[the next morning].

When Eros wakes up, he finds himself completely naked and his clothes on the ground. He then noticed that underneath of the bed cover something is moving.

He took it and found Star completely naked. She has a happy expression on her face and seems to dream about something good.

She clung on Eros arm and didn't let him go. She looked very cute and this made Eros kiss her on her forehead.

Eros: (This naughty girl. I didn't expect her to be this good although it has only been a month since she got a body. I also think we made some noises but it doesn't matter that much).

Eros started moving slowly away from her so he doesn't have her up. He got up from the bed but Star still clung to his arm.

Eros slowly started getting his arm released. In the end, Eros was able to get his arm out without waking her.

He sighed as he looked at Her sleeping. She looked very cute and Eros couldn't contain himself anymore and was about to jump on her but he still has some common sense and decided to Stop.

[AN: Yeah, common sense you say. The guy did the thing the whole night nonstop. He's a beast even without Sunshine].

Eros opened the closet and took some clothes and towels he bought yesterday. He then went to the bathroom for men.

Eros: (Unfortunately, That mother fucker Almo. cut my good clothes and I had to buy new ones. Sigh, he's dead so it doesn't matter but Still those clothes could take any clothes I think of dammit).

Eros reached the bathroom and entered it. There are 3 bathrooms in the Ship, one for men, one for women and finally another additional one on the first floor. It's a normal bath beside the training room.

Eros who only had his black short entered the bathroom and put his new clothes in the basket while he put the black short in the laundry.

When Eros entered the bathtub, he found Saydon and Aquila inside. They turned and found Eros in front of them.

Eros: "Oh, Aquila, Saydon, you're both here. It seems like you also like to shower in the morning".

Aquila: "Sir Eros, good morning. It seems like you also like the morning bath. Well, who doesn't like that".

Saydon: "I think that the others are still asleep. They're just can't wake up at this time".

Eros entered the huge bathtub and didn't say anything after that. They didn't talk that much but Eros could feel their gazes on him.

Eros: "Is there a problem??".

Saydon, Aquila: "Errrrr..... 0_0 0_0 Nothing!!".

Eros: "Saying something like Nothing will make it more suspicious. Just tell whatever you want".

Aquila and Saydon scratched their head and felt embarrassed a little. They couldn't talk about such a delicate subject.

Eros: "What?? just tell me".

Finally, Saydon decided to speak about this and he said with a resolute face. He didn't want to be the first one to address the elephant in the room but he didn't have a choice.

Saydon: "Mister Eros, I don't want you to misunderstand me but some of us heard weird noises when they passed by your room and when we..."

Eros: "You can stop there. I understand what you wanna say. I will tell you about those weird noises".

When Eros said those words with a serious face, Saydon and Aquila looked at him waiting for an answer.

Eros: "You see those weird noises were..."

Aquila, Saydon: "Yes??".

Eros: "Where the noises of me training Star in some kind of technique and because it was kind of pain she couldn't resist to get out some weird noises".

Aquila, Saydon: "0_0 0_0 (SHAMELESS!!!!!)".

Eros: "What, is there something weird with my answer???".

Saydon: "No, No. Nothing then, we just felt a little concerned about Miss Star".

Aquila felt more shocked as he looked at Saydon response. He couldn't believe that Eros could lie with such a serious face.

Aquila: (I don't believe how shameless he is. Do you think that we're kids who know nothing about the world? You clearly were having Sex with Miss Star and her moans could be heard outside the room yet, you still lie about it. I want to see your arrogance and pride fade away when I ask you such a question but what I didn't consider is you shamelessness".

[AN: Man, you know nothing about it. You only saw the tip of the ice birg].

After some time, Eros and the others got out of the bathroom. They started wearing their clothes. Aquila wore his brown pants and black shirts. He then added the blue robe instead of the green one.

[AN: It's technically the same clothes but with a blue robe instead of green.].

Eros wore the new black clothes he bought yesterday. He also bought a grey leather armor. black pants and a long black robe.

[AN: It's the first one from the left.].

Saydon, on the other hand, wore a completely heavy grey armor. It covered most of his body and made him look like the soldiers from the heavy cavalries.

[AN: only the armor.].

He then put the heavy red sword he got from The Tomb on his back. Eros was surprised by how Saydon armored and armed himself.

Eros: "Why are you wearing all of that? It's not like we're going to war. We will also attract attention although it doesn't matter for me".

Saydon: "Well, I want to go the path of a heavy sword warrior. The heavy sword I use oblige me to only concentrate on offense more than defense. That's why I only use Armors".

Eros: "Well, after we leave the city and return to the training, I will show you how to use your mana in a more proficient way. I mean you use your mana in a crude way".

Saydon: " Oh, okay".

Saydon: (God dammit. why should've I said that? me and my damn mouth).

After that, Aquila, Eros, Seath went to the kitchen and found only Shira. Eros went to their and wanted to help her.

Suddenly, when Shira saw him coming, she blushed and her face became red like a tomato.

Eros: "Why did you prepare breakfast? It's my turn to prepare dinner. Do you think that I can't do such a thing as preparing dishes?".

Shira: "Ah, No. I only thought that you will be tired after what happened...last....night"

Shira muttered the last words so Eros can't hear them but he still heard them. He didn't show his emotions but in the inside, he is raging.

Eros: (Dammmmmiiittttt. What is this? did everyone hear what happened? I will make sure to buy my ship and do whatever I want inside).

Eros didn't talk too much and made Shira go sit in the dining hall. He then prepared the remaining breakfast for everybody.

Finally, people started entering the dining hall slowly. Some of them slept soundly while the other didn't seem to sleep that much.

Eros looked at Star who also woke up and came with Sophia. She was blushing very hard and didn't speak at all. Eros has a grim expression and didn't talk too much.

Seath who didn't hear anything last night and just slept soundly and looked at some of them.

Seath: "Hey, why are you not speaking? Normally, you would've talked about something yet some of you are sculptures".

Lisa: "Yeah, look at them. Sophia, Shira, Star, Saydon, Aquila, and Serena. All of them don't look good".

All of them: (Fuck!!!!!).

Eros: "We don't have time for this. We need to go and meet The woman of the Clifford family".

Sophia: "Yes, we need to go now".

Aquila: "I agree. We don't need to waste time on such idiot questions".

All of them ate their food and went out of the dining hall. This time Seath, Saydon, Shira and Lina decided to stay.

They waited for Leo to come to take them but he never came. After that, Eros and the others went to the harbor and asked for Leo. They told him that he never came here.

Finally, they decided to go to the blacksmith shop in the south. It took then two hours and a half to reach that place because they didn't know the exact place.

When they saw the Shop, they were surprised. The shop was completely wrecked and even burned a little. Eros decided to first enter the Shop.

Eh found nobody there and there are even signs of fighting that happened yesterday. Eros went to the second floor. He entered all the rooms and suddenly found in one of the rooms a woman who seemed to be injured.

Eros: "Hey are you okay? woman, talk to me. What happened here? Sophia, Star, come here. there is a woman injured".

The woman is wearing a blacksmith belt on her long blue robe. Eros took the big leather apron and found that she is injured on her shoulder.

[AN: the woman looks like this.].

Eros: "Talk to me. Don't lose consciousness. Stay with me".

When Eros saw the injuries on her shoulder, he could see that she was many times by a sword because they wanted to shatter her bones.

Eros: (Her clavicle is shattered and even her shoulder is disclosed. I need to stop the internal bleeding otherwise she will die. Fuck)

Eros: "If you can hear me, I will tell you this. I will try to heal you by returning the shoulder to its place. A mage will come and use her mana to heal your internal injuries. okay?".

The woman didn't say anything and just nodded. Star and Sophia came and brought with them pills and mana potions. Eros returned the shoulder to its place.

Eros: "Sophia, use the Mana potions to heal the shattered bone. Star use your light magic to hear the internal injuries".

Both of them nodded and started healing her. After an hour, they were able to save her life and heal her. It took some time but she woke up again.

Eros: "Are you okay? who did this to you? Are you Kathrine Clifford?".

The woman nodded and looked at all the people around her. She then signed and started saying.

Katherine: "You must be the people who my son talked back on the Harbor. Yes, I am Kathrine Clifford and I want to ask you something".

Eros: "What??".

Katherine: "Who sent you???".

Eros: "Your Ancestor Emperor Charles".