???? (4): "This attack is really dangerous. It just looks like a sun that emits high temperature".

???? (1): " He somehow is able to concentrate the heat he was emitting and merging it with mana to create this kind of flame ball. If Almon gets hit by this attack, his chance of survival will be very low".

???? (2): "That young man is very young yet very strong. It seems like he has a special magic ability that can make his power go higher and higher Although I think he must pay a price to have such power".

???? (3): " I don't care about this at all. What I want is for Almon to kill him so I can challenge and take his star position".

???? (6): "Don't you care about anything else aside from becoming a higher star".

Suddenly the leader, the first star said:

???? (5): "Shut your mouth and let us see the battle".

[A/N: You can imagine the shadows like when the Akatsuki meets. What appears is just the eyes].

Almon who saw Eros and the flaming ball was a little surprised but he still didn't lose his calm as he returned to his nonchalant personality and smiled.

Almon: "I must say that your attack really looks terrifying but it's not enough. With my speed, I can easily evade this attack".

Eros didn't say anything and just looked at him. He then sighed and said:

" Sigh then let's see if you can evade this".

Woosh Woosh

Eros moved his hand two times as he directed it towards Almon. Suddenly he saw that The sun disappeared from Eros Hand and then.....

.Almon sew the sun in front of him and is about to bit him.

Almon: "Ah..."


Almon: spits (blood).

The sun hit Almon body and made him flew towards the sky.

Almon reached the sky and suddenly hit some kind of shield that didn't let him from going any higher. Eros looked at him and said:


"Ah, poor man. You must be suffering. CRUEL SUN ☝☝☝☀☀☀☀☀".

Eros made the flame ball fly to the shield. Almon who saw that coming felt real pain.


Between The Sheild and the flame ball, Almon couldn't move at all. The shield is made of mana and when he touched it, he felt true pain. Also, the flame ball who is in front of him made him unable to move and escape.

Almon: (Shit shit shit. What is this? he was able to attack me and I couldn't even see it).

Eros who looked at Almon taking very big damage smiled and said:

"How about we end this. PRIDE FLARE 💥💥💥💥".


Eros made the sun flame ball explode in front of Almon and the mana shield.

A bright light illuminated the whole arena and made all the stars unable to see what is happening.

What they could see is a big explosion and fire going through everything.

???? (6): " Such destructive power is really amazing. Is he really a Saint warrior?".

???? (1): "I refuse to believe that's he's a human".

???? (3): " Yeah, he must be a dragon or something".

???? (2): "Stop saying nonsense".

The first star looked at the battlefield. Everything there was destroyed and nothing remained inside the shield.

???? (4): "If it wasn't for the shield, the whole place could've been destroyed".

Finally, They could see Eros in the center looking at where Almon was hit. They noticed that Almon is now on the ground.

His injuries looked severe as his whole left Arm is burned and even his face was burned a little. Even his bones appeared on the legs.

Almon just looked at himself and he then smiled:

" Feww, I almost died. If I didn't use my wind ki to protect my vital organs then I would've just died immediately. I must say that your attack really killed me".

Eros: "Well, I can attack you again with the same power and more.....".


Another Sun appeared on Eros hand and he smiled and said:

" Shall we continue now?".

Almon then started channeling his ki-mana into what seemed to be a spatial ring. He then got out a bottle that jas a potion.

Almon: "I will destroy you completely and end thus gulp gulp gulp".

Almon drinks the whole potion. His injuries started healing and his body started regeneration.

Even his level started rising as he reached the 10th level of the Saint warrior. He looked at Eros with rage and hatred in his eyes.

Almon: " Prepare yourself. Sword art Wind Dragon Thousand Fangs".

Eros: "You should be the one to prepare yourself to burn".


Eros got slashed and a thousand cut appeared on his body. Blood covered all his upper body.

Eros threw his Cruel sun towards Almon but it mysteriously passed through him like he wasn't there at all.


Eros: (An illusion? No it was an afterimage).

Almon then appeared behind him smiled as he used his sword intent and Ki-mana and said:

" Sword Art 10000 dragon slash".

Eros saw many green dragons made out of mana appear in front of him. The dragons then started encircling him.

Eros: (Wha.....).

Boooommmm Booooommm.

The dragons attacked Eros at the same time and gave him bad injuries.

Almon: "You better give up Eros. With my high speed and wind ki, your attacks won't reach me. For your powerful magic, I can use my mirage wind to move so fast and only leave an afterimage. Give up already".

Eros didn't respond to him. His shoulder has a big hole and his chest is completely covered with blood. Even his face has blood flowing from his forehead.

Eros now is unable to follow Almon and couldn't do anything to stop him.



???? (1): "It seems like Almon is finally going to end this fight".

???? (2): "Yeah, Still, he had to use the special magic potion and this shows how the young man is powerful".

???? (3): "Hmph, if he didn't defeat him then he wouldn't deserve to be among the higher stars".

???? (4): "I must say that he almost scared us but this doesn't matter anymore because no matter how powerful he is, he will never defeat him".

the sixth man didn't say anything and looked at the first star as he said:

"Why don't you also speak, leader?".

???? (5): "Tell me, how much time is still left until the high noon".

???? (6): "Why do you ask that?".

???? (5): "Just tell me".

suddenly a seventh voice appeared and it was a woman voice as she said.

???? (7): "There is still 2 hours until the high noon in this mini-world".


Suddenly all of them turned and saw Almon having 3 cuts on his shoulder, Chest and even having his hand completely cut.

???? (1) (2) (3) (4) (6): "Ah, what is happening".

???? (7): "As expected".

the first turned to her and said:

???? (5): "So you also saw through his power".



Almon: "What happened?".

Almon who suddenly got this 3 cuts couldn't understand what happened.

Almon tried to touch where his hand got slashed. You could even see the bones as his hand is almost detached.

Eros: " Did you tell me to give up because I wasn't fast enough?".

Almon started using his magic art and Ki so he can heal a little.

Almon: "The attack was so fast that I couldn't even see it".

Eros: "Do you think that because of your speed, you will be able to defeat me?!!!!. Who decided that?".

Almon who noticed that Eros doesn't attack him anymore and is just talking got angry and wanted to take him down.

Almon: "What happened to you...".

Almon was a pug to speak to Eros when He saw something terrifying.

Almon couldn't speak anymore as he sees in front of him a giant Eros that is over 3 meters. His giant muscles and overwhelming presence makes anybody lose their tong.

Eros: "Greatest Sun".

Almon: (What happened, his size has gotten bigger and what the hell is that thing above him. Even his level is getting higher and higher than before).

Eros: " The only one to decide whether to end the battle or not is ME, Sir Eros".

Almon: "Hey wait. What are you doing? Such an attack will kill both of us.....Wait".

???? (3): " Almon run away. You can't take that attack head on".

Eros didn't care about Almon and the other stars voices as he just smiled to him.

Eros: "Now, disappear from my sight".

Almon: " Waaaaaiiiiiiii...".

Eros threw the Flame sun towards Almon with all his power.

Eros: "Hrragghh".

Almon: " Noooooo..."


Almon is completely enveloped by the Greatest Sun as his body starts turning into Ashes and disappear from the face of Arena.

The flame then exploded in front of Eros and everything became red and black because of the high heat from the attack.

Eros: "To dare and disrespect me, this is your fate".

Eros then looked at the Arena around him as he said:

" Its the first time that I used this much power. I can't even control the heat anymore. I must train more".

Finally, Eros sighed and turned around.

"I must first find a way to get out of this place".