[Returning to Eros and Seath]

Eros and Seath both waited for all the people present in the arena to leave so they can leave after them quietly.


After about 2 hours, The conversation between all the big shots stopped and finally, Riss said:

"Gentlemen, It doesn't matter who fought here but because they are official adventurer guild members, I can't disclose their identity nor their places. I know that some of you just want to meet them so they can be recruited into the royal family".

Both the city lord and General Adrian felt that The guild master was talking about them and that felt like a slap to their face. The city lord who never talked said:

"Guild Master Riss, I must say something and that's whether the members of your guild want to join us or not is none of your concern".

When Riss heard that he was angry a little bit but before he could say anything General Adrian interrupted him and said:

" Yeah, I want just to meet such people who appeared at our kingdom. I mean you can't expect to believe that a king stage warrior/mage appeared just like this and tell us that they are from your guild".

Riss felt angry about the accusations that the city lord and General Adrian gave him and said in his mind

(You must be dreaming if you think someone like Eros will join. I want really to see him burn and you truly understand his power).

No matter how much he was angry, Riss didn't dare to show this and he Kept his poker face no matter what. He finally smiled and said:

"His about this, I won't tell you anything about them and I don't care what you do. Search for them and if you find them you can do whatever you want".

When all of them heard that, all of them felt cheated because Although he did tell them they can recruit them, he still didn't tell them about their place or their name.

Finally, the General sighed and said:

"Well, I am going now and I am sure that I will find them. After all, they are spirit kings, they can't hide forever. Just, Guild Master don't cry When they join me".

After saying that, General Adrian left the arena and the whole building and returned to the north district. After that, the city lord also left without saying anything and just looked at Riss for little and then left.

The commander Damian followed the city lord back to the palace and just looked at Tina with a particular look as he said in his mind

(Next time, I will make sure to **** you until you die you bitch).

Finally, the only remaining ones were Kara, Tina, and Riss. Riss then looked at Tina and said:

"Tina, you can return to the guild. I will return after saying some words to Miss Kara".

Tina nodded, looked at Kara with a look that said (If you do anything I will destroy you).

Finally, the only ones left were Kara and Riss. Riss then smiled at her and said:

"You didn't talk the whole time. I thought that you also came here to recruit them".

Kara: "I am not interested in recruiting people that will bring problems to my organization. Don't think that I didn't notice it. If I did notice what you were doing that means everybody noticed that".

Riss who heard that just smiled and said:

"You are as cold as ever. No matter what happened between us, you must remember that there was a thing between us".

Kara: "You said it yourself there was and there is no more. I only came here to collect information that I can sell through the guild and thanks to you I will make sure to sell this information for a high price".

Riss mouth twitched a little and then he sighed as he said to her:

"Well, it really good to see you again after all its been a long time since we saw each other. By the way, if you meet the man that did this. Don't you ever and I must repeat this, don't you ever disrespect him".

Kara looked a little surprised by what he said and then she hmphed and left. then while leaving, she said:

" Don't underestimate me, I am stronger now and I can protect myself".

When Riss heard her he sighed and then also left the arena.


After all of them left the arena, Eros who was with the cat and Seath jumped from the roof and went outside the building. Diss who was also with them was crying in his mind as he said

(Why am I with these two monsters, I want to go home. I don't want to stay here).

Seath who was holding Diss on his shoulder said to Eros:

"Hey, Where are we going now?".

Eros: " We'll go to the port. I want to see what really happened and if everything is okay".

Seath: "Okay but what about this guy(Diss)? I mean what are we going to do with him?".

Eros: "He's the one who's gonna lead us to the gang after we leave the port that's why you need to protect him".

When Diss heard that he sighed and felt relieved a little. After all, he still has some use and this will make him stay alive longer.

When Eros reached the entrance of the east district he began speeding towards the port until he reaches it.

When he reached the port, he found that everything was deserted. The only thing he could see was the guards sleeping on the ground everywhere.

Eros then looked around him and search for any trace for his friends. He continued until he reached the deck. He found that their ship wasn't there and also anything related to them.

when he returned to the port entrance, he found Diss and Seath holding one man who looked to be the captain. When Diss saw Eros coming, he went to him and said:

" Young master, that guy over there is one of the 20 captains and I think he may know what happened here".

When Eros looked at the man, he stared at him and then said to him:

"Hey, what happened here?".

The guard captain looked at Eros who didn't look that much strong because it was the afternoon and there are only about 3 hours until the sun goes down.

The captain then said:

"You, do you know who you are talking to. I am the port guard captain and you will take me to....".

[AN: When he reached the island it was 14 and when he fought with Seath and everything happening in the arena it's 15:30 so there is still about 2 to 3 hours until the sundown].

Eros looked at the guard for a moment...

Boom Boom

A sudden hit came out of nowhere and hit the captain.

Eros suddenly hit him with so much power that He flew until he reached the deck and hit one of the ships that were there.

Khoff!!!! Khoff!!!!

[AN: spitting blood sound].

The guard who was already injured because of the previous battle was now swimming in his own blood. Eros walked towards the ship and said to the captain:

"You will tell me what happened without any delay or I will make sure to destroy you".

captain: " Yes, Yes (tremble) just don't hit me".

Finally the captain told him everything and when Eros heard what happened, he didn't say anything and looked at him and continued punching him in all parts of his body.

Seath also followed them and shook his head as he said:

" Sigh, we're wasting time here. Let's just go directly. Hey, Diss after Eros finish his in derogation, lead us to the Raiko gang and we will stay there".

Diss who was completely shocked as he saw Eros power just nodded and trembled as he said:

"Mister Seath, do you think that young master Eros is angry?".

Seath: "Well, I don't know because it's not being long since I met him buuuuuttttt....".

Seath expression turned serious and he looked towards Eros and the captain direction as he said:

" I can say that the man is pissed a little".

Eros continued punching him again and again until he's in a near death state. Eros who was angry a little lost himself in anger and finally, he left him beside the ship.

Eros: "Seath, Let's go".

Seath: " What are we going to do?".

Eros: "We're gonna find them".