Eros looked at the so-called 'Star palace'. This place resembled the Colosseum of the Romans. Eros looked at the pace and started staring at the sky.

Eros noticed that his power is rising second by second.

Eros: (It means that there is still some time before high noon. I don't believe it, this idiot just gave me a huge powerup just like that).

Eros finally turned and looked at Almon who looked at him smiling and said:

"Amazing isn't it?".

Eros: "What is this place? It looks like an arena or something".

Almon: " You see, this is a mini world that was discovered by the First star during his younger years. He then built this arena here. It became a place where us the 12 stars meet".

Eros: "So you brought me here with that spell that was on the ground of the floor so I can embarrass you in front of your organization members".

Almon: " Hhhhh, you're really funny. This arena can only be entered by 2 people. You don't need to be afraid about someone helping me".

Eros: "Well, It would be boring if you're weak and I can't fight to my heart content".

Suddenly Shadows of people started appearing and finally, 10 people appeared. Eros looked at them but he couldn't see their face.

???? (1): "Isn't that Almon? Eh, Who is the other one? I don't recognize him".

???? (2): "Well, It seems like Almon is going to fight someone inside the Star palace. Wait a minute, his level is only at the spirit king stage".

???? (3): "Hey, Almon. If you can't defeat him and die, I will take your place".

Eros looked at all those people that are talking to each other and completely ignoring Eros.

Eros also ignored them and looked at the man at the center. He looked at the shadow and then said:

"You must be the number one. The first star, hmph, why are you not talking. Are you afraid of me?".

All the people looked at him with what seemed to be a shocked face. They then looked at Almon with a disbelieving look.

Almon turned serious and killing intent went through all the arena.

Almon: "You're gonna be a dead person".

Eros: "You're a foolish man who gave me the right place to defeat y....".

Bwak bwak.

Almon kicked Eros and sent him flying towards the sky as he spits blood. Almon then continued as he jumped towards Eros in the sky.


He then hit him with his left hand towards his left cheek. Eros felt the heavy punch and he continued spitting blood.

He then flew again towards the ground. Almon still didn't give him any chance as he continued punching him.

Baammm Baammm Baammm

Eros: (Argh, Argh. He's very fast).

Finally, Almon gave Eros an uppercut to the jaw with his right hand. Eros completely fell to the ground as lost his balance and fell down.

Almon: "Sigh, I didn't expect you to be this weak. I thought that someone like you who defeated Korino will be something but It seems like I overestimated you".

Almon started moving towards Eros to give the finishing blow when Suddenly.....

Baaaam Baaammm Baaaamm.

Eros suddenly disappeared and appeared beside Almon as he punched him 3 times.

Almon was able to guard with his 2 hands through one punch but the other 2 still got him. One in the stomach and another in the shoulder.

Almon:" Aaarrrggghhhh, you're really strong but it's still not enough to take me....".


Before Almon could say anything another attack came to him and this time, it was Rhitta going to Almon's head.

Almon immediately dodged but the attack still got him in the shoulder and this made his shoulder dyed with Blood.

Eros: "This attack is for what happened back at the building".

Almon looked at his shoulder and then smiled as he said:

"You're truly an interesting person Eros. I won't underestimate you anymore and use my true magic art".

Almon still didn't use his sword and he suddenly envelopes himself with Ki. He usees his green wind ki and smiles at Eros.

Almon: "Lets if you're fast enough to keep up with me".


Almon disappeared from Eros view and Eros started searching for him while thinking

(It seems like his speed is his most powerful point but this won't be enough).

Eros then suddenly concentrated around himself and suddenly he felt the wind Ki mana on his left side.


Rhitta clashes with Almon hands coated with wind ki. Eros still wasn't able to follow Almon movements because of his high speed.

Clang Clang Clang.

Each time Almon disappeared, His attacks became faster and stronger and swifter. His strength is also quite good because he's an 8th stage Saint warrior level.

Clang Clang Clang.

Almon: "hhhhh, what happened to you, Eros. Why are you not talking anymore? Say something or are you busy with trying to see me hhhhh".

???? (1): "Almon magic art is truly amazing. With his magic art, he can channel the wind ki inside his body and coat it outside. This gives his body the ability to exert high speed that can make even the Saint kings have a difficult time. At that time, he killed a Saint warrior while he was a spirit emperor warrior. Even if that guy strength is mindblowing if he can't touch him, he will never win".

???? (2): "What truly fascinating is that guy level is rising with the passing time. I can't understand how he's doing that. He doesn't seem to be that powerful but his attacks get stronger and stronger".

???? (3): " What are you talking about? I don't care. Hey, Almon just kill that guy or I am going to kill both of you and also take your place".

Clang Clang Clang.

Eros continued defending against Almon mana coated attacks using his Rhitta. Eros felt that he is in a little difficult situation.

Eros: (His speed makes me unable to touch him. If only I am able to reach him..... Wait a minute...)

Eros smiled as he thought about that and then he smiled and Charged all the heat he has inside his body.


"Solar Blast".

Eros used his energy blast attack so he can distract Almon. The attack worked and Almon trembled as he appeared 10 m away from Eros.

Eros: "I got you. Fire Slash".

Eros slashed towards Almon and because of the previous sudden attack and so, he wasn't able to defend against those attacks.


Almon: " spits(blood). Arrrggghhhhh".

Eros slashed and He got to slash Almon from his shoulder to his stomach. Eros smiled and said:

" How does it feel? Tell me now".

???? (3)(yelling): "Almon".

???? (4): " That young man is already at the 1st stage of Saint warrior. I don't believe it".

Eros then turned to the person at the center who seemed to be the leader and smiled.

Eros: "Hey, if I kill him right now, what would you do?".

The man didn't say anything and just looked at Almon. Finally, He only said one thing:

???? (5): "Almon, when are you going to get serious or do I need to get there to battle for you".

Almon just turned and looked at the shadow. He then started getting up, he then smiled and said:

"No need leader. It was my fault for not getting serious. I will make sure to kill him".

Almon didn't play anymore and he then started getting his sword out of the scabbard. He started using Ki-mana to try and close the wound.

He looked with rage and anger at Eros and said with a killing intent that could be felt in his voice

Almon: "I will make sure to cut you a thousand times".

Eros didn't care and he thought

(It seems like there is still some time until high noon).

Eros smiled and he went and slashed Towards Almon as he said:

" Hmph, Slash me a 1000 time?. You're gonna regret saying that".


Eros slashed towards Almon but the weird thing is that The Axe passed through Almon body.

Eros: (An afterimage).

"Sword art hundred dragon fangs".

Psssschh pssscchhh.

Eros got slashed and many cuts appeared over all his body. Eros spat some blood as he touched his chin.

Almon: "This is my attack using sword intent merged with my wind ki magic art. It gives me the needed speed to attack many times at the same moment".

Eros: "Interesting magic art and it seems like you are able to merge it with your sword style but this won't be enough".

Almon felt like Eros is ridiculing him and not caring about him at all.

Almon: "I will make sure to torture before I kill you".

Eros sighed and then looked at his injuries and he said:

" It seems like letting you attack me a little gave you fake confidence. I will fight you in your own domain speed".

Suddenly, All the heat around Eros body started gathering in his hand and started forming a flame ball until it became a burning mini sun.

Eros: "Well then, How about we get a little more serious".