"What did you just say?" I slowly sat up and looked into Sinclair's eyes. I blushed, and my hands shook nervously as I spoke. "We're pregnant…well, I'm pregnant, and I know it's only been a couple of months, and we should have been safer about it, but I'm pregnant, Sinclair." "Are you sure!? Have you seen a doctor!?" " No, I haven't seen a doctor, but I've taken three different pregnancy tests, and they were all positive." He paused for a minute; as he looked away, my hands started to shake more. Maybe he wasn't ready to be a father. Perhaps I messed everything up. "I'm going to be a daddy…I'm going to be a daddy! I'm going to be a daddy!!!" He turned to me and grabbed me, lifting me off the bed. He twirled me around and then kissed me deeply. "I'm going to be a daddy!! I'm going to have a beautiful family!!"
He put me down before getting on his knees and rubbing my stomach. "Daddy loves you and can't wait to meet you, so grow fast and come out of Mommy." I teared up as I watched him. Everything he said was so precious and so perfect I couldn't help it. I gently placed my hand on his cheek as he stood, and I kissed him again. He pressed our bodies together as we passionately made out, "Mmmm, I love you so much, baby." "What did you just say?" He smiled and grabbed my chin, "I love you, Octavia, more than you'll ever know." I started crying harder as he repeated himself. The words made me feel the happiest I ever had in my life. "I love you too, Sinclair." We started making out more, and I just knew it would be a long night as he backed me against the wall and lifted my leg. I woke up early the following day to loud noises. As I got out of bed, I rubbed my eyes and dressed. "Sinclair?"
I walked out of my room and looked down the hall before walking down the stairs. "Sinclair, what's going on?" Sinclair was sitting in the living room with a bunch of his guys. Sitting on the coffee table were files and journals; as I walked over, Sinclair quickly grabbed them. "Nothing honey, go back to bed. You need your rest." "Sinclair…don't hide things from me." "I'm not, baby." He kissed me before giving me a gentle push to the stairs. "You need your rest. You've only been asleep for an hour." "Whose fault is that?" The guys laughed, and he spanked me. "Now is not the time to be sassy; get to bed." I looked into his eyes before returning to my room; thinking he was dealing with crime again, I sighed heavily.
Gently climbing back into bed, I pulled the covers over me, tossing and turning all night. I couldn't help but wonder what was going on. Why would Sinclair try to hide work from me? We always handled everything as a team, but now he left me out. Thoughts filled my head, and after a while, I slowly drifted to sleep. "Mmmm," I slowly woke up to the feeling of Sinclair's lips on my neck. "Rise and shine, baby girl." I opened my eyes and looked at him, smiling softly. "Mmm, good afternoon." I put you to bed last night, didn't I?" He chuckled, and I rolled my eyes, smiling slightly. "What were the guys doing here earlier?" "We were catching up on some things we missed yesterday morning." "Promise me?" "I promise you, baby." I smiled, and he slowly slid down my body; lifting my shirt, he kissed my stomach. "Hello, little prince or princess. I know you probably don't have ears yet." Watching him, I laughed, and he gently slapped my hand. "Anyway, before your mother interrupted me, I said Daddy can't wait to give you the best life you could ever ask for. I will spoil you just like the prince or princess you are." I cleared my throat, "Within reason." "Haha yeah, within reason."
We looked into each other's eyes, smiling and laughing. This was the man who had been by my side through so much. The man who was more than willing to take a bullet for me at any second. He was the love of my life, and I couldn't imagine starting a family with anyone else. "We should get a doctor's appointment sometime soon to find out how far along I am." "Yeah, that sounds like a good idea. Let me know when and I'll keep my schedule open." "Okay, baby." The next day we went to the hospital, and I had my first appointment. As I was called in the back to see the doctor, Sinclair and I held hands tightly. We followed the nurse to the back, and as we got into the room, I climbed up on the table, "Okay, so we are confirming your pregnancy today, correct?" "Yes." "Okay, just lift your shirt for me and lay back, then we'll get started." I smiled and nodded as I laid back and lifted my shirt. The nurse put on a pair of gloves and turned on the ultrasound machine. She squirted a little gel on my stomach before using the transducer to spread it. "Okay, here, let's see." We looked at the screen anxiously, "You are pregnant, and it seems you are having twins." "Twins!? Really!?"
She smiled and nodded at us; I smiled as well. Seeing how excited Sinclair was made me so happy. "Wow, two babies…." As time went on, Sinclair got more and more secretive. I had just told him we would be parents, and it was like he was distancing himself from me. Sometimes I went to doctors' appointments alone, not knowing where he was. Why did he decide to start doing this now? Did he think he needed to return to the gang life for money to support our family? Why wasn't he telling how he felt anymore? Later that week, I sat in bed looking over applications for my contest. So many students had applied, and I was so shocked. Seeing how many kids were genuinely inspired by art made me smile. Not everyone in the town thought the gang life was the best. I pulled out my phone and called a few of the best photographers I knew. Specializing in different categories was great for allowing everyone the opportunity to enter any photo they wanted. For the past few days, Sinclair had rarely been home, always saying he'd be back later with no explanation. It wasn't like Sinclair; I was worried that something was wrong. A few months later, I woke up to find Sinclair sleeping beside me. I smiled, and I got up, getting ready for my doctor's appointment.
After I finished, I realized Sinclair was still asleep, I shook him lightly, and as he woke, I walked to the closet and picked out his clothes. "Octavia, isn't it a bit early to go out?" "We have that doctor's appointment remember? I don't want to be late." He nodded and climbed out of bed as he walked into the bathroom. I made my way to the kitchen to start breakfast. I looked over at the time repeatedly, being nervous. I took a deep break, trying to relax. After Sinclair got ready, we had breakfast and went to the hospital. "We find out the gender of the babies today, right?" "Yeah, I'm excited." We arrived at the hospital, and as always, he took my hand, and we walked inside together. I went to the front desk to check in for my appointment. I filled out a few papers and then sat with Sinclair, waiting for the doctor to come out. "So, what do you want?" I looked over at Sinclair, and he looked back at me, confused. "What do you mean?" "Do you want a girl and boy, two girls, two boys?" He laughed, "Well, I have hopes for two boys." "Two boys!?" "Haha yeah, girls are hard to deal with. You're enough for me."
We laughed as he kissed my head, and I rolled my eyes. "Octavia Locke?" I stood and followed the nurse to the back, with Sinclair following. We did the same routine as always, I sat on the table, and we waited for my doctor to come in. After waiting a while, she walked in smiling, "Sorry for the wait, Octavia. It's wonderful to see you again." "You too, Doc." "You've gotten so big; I'm so excited to find out." I laughed, and I laid back, lifting my shirt. She started the ultrasound, and Sinclair grabbed my hand, smiling as we looked at the monitor. "You are having a......boy." "Yes!!" The doctor and I laughed at Sinclair's reaction, "And a girl." "Well, one boy is enough for me. I'll have my queen and my little princess." I smiled, and I kissed him deeply before looking back at the monitor. "Did you guys want pictures?" "Yes, please." She nodded and smiled as she started to print the pictures. "This is just the start, baby…."