In the Middle of the Sky, there is a big red and black ship sailing in the Sky. Eros looks at the sky and observes the sun. He started pondering about what happened to him these last days.

After staring at the sky for some time, Eros turned back to the ship and started walking back, returning to his room.

For him, everything in this world is new, even the sky is new for him. Although it didn't differ that much from the earth sky, still, it was a new sky.

It's been three months since Eros came to this world and the things that happened to him in these 3 months won't happen to anybody in a 1000 years, Assuming they could leave that much.

Eros also thought about what happened in Wadya and started thinking about it because It has been a month since the kidnapping of Saifon and the others.

Many things happened during this month, One of them is Serena officially joining the team. Eros and the others stayed in Wadya island for a more 3 weeks as they rested.

They also did a little party for Serena joining the team. It was also a way to make her forget a little about her Brother kidnapping.

through those 3 weeks, Eros noticed that Serena is really u sociable. She doesn't talk too much, she also doesn't like shopping and pretty things like normal women.

The only thing that she is interested in is magic, new knowledge, and new wisdom. Because of that, she made good friends with Sophia and Lina.

During those 3 weeks, They bought and also stocked the food and anything they needed to have in the Ship storage room.

Something big also happened which is the Second prince apologizing to us for what he did at the Moxi island. This really surprised Eros and the Friends, as they didn't expect the prince to apologize.

One thing and another and the 3 weeks passed fastly. The Friends prepared themselves and begun their adventure towards one of Yodatya Kingdom cities, Dastonia city.

This city is a city that has been there since the Argalia empire time. In this city is the family that was founded by Emperor Charles illegitimate child.

It has been a week since they started traveling and they are at the border of The lefia kingdom in the lands part. This time spent in traveling showed to Eros, how big is the continent.

It also showed to him that this continent is not as advanced as the earth from the past. When you see from above, you see that most of the lands aren't cultivated.

This shows how agriculture isn't advanced that much. Eros also discovered through Sophia that they didn't have magic cars.

To be exact, the idea of a magic car never came to their minds until Eros explained the meaning to them.

Then Sophia explained to him that the idea of a car is quite good and that it will propose to the empire when she returns.

What Eros found funny is that they had flying ships and even Trains which really shocked him but they couldn't think of a car.

Eros: (This continent is really weird. They thought of flying ships and trains but didn't think about cars Hahahaha. I will make money through the cars idea thing and perhaps buy a palace).


When Eros started walking through the ship, he found that someone in the training room. When Eros entered, he found Saya inside, training with her sword.

At that time, Saya decided to go with Eros and the others to Sava Kara. After Kara left, the whole gang started crumbling. Saya who only stayed in the gang was because of Kara who saved her at that time in the past.

Many of the girls tried to stop her from training and rest but she never listened. She only continued training and training more.

Since Saya came with them, she didn't stop training. Each day, she spent almost all her time training. She only got out of the training room for either eating or sleeping.

Eros who looked at her also felt how much she resented herself. He also knew that if She doesn't stop, she will die from exhaustion.

Eros suddenly got an idea. He then got his Axe from out of the spatial necklace. He then started walking towards Saya. She then noticed him and stopped playing with her sword.

Saya: "Sir Eros, If you're coming here to stop me from training. I will never stop until I rescue Miss Kara".

Eros: " Hmph, you overestimate yourself too much. I will not do such a thing. However, I have another proposition for you".

Saya: "What is it?".

Eros: "I will fight with you. If you win, I will let you continue training and if I win you will stop training for a while and come with me".

Saya: " Isn't this the same as stopping me from training. You are also way stronger than me and could defeat me in a mere second".

Eros liked at her and then smiled and started laughing.

Eros: "Hahahaha(jovial laugh). This is why I proposed the duel. I can stop you without using any difficulty but I still proposed this. You are a 3rd stage Grandmaster warrior, right? I will only use a fraction of my power. How about this?".

Saya: "Okay, I accept but you must not use your Axe or any weapon, even magic. You only use your physical power".

Eros: "Well, It would be unfair for you if I use something like that against you, right?".

Saya clenched her teeth, she then got her sword and walked towards him. She then faced him and took a pose for her sword.

When Eros looked at her, he was surprised by her pose. She resembled the Japanese samurai when they unsheath their swords.

Saya: "Prepare yourself".


She unsheathed the sword and then advanced towards Eros.....

Slash Slash.

Eros size started growing as he activated Sunshine. It was almost the Sunset and So his power isn't much. It will be enough for him to deal with Saya.

Her sword became faint and Eros just sat as she slashes towards him and hit him 2 times. She then returned back to her position and waited for Eros.

Eros then looked at her and smiled. Nothing happened and no injury appeared. Eros smirked and said to her while laughing.

Eros: "Haha, is this your best girl??. I expected more from you. How about this? I will only use my finger to battle your sword".

Eros then raised his finger and looked at her while giving the smug smile. She became a little angry and used that pose again and slashed towards him.


Before she could hit his body, Eros stopped the attack with his finger and he then looked at her. She frowned and looked enraged.

She returned back and tried to distance herself. Eros who saw that just smiled and didn't do anything.

She then speeded up towards him again and this time she tried to go and attack behind him.


Slash Slash Slash Slash Slash.

She continued to attack him many times from behind and the front. She didn't stop at all. She also continued slashing for over 10 minutes without stop.

Unfortunately, her sword couldn't even pass through his skin. Most of her attacks were like an itch. She also couldn't keep up as exhaustion started running over all her body.

Finally, She stopped as she bounced back. She tried to catch a breath because of all the Ki she spent.

Eros: " It's useless. You used all your Ki to enhance your body and also coat your sword. This made you empty completely. You can't control your Ki well and this made you leak much more than you use. How about you stop and surrender".

Saya: "Huh, huh, huh. I will...huh.....never stop. I....will win and.....train more....huh, huh".


Suddenly, Eros disappeared from her sight and he appeared right behind her. He then hit her on the back of her neck. She then started losing consciousness.

Tears started getting out of her eyes as she said with a sad voice.

Saya: "No, I want Miss Ka..."

Eros: "You lose. I win. You rest now".


After the battle, Before she could fall to the ground, Eros caught her and then carried her in princess care. He got out of the training room and started walking towards Saya room.

Saya sleeps and lives in the Same room as Shira. Since many people came to the ship and the rooms are very big, The Girls decided to live in pair except for Star who sleeps with Eros.

[AN: Yow Yow. Don't expect hentai scenes because I don't know how to do them. For those who want...You can imagine it 🙄🙄🙄🙄. Eros will kill me if I do the scene].

Eros then reached the room and opened the door. He put Saya in one of the beds. He then headed to the Kitchen room. The one who cooks for everybody is Eros.

Everyone doesn't cook because they don't know. The only ones who can are Eros and Shira.

Shira said that before she became queen, she learned how to cook from her mother. At that time, her mother said that after she marries someone, she needs to cook for him.

So each time, Shira and Eros take turns on the cooking. Lisa and Star also showed some interest in cooking but their skills aren't enough.

Each time they go to the kitchen, it's inevitable that they will burn something. Eros banned them. from cooking ever again until they learn well.

Eros learned cooking from the Internet, Eros mother passed away and his father traveled a lot because of his work. so he had to stay alone and learn how to make good dishes.

Eros entered the kitchen and prepared himself to make dinner.


It was dinner time. Everybody was in the lawn deck of the ship aside from Saya who is still sleeping. They are all waiting for Eros to serve the dinner on the table.

Eros then came with Shira who is holding the food. Lisa, Saifon, and Saydon looked at the food while saliva pouring from their mouths.

Eros who is holding the food started sighing and grumbling. He then served the food for them and he said with a haughty tone

Eros: "sigh, to think that Someday, I, Lord Eros will serve food for someone. Everybody, Be glad That I cooked for you because my food is really delicious".

Everybody looked at him then looked back at each other then they all started laughing at Eros. Eros who saw that sighed and looked at them with pity.

Eros: "Sigh, you really don't know how fortunate you are".

Eros and the others started eating and after a good meal, They all rested and slept on the lawn deck ground. The ground is made of a special fur.

This also shows how luxurious is the ship and how it's expensive. Eros asked Sophia about who made the training room and she shook her head.

She said that the ship is a gift from her father. He said that she could use it to travel.

Eros: (Your Father is really rich. To have the money to buy this ship. Damn, I need to have money and also buy a fucking train).

[AN: Hey, Language. Oh, by the way, this is the Ship design link. There is no tree. The color is red and black.].

Lisa then looked at the shining stars in the dark sky and looked very enchanted by the beauty of the sky.

Lisa: "The sky is really beautiful".

Star: "Yes very beautiful. To be honest, Because I was once part of them once, I never thought I would see the sky from this angle but it doesn't matter much".

Eros: "Well, you are here now and everything that happened is from the past".

Star looked at Eros and went to high him. She likes the warmness of his body and also likes the feeling of being protected when she is near him.

Both Shira and Sophia frowned and looked away. Eros didn't notice them but the keen Serena looked at the four of them and smiled.

Saydon looked at them and sighed. He then asked Sophia.

Saydon: "When will we reach the Dastonya city??!!!".

Sophia then remembered about the thing they promised the emperor at that time. She then got the map out of the spatial necklace and looked at the map.

Sophia: " Well, It will be a day and we will leave the Lefia kingdom. we will enter officially the Yodatya kingdom. It will then take us 10 days to reach the Dastonya city. We will stay in the city for a day to buy food and stock it again. It will then take us another week to reach and pass through The Alderstone mountains and we will be in one of the empires, The Adratram Empire".

Eros looked serious and thought in his mind.

Eros: (Yes, the true adventure will begin).