Character info(spoilers)

This chapter has some info about the characters until volume 2. It will be changed at the end of each volume.

The map of the western continent:


Eros: The MC of the story, self-proclaimed as the strongest man and the Sun Lord, lion sin of pride. He came to this world through a special gate. His goal is to prove his strength and conquer everything. He has black hair and green eyes. He likes to play with his enemies and toy with them.

He Has sunshine as his grace and uses the sun beast core to transform during the night. His weapon is Divine Axe rhitta, an SS tier weapon, and a half soul weapon.

Although he doesn't show it, he truly cares about his friends and likes to protect them in his own way. More information about his past will be known in the next chapters.


Lina: The first girl that Eros has met in this world. She has blue hair and a blue eye and a black eye. She is 11 years old but her intelligence is compared to a great strategist.

She is a talented mage and a very intelligent girl. She has a magic ability called 'Eye of truth'. It gives her the power to discern between Truth and lie.

Even Eros acknowledged her talent. Her most quality is the calm that she has even during the darkest moments.

She loves her sister Lisa and respects Eros very much. She also has some mysteries that she doesn't want to disclose and rarely shows her child temperament.

Her weapon is a mage specter given to her by Emperor Charles.


Lisa: The Twin sister of Lina and the second girl that Eros talked to. Compared to her calm and intelligent sister Lina, Lisa acts completely like a child. She's a very amiable person and friendly with everybody.

She hates when Eros talks with a haughty tone and even ridicule him but inside she loves him very much and consider him as her big brother.

She is a very talented warrior and uses the Dragon Slaying sword given to her by Emperor Charles.


Korio: King of scorpions and one of the 4 powers of Moxi island. He is a 1st stage king warrior and a cruel monster. He is the one who ordered the annihilation of the Kalssouna tribe.

He is a Bow master and uses a special bow that infuses ki and mana.

His ambitions were to rule all the island and then go conquer the Lefia kingdom using the items from Emperor Charles tomb.


Emperor Charles: He is the first emperor of the Argalia Empire. He fought against the evil sect and made his empire prosper during his life of 5000 years. Before his death, he created a tomb and stored every treasure he got inside.

He put 2 soul fragments inside the tomb to keep it safe and watch over the trials. After his death, Argalia empire crumbled slowly until it has got divided into 3 kingdoms.

He is a gentle and nice old man. He like watching great talents and even tries to help them so they can become great warriors and mages.

He thinks that Eros is too arrogant and needs to humble himself.


Shirafilia: Queen of the spiders. She is just half a spider and has another mysterious bloodline. She got bullied in her childhood but when she showed her talents, everybody recognized her.

She is a very beautiful woman and also the most talented woman in all the group. She has the magic ability of a gate that makes her open a spatial gate in any place.

She is a great mage. A 4th stage king mage. She also has spider legs that come out of her back.

She respects Eros and has a little crush on him. She also thinks that He is very manly when he is fighting.


Seath: A magic beast that lived in the forest of Argalia island. He reached the power of a 6th-grade magical beast and was teleported to the tower to fight Shirafilia.

When he fought against her, he used his lightning claws, fought against her magic spell and lost his arm. Fortunately, when he reached the treasure room, he found a metal hand that was attached to him.

It also gave him a power-boost and made him transform into a 7th-grade beast. The arm also gave him some additional abilities.

He is a hot-headed man and searches only for battle and power to become the strongest. He also isn't good with expressing his emotions but he cares about his new friends.


Second prince Williams: Williams is known as the second prince of Lefia kingdom. He is 25 years old and reached the late of the spirit mage.

He is an arrogant young man. He thinks that because of his royal background, he can go and rule over every person. He thinks that everybody is beneath him.

He despises those who have higher talent than him and also wants to kill them. He also uses Serena, Saifon sister to blackmail him into joining the Royal Guards.


Saifon: One of the royal guards of the second prince. He is a peak spirit warrior. He uses a spear as his weapon. He has a special and very rare magic ability called 'Magic negate'.

It gives him the power to make any magic or Ki attack have 0 damage against him. Because of this power, he was forced to join the Royal guards by the second prince.

They also kidnapped his sister for the sake of using her as a hostage. After the events of the Tomb, Saifon leaves the Guards and joins Eros and the others.


Sophia: She is 30 years old. She is A mysterious person who came from the Sardina Empire. She has a mysterious background and was captured 10 years ago by Rodiss. She is also an intelligent woman and also a great mage.

She is more of a scientist mage more than a combat mage, That's the reason why she is interested in Eros magic ability.

She spans her time studying magic and understanding magic spells and abilities. She uses her power Magic Analyse to analyze any magic spell, magic art, and even magic abilities.

She has a little crush on Eros but refuses to admit it. She has also a special beast called the Shadow beast Aquila. He has the mission of protecting her.


Aquila: He is a shadow beast that came from the Shadow world. He is attached to Sophia shadow to protect her and can use the mana to create wind claws, these wind claws can create very deep injuries.

He is a man with a few words and speaks like a middle-aged man. He respects Eros and thinks that His power is really something fascinating.

He also wants to make Sophia have the courage and confess her little love for Eros. He is a father figure and he wants the best for her.


Saydon: One of the 4 powers of Moxi island. Known as ruler of the sky. He is a lion magic beast and has white wings. He is a 5th-grade beast.

He is a calm warrior and thinks many times before he battles. He is also using a heavy sword as his weapon. He thinks that he needs experience and to adventure on the continent to become a good leader.


Rodiss: Former member of the 12 darkness stars. He was a former discovered the map of the Argalia island and also Moxi island 100 years ago.

It was a map that was copied and stayed in the continent until it reached Rodiss hands. He then went to the island and followed the map and found the teleportation formation.

He tried to participate in the trials but couldn't because of his age. He then got his body destroyed by the fragmented soul of emperor Charles because he refused to go from the island

He then tricked the fragmented soul of Emperor Charles to give him a new body thanks to a spell. At that time, he attached his soul to his.

He used an artificial to overwhelm his soul power(spiritual power). Thanks to that, he got his memories and a little of the knowledge.

He also used the spell from the library of knowledge to try and get himself a new body. He was 100 years a number 9 member of the Tenebris guild.

What he didn't know is that he was followed by Korino who was a number 10 back at that time. He followed him until he disappeared in the Moxi island.


Korino: One of the members of the Tenebris guild. He is an illusion mage at the peak of the emperor Mage level. who uses soul power(spiritual power) and Mana to create illusions. He isn't that good with elemental spells.

He is a man who likes to play with his enemies and becomes very angry when things become out of his control. He likes to know everything about his enemy.

He followed Rodiss at the time he went to search for The emperor tomb, then returned back to follow and spy on Riss for over 50 years and after another 10 years, he returned to stay in the Moxi island for over 40 years as glasiosh


Kara: One of the powerhouses of Wadya island. She is a 30 years old 6th stage spirit king warrior level. She is a very beautiful woman and has a crush on Riss.

She is a very talented swordsman and can manifest her sword intent and merge it with her own ki.

She is also a great leader and also the boss of Raiko gang. She handles all the underworld network of information. She also holds a great part of the Lefia kingdom underworld power.

She has a cold personality and rarely shows her emotion. She also hates Eros a little and got teased by him many times.


Diss: One of the lowly members of The Raiko gang. He is the first one that Eros meet in the Wadya island. He is a middle master warrior level.

Because of some kind of illness, he could never go beyond this level and stocked at this level for years.

He is a young man who fears the strong and bullies the weak. Eros used him as a guide that shows him the island. He has a mysterious past.


Riss: Guild master of the adventurer guild branch in the Wadya island. He is a mysterious person, rumored to be a spirit king level.

People with higher power level always felt an uneasy and a bad, a dark feeling around him. He is always mysterious with his words and actions.

He looks to be in his 30 although he is way older than that.

He likes to play with his enemies and also thinks that everything is a game for him.


Almon: One of the higher stars in the Tenebris guild. he is the 6th star known as The lightning sword. He is a 7th stage Saint warrior. He uses a sword with a dragon hilt.

Although he is an elf, he isn't a good archer. On the contrary, his swordsmanship is more good. He is a former vice-general of the Tullaris Empire.

He defected and joined the Tenebris guild 800 years ago. He also uses the sword intent and can merge it with his own Ki to create devastating attacks.

He is an easy going man with his comrades and he likes to joke about their secrets. He disdains weak people.


Serena: She is Saifon little sister and also one of the 4 people who the Tenbris guild wanted to kidnap. She is a spirit mage at the mere age of 17.

Eros noticed that Serena is really unsociable. She doesn't talk too much, she also doesn't like shopping and pretty things like normal women.

The only thing that she is interested in is magic, new knowledge, and new wisdom. Because of that, she made good friends with Sophia and Lina.

She is also a very intelligent woman and can be see through every person with her observing abilities.

Her magic ability 'Heaven knowledge'. her magic ability is related to an ancient bloodline inside her that gives her the ability to remember all the knowledge of the past family members.

This power makes her a natural knowledge carrier. It also makes her a target for many evil people who want ancient knowledge.


[AN: This is the info catalog for the most important characters. After the end of volume three, I will add more. I will also release a chapter about the lower scaling and also the grade of weapons and adventurers and also world information]. Thanks.