[In the Ancient Ruins].

The ancient ruins are a place that has been known as one of the most 3 dangerous places in the whole western continent.

Nobody knows what exist inside that place because it's surrounded by a thick fog during the whole year.

People called them ancient ruins because once a year the fog around that place fades a little and people who watched that said that they could see ruins of an ancient city.

From that day people gave it the name of the ancient ruins. That place also became one place that no living creature can put a foot in.

Many adventurers, Warriors, Mages tried to enter that place because they thought that there is some treasure.

Unfortunately, no one from those who went inside returned back to tell their story so that place became the definition of death.


[Inside the ancient city in the ancient ruins]

Inside one of the destroyed buildings, Riss is sitting on a chair and drinking tea. Beside Riss is a bed that has Diss and Kara sleeping on it.

Saifon is also there sitting beside him and looking at him enjoying the tea. He then looked at Kara and Diss.

Saifon: "When do you think they will wake up?".

Riss continued drinking his tea and didn't look concerned at all.

Riss: " Well, It depends. For Diss case, he will perhaps never wake up. The memories that he is having will make him unable to wake up.

Saifon: "What about Kara?".

Riss: "Kara case is different. Her level is quite high and this also shows that her resistance to the memories flood is quite good but this won't be enough".

Saifon: "Before I ask you why did you really take us? What about me? Why am I not affected like them?".

Riss: "Hhhhhhh in your case. Well, he is too proud to try and possess your body from inside the seal".

Saifon: "That means our bodies are being possessed".

Riss: " Yes and No. If you're strong enough then you can stop the possession and if you're weak then your body will be taken ".

Saifon thought about what Riss told him now. He then looked at him again.

Saifon: "Why us? I mean how did they choose us to be possessed?".

Riss smiled and didn't say anything. He just smiled and continued drinking tea.

Saifon: "You really are a weird guy".

When Riss heard that, he smiled and put the cup of tea. He then turned and looked at Saifon.

Riss: "hahaha Why is that my friend?".

Saifon: "Well, I never saw someone who is in the center of one of the most dangerous places in the whole continent and enjoying tea like he's in a picnic".

Riss: "hahaha Perhaps I need to explain to you something. For all the people living on the continent, this place is an unlivable danger but to me, this place is a place that was once a prosperous civilization and a beautiful city".

Saifon looked a little surprised by what Riss said. This is the first time ever that he came here.

Although he never came here, there are many rumors about the danger of this place that even reached the Lefia kingdom.

Saifon: "What do you mean?".

Riss: "What I mean is this city..."

Tina: "Lord Riss, everything is ready".

Before Riss could continue Tina suddenly appeared and interrupted their conversation. Riss looked at her nodding towards and then he started laughing.

Riss: "hhhhh Finally, After 300000 years of waiting, I can finally release my comrades and our army will rise again. We will rule over everything".

Riss held the sleeping Kara in his hands and Tina held Diss on her shoulder. Saifon followed them out of the building as they started walking.

Saifon: "So where are we going now?".

Tina: "Don't dare to ask us. You just walk and see".

Saifon didn't say anything as he looked at Tina following Riss.

Saifon: " do You really follow him without even saying one word?".

Tina: "Yes, Lord Riss is the one who saved me even when I was nothing but a poor girl living in the slums of the Roshtar Kingdon".

Saifon: "So you're from Roshtar kingdom?".

Tina: "Yes, The Roshtar kingdom is a vassal country for the Agung empire. The Agung empire used it as a buffer zone between it and Sardinia empire".

Saifon heard about what she said and felt sad about her. He knew that among the empires there is war and to make sure that the war doesn't reach their lands, they use the little kingdoms to fight for them.

Saifon: "I am very sorry for you".

Tina: " You don't need to be sorry because after I gain the power that Lord Riss promised me, I will make sure that all the 5 empires pay for their tyranny".

Saifon: "Aren't you also being possessed?".

Tina turned and looked at him and then said with a resolute voice.

Tina: "I will do anything so I can take my revenge".

She then continued walking as she followed Riss. Saifon who saw that signed and looked at her.

Saifon: (She's completely brainwashed by him. It's like she will follow him to death no matter what. But there is something really weird, why isn't she being possessed?).

Saifon looked at her as he thought about a way to escape from this place.

Saifon: (My chance of escaping is really slim because of Riss and Tina power. Even If I run away, I will find myself in the fog area of the ancient ruins and this will make my escape useless as I will stay there forever).

In the end, while Saifon was thinking about a way to escape, All of them reached the center of the city and found a big black and red castle.

This castle has most of its towers completely destroyed and even the door is completely blown away. Riss stopped as he looked at the castle.

Riss: "Sigh, who thought that the great dragon castle will be destroyed and turn into something like this but after today, everything will change".

Riss said the last words with an excited face. They entered the castle and went to the throne room. They then continued until they faced the throne.

Riss then sat on the throne and looked over the whole room. He then turned towards Tina who is beside him.

Riss: "Go bring the other two".

Tina nodded and went outside the room. Saifon who saw her get outside looked back at Riss that continued smiling and looking at him.

Saifon: "Where did she go?".

Riss: "To bring the other members of course and before she comes back we will prepare ourselves...."

Riss then got the music box that he got from Korino. He then smiled as he looked towards it.

Riss: "How much did I search for this box. Saifon, tell me, can you imagine such a little thing being a key that unlocks the seal of the strongest people in the world".

Saifon: "Sigh, I thought that this thing looked plain and didn't have anything special but somehow I still took it from the vault. I just felt some connection with it and took it with me".

Riss looked shocked as he heard what Saifon said.

Riss: "Hhhhhhh, so it was you who took the music box. This really must be irony hhhhhhh".

Saifon didn't understand what Riss meant by the irony thing. Saifon didn't say anything and waited for Tina to come back.

Riss: "Let me tell you why this music box is special. This music box has a strand of Spiritual energy that activates once the music starts".

While saying that, Riss opens the box and music starts immediately. The music looked sad and made everyone who hears it feel very lonely and miserable.

Saifon who heard the music didn't say anything. He just looked at Riss while being very surprised because he saw Riss crying!!!!.

Riss left eyes started tearing and Saifon couldn't understand what is happening. Suddenly not too far away behind him, the ground started opening

Saifon turned and saw something getting out of the hole. Saifon felt a dark aura coming out of there. The dark and uneasy feeling that he felt when he looked at that place makes him feel headache.

Saifon: "Argh, happening to... me.....Argh".

Riss looked at him and smiles more and more.

Riss: " Even without him trying, his power is unconsciously affecting the body".

Finally, an altar rose from the hole. The dark altar looked evil and has dark energy surrounding it.

Tina then entered the throne room and found the Altar rising in the middle. She also brought with her two people.

One of them is a centaur with an upper half of human and lower body of a horse. He is wearing armor with a green tattered shirt under it.

He also looked injured in his lower part. He also has a broken sword attached to its back. The second one is a girl who looked to be a teen girl.

She has purple wings in her waist that resembled the bat wings. She has red hair and little oni wings.

When Riss looked at them he smiles. All the Six of them are now facing him and looking at him.

Riss: "Let's begin, The revival of the Seven Deadly sins".