After Eros and the others heard what happened, they talked about the story of the Kid Leo. They also discussed the information they got from the people about the Clifford family during the dinner.

Serena: "So 20 years ago, some assassins came and killed all the members of the family in one night. The only survivor was the youngest daughter Kathrine Clifford. The current lord Bernard Haigerman who wanted to marry her at that time searched for 20 years without any trace".

Eros: "Some people suspect that it was Bernard who did that because he wanted to marry her but she refused. Some other people say that because the Cliffords were the lords and because Bernard wanted that position, be killed all of them and wanted to marry Katherine so he can become the true lord bit she escaped".

Sophia: "Yes, even now, they still call him the acting lord. That means if by any chance the royal family hears that Kathrine is alive, he will lose his position".

Eros: " Well, it doesn't matter. We weren't here when all of this happened. Our mission is to fulfill our promise to the old man Charles. We will save the mother and son and we will lead them outside this kingdom so they can have a peaceful life that's all".

Seath who is just eating and doesn't care about anything said with a full mouth. He didn't have any manners while eating.

Seath: "mjmmfust mmmmf and mmmmff mmmf".

Lisa: "We can't understand you. Eat and then speak, okay. Nobody will talk".

Seath who heard that swallowed all the food in one time. People are disgusted as they look at him.

Seath: "I said, just save them and let us leave this city. we need to deliver the princess to her daddy and then we will go after the seven deadly sins and defeat them. The weird girl said that they're the strongest people from 300000 years ago. I will take them down and take the title of the strongest person".

Sophia: "Princess!!".

Serena: "Weird girl!!".

Eros: "Hahahaha, we will see after we meet the mother tomorrow".

Lina: "It will be them who decide whether they want to come or not".

Saya: "I don't think that the mother will leave. After all, it's been 20 years since she escaped and she still lived here".

Star: "I wanted to say this but what if they are lying?".

Star question made them quite suspicious as they thought about it.

Shira: "Yes, the mother might be lying and we can't get this out of all the possibilities. That's why we will go and meet her tomorrow, to clear all suspicions".

Sophia: "Exactly, We will go tomorrow and see what she has to say. What I didn't expect is that the Kid has an overflowed soul body. I mean, this power is rarer than magic abilities. It's a special body, a 1 in 10000 just much more than mages".

Serena: "Yes. We need to get him on the ship with us so we can study this power more and more. He is just at master warrior level and he already can predict the future".

Eros: "Oh, it seems like Serena has already a crush on him. Hahaha".

Serena: "Hmph, you can try to predict the future and then perhaps I will fall for you".

Aquila: "I wanted to ask this question, can't people who reach the spirit King warrior level predict the future like him so it's not that valuable".

Sophia: "Aquila, tell me how much do you think there are Spirit King level warriors? Even those ones can't predict the future with as clear as someone who has an 'Overflowed Soul body'. It's recorded that the best of the best in the Spirit king level warrior can only predict 10 seconds in the future. If what you told me about what happened with you today is true then this Kid can predict at least 5 seconds in the future. Imagine if he reaches a higher level".

Eros: "Even if he can predict 5 seconds in the future, he needs great focus and concentration. If the attack is fast enough, he will not be able to focus on it and he won't see the future".

Serena: " Yes, that's why you need to have great reflexes besides the power to predict the future. The reason that people seem this power is because it can augment your star class".

Eros: "Oh, you're talking about the Star system. I've read about it. Even if your level is low, If you have reach battle experience, good magic art or great magic ability and even good weapons then you can fight people who have a higher level than you".

Shira: "For now, let's finish our dinner and go rest. We will think about this tomorrow. Oh, don't forget to take the dishes back to the kitchen. I and Star will wash them for today. Tommorw is Eros will prepare the dishes and Lina and Lisa will help him wash them".

Lina: "Okay".

Lisa: "Ehhhhhhhh, why me??!! I don't want to do that. It's so boring".

Eros: "Then, I will end the vacation and we will resume the training".

Lisa: "Sir yes Sir. I will help wash the dishes".

Everybody then went back to their rooms. They wanted to rest and prepare for the next day.


After star washed all the dishes, she went back to her room and to be specific both her room and Eros room. Yes, for almost a month, she has lived with Eros in the same room.

Nothing happened much because, for Eros, Star has got her body only a month ago so he didn't consider her as a woman although she has an adult form and her body is like any normal woman in her twenties.

Star didn't do anything too daring aside from kissing and holding hands. Eros discovered that she's very shy when it comes to things between a man and a woman.

He also didn't rush her. Things like these come naturally. After Star reached the room, she knocked on the door and entered.

She then turned and found Eros setting in a chair reading. What surprised her is that Eros isn't wearing any clothes except for black short.

Star looked at his body who is very fit and those amazing abs and the muscles who still have drops of water on it.

[AN: The black shirt is like those sports shorts. Don't ask me how this world have them].

Eros then turned and looked at Star who just entered. Star couldn't say anything as she just stared at Eros body.

Eros: "Oh, Star, you came. I just finished bathing and returned from the bathroom. I must say that this ship is like having a villa in the sky. Everything is good here. This is the kind of life I deserve".

Star continued looking at him and didn't say anything. She only has thoughts about Eros body as she lookes at him.

Eros: " Star, are you okay?".

Star: (Even without using Sunshine, He has a great body. It's a body that is sculpted by the gods. I will touch him for sure).

Eros: "Star?!!".

Star: "Ah, yeah. Sorry, I spaced out a little because I am tired. By the way, what are you reading?".

Eros nodded as he heard what she said. Going through the town all day and then washing the dishes will make her tired a little.

Eros: "I am reading an Encylopedia about the 5 most dangerous places in the continent. It's very interesting".

Star: "Oh, really?? Where did you get the book from?".

Eros: "I got it from Sophia library. I decided to read a little so I can know more about this continent. After all, I came from a different place".

Star just nodded and continued staring at him. She then walked to the bed and stared at the ceiling. The bed is a very big sized bed. 3 people can sleep in it and there will stay some space.

Star has only Eros in her mind as she only thinks about him. After Star got her body, She stayed with Eros for more than a month and this made her fall for him more and more.

Although Eros wasn't the best at expressing his emotions, he still cared a lot about her. Star Spiritual power is of the light type which was very close to the fire type he has so he helped her imagine new attacks and new spells.

She also was able to find new ways to use her mana. Thanks to Eros knowledge from novels, animes and other things, he can give knowledge in some areas.

This made Star fall for him more and more. Finally, Star thought about something and got from the bed. She headed to Eros and said to him.

Eros: "Hey, Eros, can you tell me about these places?".

Eros looked at her serious expression and smiled. He nodded and started talking about all the 5 places.

Eros: "You see these 5 places are called The dragon forest, The ancient ruins, The snow region, the western sea and finally the endless Valley. Each one...."

Star sat beside Eros as she heard him talking about the 5 places but she didn't care at all and only looked at him as he explained what each place is.

Finally, Eros noticed that Star isn't concentrating at all but she is just looking at him.

Eros: "What is it? why are you looking at me??".

Star didn't answer him and just continued looking at him. She then started reaching for his face and Eros didn't understand what she is planning to do.


Eros and Star kissed each other as their lips touched each other. Star is even more daring as she tried to enter her tongue into Eros mouth.

Eros couldn't understand what is happening. They were just reading a book and now they're kissing each other. What Eros didn't know is how charming he is.

Thanks to Sunshine and the Divine sun technique, his body is becoming fit and muscular. Even the impurities are being burned completely.

Star: "Take me".

When Eros heard what she said, he felt perplexed and didn't know what to do. After all, It has only been a month since she formed her body and he's afraid that something might happen to her.

Star: "Don't be afraid. Nothing will happen to me. Just take me".

Eros: "Are you sure?".

Star laughed at him and nodded. When Eros saw her expression, he knew what to do. He's a man after all and he needs to take responsibility.

Eros started kissing her and at the same time started taking her clothes. Eros is already half naked so he didn't need to undress.

After taking her clothes, he lifted her and took her to the huge bed. They continued kissing and touching each other bodies as they enjoyed it.

Their sounds reverberated in the whole room as both of them enjoyed the feeling of joining they're together and making love.

This night is destined to be a joyful night for both of them as it will be something that they will never forget.

A great noise came from Eros room. People who passed by that room during the night could hear the roar of the lion conquering the queen and enjoying this feeling.