All of them saw Liza who is holding her purple sword and her hands coated by purple lightning. Korino who saw this said with a grim face:

"I didn't expect the little girl who I totally ignored to be this powerful. I must use my power to control her".

Korino who started using his spiritual energy to control her mind suddenly felt a great pressure taking over all his body.

A pair of a purple eye that looked like dragon eyes said to him:

" It seems like you don't understand the ant that you are. To dare and try to control the girl that I found worthy in the last years. I must kill you a thousand times even if isn't your true body".

Korino couldn't understand what was happening and he felt a little afraid. He ordered the controlled people in his mind

(Go and abandon the Eagle. Concentrate all your attacks on The little girl. No matter what,

kill her).

All of them went and let Aquila go. Lina who saw this yelled to Liza and said:

" Liza, stay away. I will complete my magic 'Truth' and we will get out of here. Just, run away".

Lina who lost a little of her temper while yelling at Liza. Liza didn't say anything and just turned at her.

Liza didn't have her normal eyes anymore but her dragon purple eyes showed just dominance and overconfidence as she smiled and said:

"You don't need to be afraid. Your sister is safe, just concentrate you and that other little girl to finish the spell".

While saying that, All the hypnotized people jumped and started attacking Liza who just smiled and evaded the attacks easily.

Swoosh Swoosh.

Saifon and Saydon who fought melee attacks with their weapons. Shira and Starfire used light and fire magic spells so they can make Liza unable to escape.

This didn't stop Liza as she said:

"Sigh, All of you trying to attack the great dragon sword is a waste of time so let me end this".

Suddenly Liza or what was called the great dragon sword used his purple sword and then attacked towards them as he said:

" Try and guard against this ' Purple Thunder Rawr' Haaa".

With that attack. purple lightning started generating from the sword and it went towards all of them as he completely paralyzed them and made them drop down completely.

Korino who saw this didn't believe such a thing and said:

" How is that possible, your stage is just at the Master warrior level and you easily finished all of them".

Liza who looked existed after launching such an attack said with a smirk in her voice:

"You ignorant human. For me the great Dragon sword, cultivation stage is just an idiot thing that I can ignore easily and fight people who are way higher than me Although to be honest, people like you are way too weak for me".

While fighting, Sophia finished gathering the spiritual energy and said to Lina:

" We are ready, I gathered all my spiritual energy and put it in a special item. You only need to use your spell through the item and it will be done but the huge amount of magus mana used will come through your body and this will weaken you".

Lina: "No problem. Let's then begin oofff 'TRUTH' show".

Suddenly the whole port and the sky started shattering and nothing could stop that. Korino who saw that started clenching his teeth as he said:

"You little bitch. I will make sure to f.....".

Before he could finish his words, he disappeared and vanished like smoke. Lina then sighed and looked at Liza or what seemed to be Liza body as she said:

" Who are you?. For sure you aren't my sister".

The girl smiled and said:

"Well, It's true that I am not your sister but you can be sure That I am here to help. We will meet soon. No need to rush it".

Aquila who returned to Sophia Shadow and was injured said to her:

" I am very injured and although it is just an illusion, the pain was real and It will take some time to heal".

Sophia: " No need to be nervous. We already took care of him and he will be exhausted because of all the spiritual energy he used during this battle".

Aquila: " I hope that you Highness. What I am truly surprised is Liza ability. I mean she looks completely different and those eyes...".

Sophia: "She's a different person. It seems like the sword is the one controlling her body".

Before they could speak more all the illusion world disappeared and all of them lost consciousness.

After some time. Sophia woke up and found that shes still in the port. All of her friends are sleeping on the ground. She then noticed that Lina also started waking up.

Lina who looked at her said:

"It seems like we returned to the real world. Finally, we can rest a little".

Sophia: " Yeah, right now all of us are exhausted and can't keep anymore. I mean we fought an Emperor mage who was at the 10 the stage and we are still alive, This is a huge victory".

Suddenly they heard clapping sound and when they searched to see who was doing that, they couldn't found the source.

They then heard a voice saying:

"To be able to defeat that idiot Korino, you must really be proud of yourself. Unfortunately for you, I am here and I will make sure that you don't escape".