[Later that night]

Eros and Seath got out of the port and started walking to the central district. Diss who followed behind them and remembered about the event in the port.

Diss: (I don't believe it, he destroyed half the port and made one of the 20 guard captains in a near-death state. I am very glad that I survived and he spared me at that time).

While Diss was thinking about the port, Seath looked at Eros who was walking leisurely. Seath sighed and then said:

"You know, You really punched that guard so hard that I don't think that he will be able to heal".

Eros: "I don't care, I only punched him because he deserves it".

Seath: "Sigh, I don't care that much about him. By the way, what's our next step? I mean the guard captain said after they took down all of them, they suddenly fell to the ground and after some time they woke up again but some man came and made them all unconscious".

Eros: " We will go to the Raiko gang".

Seath: "Wait for a sec What? Why?".

Eros: "Because we need information".

Seath: "Information about what?".

Eros: "We need to find the location of their hideout and to do that the information network of the gang is the best in whole island and some other islands".

Seath then nodded as he understood Eros plan and then he said:

" But how are we going to find them. I mean all the witnesses on the port were unconscious and those who weren't are being treated now and the didn't see the direction they went to".

When Eros heard that he smiled and said as he turned to Seath:

"No need, I am sure that with Sophia and Lina there, nothing big will happen. For now, let's go to Raiko HQ and rest a little".

Seath looked for a moment into Eros eyes and sighed then said:

" We'll do as you say for now".

Seath: (Don't try to pretend that it's all normal. Well, I am sure you're gonna save when the time comes).

Seath: "Hey Diss, show us the way to your HQ now. We're gonna pay a visit to your leader".


In a big restaurant in the south district, a One woman who's wearing a knight female armor and on her back is a gray sword.

She also has a white shield that has a rose mark on the center. She has purple hair and brown eyes. She's none other than Kara, leader of the Raiko gang.

Kara isn't a normal woman. Her father was a great warrior and participated in many battles for the Lefia kingdom. He also got many achievements and was granted a noble title in the Lefia kingdom.

He then retired and married. He wanted to have a son so much so he can train him and make him go battle for the kingdom.

This showed that Kara father was a typical military noble that only wanted to serve his kingdom.

Unfortunately, The first wall that he hit him in fulfilling his dream was that he got a girl instead of a boy. his wife who died while giving birth made things worse.

After these events, Kara father didn't marry and stayed single while rising his daughter alone to be a great warrior.

All of this made her look tomboyish and uncaring about herself as a noble girl. The second thing that made her life miserable was her father sudden death.

When she turned 13, her dear father was assassinated by some other noble that hated him and also took all the fortune and money he had. This made her a target for those who wanted her for immoral reasons.

Fortunately, She had a talent as a warrior and this made her enter the army and battles like her father. She stayed in the army for 8 years since she was 16.

All of those years in the army and in a place where men were dominant shaped her cold personality and made her famous as the ice queen.

After she left the army, she started a business in network and information selling in Wadya city. This business made her famous and also gave her a stable income that she could use to build more branches in other cities.

This also made her enter into other businesses which bring us to this restaurant that belongs to her.

She's now eating alone while enjoying herself in the delicious dish. Suddenly a young woman who looked to be just 17-18 entered the restaurant.

She has black hair and black eyes. She was wearing a black dress and also black gloves with golden lines on decorating it. She also wears brown leather boots. she has a thin sword tied to a brown belt.

Her name was Saya and she was a former slave that got saved by Kara. She came from the eastern countries and looked quite cute.

When she entered so suddenly, Kara didn't say anything and just stopped eating and looked and said:

Kara: "Saya, What did I tell you about interrupting me when I am eating. Should I repeat each time about this?".

Saya who looked panicked and said with a trembling voice:

" But Miss Kara, The HQ... The HQ...".

Kara: "What? Just tell me what happened".

Finally, Saya said with a high voice:

"Our HQ is being invaded".

Kara: "0_0_0_0 What!!!????".


Diss: "Mister Seath, don't you think that it's a little bit so much going this far".

Seath: " What are you talking about, we didn't kill anybody".

Diss: "Of course but still...".

Seath: "You don't need to feel worried about this. If someone tries to kill you we're gonna destroy them".

Diss(Soft voice): " Well, I am worried about those assassins".

[AN: 😯😯😯😯😯 Same thing here. I am also afraid that all the enemies I will send will turn to ashes but no need to feel afraid because I will make sure to make them so OP that even Eros will have a problem because 😤😤😤😤😤...


Seath: "What did you say??".

Diss(AN): "Nothing".

Eros looked at them and sighed as he said:

" Stop bullying him Seath. We're waiting for that Valkyrie. Diss, When di you think she's gonna come here?".

Diss: "Well, nobody dared to invade our hideout since the boss established it so I don't really know but it will be just 10 minutes and she will be here".

In reality, Eros was now sitting in what looked like a throne. This room is the meeting room of the Raiko gang and also the throne is Kara thrones and nobody ever dares to invade and sits on that throne of her.

Even General Adrian who was an experienced general and also a rumored emperor stage warrior doesn't dare to sit on that throne when he comes to visit her.

Now, In front of them was hundred of people on the ground completely helpless and also having their face all blue.

When Eros and Seath came here, they punched their way until the meeting room and also made all go unconscious. You could see all the people unconscious in the building.

Eros: "It's taking longer than I thought and I want to go and rest in One....".

Swash Swash Swash.

Eros suddenly has 3 cuts. One from his right shoulder and going through all his torso. The other 2 are on his back as they make an x shape.

[AN: Imagine the cut Zoro has that was given to him by Mihawk].

Eros: "spit spit".(Spit blood).

Eros looked behind him and found a woman with purple hair and also cold blue eyes. He heard her voice as she said:

"You invaded my palace and injured my men. You even dared to sit on my throne and say that you are going to rest in one of the rooms like it's your home".

Before Eros could say anything, she disappeared again and appeared in front of him sitting on the throne as she said:

"Ice Maiden Sword First move".

Eros then felt another vertical sword slash on his back and he felt like all his body became colder. He then thought

(It seems like her element is Ice and she's able to even freeze my organs).

Eros looked at her and she gave him a cold look with the deep blue eyes and said with a much colder voice:

" You will die by my sword for daring to say such arrogant words".

Eros smiled as he looked at her. He rose from the throne and started walking towards her. Eros cleared the blood on his mouth.

His body started getting bigger and much more muscular and his injuries started healing. He smiles and says in front of her:

"Forgive me because what I say and gets out of my mouth is nothing but arrogance for I am the lion sin of pride Eros".

She looked at him as he continued saying:

" Let me show you the mystery of my magic that can break the ice around you".