There are mainly 2 power energies that are abundant and used in the western continent and the whole Sarna world.

They are Mana and Ki. Mana is used by Mages while Ki is used by warriors. There is also another kind of powerful energies like soul power, also called spiritual power. other powers will be explained as the story progress.

The Ki is used by warriors to strengthen themselves and also use it by channeling it through the meridians of the body to break into higher levels.

Mana is used by Mages and using it is quite different from The ki. Mana doesn't strength the body or give a huge physical power up.

The physical power given by Mana is very limited. The Mana concentrates more on using it to cast spells and create the formations.

Different from the ki that is only used to battle. Mana can be used to create mana gathering formation that can power up flying ships or even power up the magic guns.

The Mana in the air can't be used for spells until it's merged with the spiritual power of the Mage. Merging between them will create mana that can be used for the specific element that the mage has an affinity to.

[AN: you can imagine the ki and mana is like the physical energy in Naruto while soul power (also called spiritual power) is the spiritual energy. It's like Naruto].

The Mage will use the Mana in the air and merge or fuse it with his spiritual energy so it can create the spell he wants to.

The affinity to the element or a special kind of spell is decided by the color of the spiritual power you have.

Red is fire. Blue is water. Green is wind. Brown is Earth. White is Light. Purple is darkness. Finally, those without color are more for the illusion type of magic.

You can also merge spiritual power to create new elements like ice or Lava but this depends entirely on luck. You can have an affinity for the 2 elements but you can't have for their merged one.

This is the main use of Soul power for Mages. For warriors, it's completely different. First, their soul power doesn't have a color but it can't be used for illusion because they don't have Mana.

For them, Soul power is mainly used for sensing the enemy and also presenting their attacks. They merge it with their own ki and can somehow have a sixth sense of their own.

[AN: Yeah, it's like the observation haki].

The ki in the air is different for Mana that doesn't have an element. Ki has many types. Ice ki, Wind Ki, .... and many others. Some talented warriors can even merge two types of Elemental ki and create an attack with a merged element.

For the first four levels of a warrior path, the warrior needs to use the elemental ki in the air but after entering the 5th level, they can form their own core that can store the elemental Ki.


[AN: I will only explain 9 levels].


1- Warrior level(apprentice warrior) (4 stages):

The first level in the warrior path. This level concentrate on building the warrior body, physical strength, stamina and also agility. They can't use Ki attacks and can only use it to break through the levels

2- Master Warrior (4 stages):

This level concentrate on familiarizing with their own elemental ki and use it to have a power boost.

3-Grandmaster warrior (4 stages):

This is the level where the warrior can begin training their Ki using the magic arts. They can use the magic art that they find suitable for their element and also the fighting style they follow. It is very important to choose the perfect magic art for them.

If they stop using magic art and change to another one, they will have to restart from the beginning of the new one.

4-Spirit warrior (4 stages):

This is the last level before the so-called great wall in cultivation. Every 4 levels there will be a great hurdle. Most of the People stay at this level for their whole lives.

That's who can pass this level are called the elite of their race.

5-Spirit King warrior or Spirit King (10 stages):

People who break to this level are called the transcendent people and they can even live for 500 years. They also age slowly compare to normal people. They also officially form a core that can store their own elemental ki.

The soul power will also rise exponentially and it will much bigger than the first four levels combined.

6-Spirit Emperor Warrior or Spirit Emperor (10 stages):

In this level, a warrior can live for 1000 years and they also have a big boost in their strength, Stamina, and agility.

7-Saint warrior level (10 stages):

This is a very high level and warriors are very rare at this level especially in the kingdoms. You can only find them in the empires. They can live for 2000 years.

8-Saint king warrior or Saint warrior level (10 stages):

They are the overlords in any place they live and are considered the true powerhouse that protects the empires. They can't be found in the kingdoms and can live 5000 years.

It's also the level where the warrior will find the second big wall in the path of his cultivation. People who pass this level can be counted on the fingers.

They say that the talented people who reach the peak can see a little in the future depending on the situation.

9-Saint Emperor warrior or Saint emperor level (3 stages):

They say that this level can only be reached by the old fogies who protect the empire. After passing the second wall, the warrior will have a great power up. His strength is a thousand times that of the peak of Saint King. His speed can make him go from the north to the south of the continent in mere hours.

His life force will be so big that he will live for over 50000 years. This kind of power can never be stopped and no magic art nor a magic ability can make you reach the pure power of a Saint emperor.

In this level, The core of the warrior will be 10 times bigger and the kI will be much purer.


1-Mage level (4 stages):

The first level in the Mage path. They can only use 1st level spells. Their Mana control is also very little. They can also move their soul power in a limited area.

2-Master Mage level (4 stages):

Boost in Soul power and also having more control over the mana. Being able to use 2nd level spells

3-Grandmaster Mage level (4 stages):

Uses the 3rd level spells. Mana control can become more efficient.

4-Spirit Mage level (4 stages):

The level before the great wall. The Mage can use 4th level spells and talented mages can even use 5th level spells but it will have a consequence.

5-Spirit King Mage level (10 stages):

Mages who are at this level can be called the elite of the continent. Their spiritual power will double and more than all the quantity is very pure and more than the soul power of all the former level all combined.

They also like warriors can live for 500 years and also have a variety of spells. They can also start forming double spell formation.

6-Spirt Emperor Mage level (10 stages):

An elite of the Empire and a protector level in the kingdom make the mage at this really important and searched by everybody.

They can live for a thousand year and even have double the mana of a Spirit emperor level.

7-Saint Mage level (10 stages):

The powerhouse of the empire. The pillar that the empire used to exercise her sovereignty over its lands.

8-Saint King Mage level (10 stages):

Known as the overlord of the continent. Can be counted by the fingers. They are also able to use their soul power to create very destructive spells and can use spells way higher than their stage. Of course, this will make them sacrifice something in return.

9-Saint Emperor Mage Level (3 stages):

They are known as the gods who rule over the continent. They can use spells that can destroy islands and create big holes and meteors attacks. No one knows how strong they really are.

Because they hide and refuse to concern themselves with world happenings, you rarely see them. They are also much rarer than Warriors.



Weapons in The Sarna world can be two types mainly.

-Soul Weapon.

-Magic weapon.

Magic weapons are the weapons used by everybody, they can either be a ki type or Mana type. The weapon is divided into 10 tiers.

Going from the bottom to the peak, it's like this.

-F, E, D, C, B, A, S, SS, SSS.

They can also be divided into 3 sub-tiers. for example for F class. It's gonna be F-, F, F+ and so on until SSS class.

Magic weapons have many shapes and forms but they essentially need to have the Astonium metal which can channel Ki and Mana.

On the other hand, soul weapons are very rare because besides channeling mana or ki, they have the ability to channel Soul power. They can be categorized into 4 tiers.

-Pseudo, Demi, Quasi, foul.

A magic Weapon can never have the abilities of a Soul weapon while a soul weapon can have the abilities of the magic weapon.



Magic abilities are some kind of a power that someone is born with. they can be either completely useless in battle or can be very Overpowered.

It completely depends on the warrior or Mage luck. People born with magic abilities are quite rare and can be only one in a thousand.

They are mystic powers given by God. For mages, it can be related to their affinity or completely unrelated, it depends on the luck. The mage uses only mana to activate it.

For warriors, it uses Soul power and in most of the cases, magic abilities can be related to their Ki affinity type and can be complementary to him in battle. Of course, there are exceptions.

For mages, Spells is the main attack power they have and they use it to injure their enemies. Most of the spells are related to an element but there are other types of spells like illusion spells and mind control spells.

there are 12 levels for spells and if the Mage is a higher level one then, even if the spell is the 1st level, the damage will be very big.

All of the mages in the continent are Long ranged attackers but there are some legends in the past that talk about mages who use mana to battle like warriors Although they are nonexistent for now.

[AN: FOR NOW wink...wink, 😉😉😉].

There is also Eros who uses Mana to strengthen himself and battle against warriors.

Finally, Magic arts which are a type of cultivation technique given to the warrior, it gives him the power to channel the ki in a way that makes him able to imitate magic abilities.

This is created for those who don't have magic abilities. This doesn't prevent people with magic abilities from using magic arts provided that he finds a one that's suitable for him and has perfect harmony with his magic ability.

All of this is to propose that if the conditions are met, people with lower cultivation can sometimes battle and overpower someone with higher cultivation, of course, if he has a perfect power and perfect control.

Of course, there is a limit for how much you can fight above your level. That's why it was proposed in the continent a system for these exceptional people who can fight way above their level, The star system.

The star system is a system divided into 10 stars. Each star shows how much you can fight above your level. This system includes not only your level but also your weapon, Battle capabilities, and experience. Everything is included.

1Star: Can battle a stage above your level.

2 Stars: Can battle 2 stages above your level

3 Stars: Can battle 3 stages above your level.

4 Stars: Can battle 4 stages above your level.

5 Stars: Can fight half a level (5 stages) above your level

6 Stars: Can fight 6 stages above your level.

7 Stars: Can fight 7 stages above your level.

8 Stars: Can fight a whole level above your own.

9 Stars: Can fight a level and half above your own.

10 Stars: Can fight two whole levels above your own.

In the whole western continent and for the last 100000 years, there has never been someone who is an 8-star warrior or mage. This shows how difficult is to surpass the cultivation level.

[AN: From her, till the end, it will be a huge spoiler. Better read it and then come back again].

Even Almon who is a Saint warrior is only a 4-star warrior and he can only surpass normal Saint King warriors or mages who aren't stars. If he meets an elite Saint King star then he will have to die.


This ends the world information chapter. If I forgot something please write it in the comments.