Riss looked at all the dark energy in the throne room, he then got up from the throne and started walking towards The dark Altar.

He passed the six people and reached the dark altar. He started climbing the stairs that reached to the top of the Altar.

When Riss reached the Top of the Altar, he found what seemed like a mural. The mural has in it an image.

A man that didn't show its face sitting on a throne. Under the throne is Seven people kneeling for him.

Each one of the seven has a symbol attached to them.

[AN: The symbols link:].

The one who sat on the throne also seemed to have a symbol in the throne.

[AN: link:].

Riss looked at the mural and smiled, for this picture signified the return of the seven deadly sins and the great army of the Dragon devil king.

Risa then cut his finger and blood started dripping until it created a little pool. He then got the music box out and threw it in there.

Down the Altar, Tina and the Oni woman didn't look that much affected by the dark miasmas. The Oni woman didn't show any surprised expression and just asked Tina.

Oni woman: "So what's gonna happen to us now? Are we going to be absorbed by him so he can gain more power? You prisoned us here for 100 years just to do that".

Tina didn't show any expression. She only looked at Riss who is at the altar. She then turned to The oni Girl.

Tina: "Do you think that Lord Riss want the power for himself? you're very wrong. In reality, our bodies are the reincarnations of his friends from the past. He wants to give us their power that is sealed inside the altar".

The one woman looked at her with a face that said 'you're really an idiot'. Tina completely believed in Riss no matter what he did, He completely brainwashed her to follow him.

The centaur who came with the one girl looked at Tina and the Oni woman who seemed very calm, he then said with an angry voice.

Centaur: " What do you think you're doing right now. Do you know who am I? I am Colandrius, the great captain from Sardinia empire kidnapped me a century ago. All the empire must be searching for me right now".

Oni woman: "Oh shut up. Nobody is searching for you, you're just a captain in the empire. Hey Tina, you said that he will give us the power of his friends but how will he do that?".

The Oni woman looked at the other 3 who were there. 2 of them are unconscious while the other one is struggling with some kind of headache.

Oni woman: " I mean, look at those 3. One of them is a spirit king warrior and the other even looks like a spirit warrior while the last one hahahahaha, he's just a master warrior level and it seems like there is a problem with his body that's why he isn't able to go beyond that. How can he inherit this kind of power".

When Tina was about to answer her, Riss suddenly turned and started walking down towards them.

Riss: "Well, to begin with, Erron is a mage and because Diss used Ki, he wasn't able to advance but this will change soon".

Riss continued smiling and didn't say anything. On the other hand, Colandrius looked at Riss with extreme rage and said to him.

Colandrius: "Riss, release right now or I will make your life a living hell".

Riss: "Wait for a little time and you will be released immediately".

The moment Riss said that The dark miasmas started gathering above the Six Heads. Riss who saw that smiled and started laughing.

[AN: ].


A pillar made of darkness suddenly got out of the Altar. The Altar then started shattering and it felt like something tries to get out.

Oni woman: "What is that thing?".

Colandrius: "Riss, what are you doing? release me right now. I order you.....".

Colandrius continued screaming but Riss didn't hear him at all. He completely ignored him.

Tina looked at the Altar and tried to see what is the thing that is trying to get out of the Altar.

What they saw shocked them. They could see 6 shadows figures made of darkness. The dark side they brought with them is really terrifying.

The Oni woman who felt afraid for the first time since she came here turned to Riss and stared at him.

Oni woman: "What is the meaning of this? Are you planning to give us that kind of power? I refuse to go on, release right now".

Riss looked at her and sighed. He just smiled and stated at the 6 shadows.

Riss: "I can't release you. Once The ritual is activated, it can't be stopped. You don't need to feel afraid, once this is done. you will rest forever".

The Oni woman didn't talk with him anymore and just tried to run away. She started casting a spell but suddenly a barrier appeared around her and she wasn't able to cast the spell.

Riss who looked at her panicked expression laughed and enjoyed her troubled and miserable face.

Riss: "It's useless, this altar makes anybody unable to use a spell or even a magic art or magic ability".

When they heard that, they lost all hope to free themselves. Tina looked at them and sighed.

Tina: "You will see that after this your power will become infinite and you will able to do anything. Just watch".

Oni woman: "You must be really mad. Don't you see those shadows? They will eat us and use our bodies to gain power for themselves".

Tina: "If I can have my revenge then I will gladly offer my body".

Colandrius: "She completely lost her mind".

Boom Boom Boom.

Colandrius tried to break the barrier but he couldn't at all. Finally, the altar completely got destroyed and the 6 shadows brook from their prison.

They then went to the dark miasma above Tina and the others. Finally, The dark miasma started entering their bodies.

The Oni girl looked at her body at it started being surrounded by darkness and she started losing consciousness.

Saifon who is struggling with the headache lost consciousness and a dark cocoon already appeared around him with a mark that resembled one in the mural.

Finally, All of them have been inside a cocoon. Riss waited there as he looked at all the cocoons.

Crack Crack.

After some minutes, the cocoons started shattering and a dark aura started getting out of them.

Suddenly 5 people jumped out of the cocoons and all of them has different appearances.

The first person is a white centaur with a completely white body and a lower part that is different from a horse.

He wears only a roman helmet and has four hands. He also has a white spear and a white armor. He has black eyes and a creepy smile.


(the gluttony symbol on his chest)].

The second one is a man who wears a white mask and on the mask is one of the symbols in the mural.

He wears a red cloak and a gray armor. He also holds a book in his hands.


(He wears a red cloak and the mask has the envy symbol)].

The third person is a woman who has two red Oni horns and wings on her waist. She has white like snow hair and red like blood eyes. She wears a red and white Kimono.

She also has big red beads around her neck. Each bead has a symbol like on the mural.


(She has the sloth mark on the beads).

The fourth one is a human woman, She has blond hair and purple eyes. She also wears a black mini dress with a skeleton on it and black stockings.

She also has a black long scepter with a purple crystal and bones around it.

[AN: She also has cough cough big tits and the mark of lust is in her chest.]

Finally, The fifth one is a woman who has long dark blue hair and blue eyes. she also has longs ears and wears a black dress torn in the stomach area.

She holds twin blue heavy swords with black handles. She also wears black metal gloves.


(She has the wrath mark on her stomach and doesn't have wings)].

What is most surprising about this woman is that she resembles the old version of both Lina and Lisa. She just looks like Lina and Lisa when they grew up.

Riss who saw all of them smiled and then got up from the throne. His appearance also started changing as darkness started spinning around him like a tornado.

Finally, Riss true appearance appeared. He has black dragon scales around all his body. His tail is rad and very long.

he has light silver hair and green eyes that resembled dragon eyes. He has red scales on his chest and the greed mark.

Riss: " Hahahahaha It's been 300000 years since I saw all of you. I am very happy that we meet again".

The man with the gluttony mark also started laughing. he then turned and looked at the destroyed altar.

centaur: "hahahahaha, Yes. I finally got out of this damn seal. 300000 years inside that place is really a torture for our souls".

Riss: "It must've been really hard for you Bastoros. What about the others, how does it feel to be alive again?".

The woman with the Oni horns looked at the room and she started yawning. Bastoros looked at her and started laughing.

Bastoros: "Hahahahaha, why are you yawning Leia, we have been inside that altar for 300000 years and you still want to sleep".

Leia looked at him and then ignored him completely. She didn't look at him at all. Bastoros who saw that became a little angry.

Bastoros: "oyoyoyoy, do you think that you can ignore me, you lazy woman".

Blond woman: "Giggle giggle, just when we got out, you start having it you".

The blond woman whose name is Lilura Wood. She is an undead mage who uses undead magic.

She then looked at Riss and smiled.

Lilura: " but What happened to you little Riss, what took you so long to free us? I mean its 300000 years".

Riss: "Well, first of all, nice to see you again big sister Lilura. The reason that I am this late is that It's only been 10000 years since I got out of my seal. The second reason is that I had to search for the music box because it wasn't in the vampire castle".

Everybody: " What?!!!!!".

Suddenly, the Oni woman Leia who stayed silent the whole time talked.

Leia: "The box got stolen?".

Riss: "I really don't know. When I woke up, I went directly to the vampire castle but when I reached that place I didn't find anything or anybody. Later when I investigated, I found that the vampires went extinct as they were slain by the light church".

Erron: "So the light church is still existing?".

Riss: "It's very hard to explain".

Suddenly, the woman who resembled Lina looked at Riss with particular eyes as she waited for him to say anything.

Riss: "What is it, Arlette?".

Arlette: "Is she alive?".

Riss looked at her and started sweating a little. He didn't want to say anything but Arlette stair really makes him feel uncomfortable.

Finally, he sighed and looked at her with a serious expression.

Riss: " Well, Yes and No. I will explain to you later. For now, let's get out of this place".

Suddenly, a deep voice came from behind them. They looked at Saifon cocoon direction but they didn't find anyone.

?????: "So she's still alive after all?".

They then looked behind them and found Someone sitting on the throne. He has long white hair.

He has horns that are made from purple fire and even his left hand seems to be made from the purple fire and also fused with black metal.

He doesn't wear anything in his chest and only wears the lower part of a white and black kimono. he has yellow eyes and in the middle.

You could even see the pride mark on the necklace on his chest.


(for the pride mark, its the one that resembles V)].

They saw on the front of them, the strongest Sin and the most powerful warrior under the Dragon Devil king.

His name is Zadicus heart and he's the Leader of the seven deadly sins Generals.

Zadicus: "What happened to this place during all these years. It seems like our pristine has completely gone. We must make the world remember us".

Everybody looked at him waiting for his orders. Finally, he smiled and looked at all of them.

Zadicus: "Let's go and show them the terror of the seven deadly sins".

Then all of them started floating and others used their wings to fly and go out of this castle.

Bastoros: "Hahahaha, let's celebrate our return to the world by killing and slaying cities".

Leia: "yawwwnnnnn, let's then go sleep".

Riss: "All of you are really energetic".

Lilura: "Well, little Riss, unlike you, we just got out of our prison".

Riss: "Technically, I am older than you by 10000 years since the time inside the seal is stopped".

Erron: "Even after all of these, none of us changed one bit".

At the front, Alrette and Zadicus are flying and Alrette looks at Zadicus who seems to be excited.

Alrette: "You really are happy?".

Zadicus: "Of course, now I will have the chance to kill her myself".

This was the revival of The seven deadly sins.