Chapter 4(Update aftermath and some side story)

1 min before the update

People are living in their daily lives, some are eating, some are playing, some are working, well there are also some are preparing for "new world". Due to the update, many lives have been the change for the better or worse.

Zoom into target XXXX235176

Sam is a 35-year-old man who works for an international plastic company. He has been promoted to chief manager due to his mean and greedy personality.

"If you don't meet the targeted amount of production, your salary will be cut by 30%", Sam shouts at one of his managers. His managers and workers hate him for being an unreasonable manager as he often set production targets that cannot be achieved. Once the production line fails to reach its target then he can find a reason to cut their salaries in return help the company to save cost at the cost of others workers livelihood.

(Note production target refer to an amount of stuff like example a piece of toys for that month)

After update

Sam is relaxing in his chair, feeling happy looking at his workers trying their best to achieve his unrealistic production target. Suddenly a strong aroma of rotten flesh for no apparent reason that there are into the air, why is there a strange smelly smell in my office Sam wonders suddenly there is some moving sound of something then "new" discovered zombie bite him

-30 critical dmg

Sam vs scaped zombie x2


scaped zombie turn

Sam panicked "wtf my left arm... it is bleeding", he wondered why the shorter one bites him

Then he lusts.... his mouth is drooling and thinking" wtf why 2 women are here, come both look sexy"

One of them is about 130cm brown skinned big breasts lady who wears pink underwear while another is the 150cm fair skinned lady who is nearly stark naked

He lustfully looking at their boobs and bodies but his body cannot be seen to move very well as he can except

They use their nails to attack sam

-15 dmg

-17 dmg

Sam scream in pain as the zombies nail mere damage his skins

Sam received damage that is higher than normal people due he left his defense wide opened

-8 dmg

Sam finally know those 2 sexy ladies are hostile to him and they are planning to kill him so to fight or flight he has chosen to fight them.

Sam take his nearby file as a shield to block his attackers

-6 dmg

End of zombie turn

Sam finally get his turn

What it is my turn ??? am I in D AND D? (dungeons and dragons)

His arm is bleeding and he is feeling a bit giddy due to loss of blood

-6 dmg to himself for bleeding

Sam doesn't know why or where the zombies come from but he could only remember roughly something about the update

He gave a feeling that he is in some game but the pain from the bleeding and zombies attack is real so that pain really remains him that it is real and he is 100% not dreaming.

It is so real that he can't deny that he is in a game

Suddenly the screen appeared, Sam looked at the screen then

He checks his inventory, take up his starting weapon gift of choice pick which is a Hand axe and opened up all the packs.

(finally, the name of starter pack is called starting weapon gift of choice)

He after that equip it

End of Sam turn

The 2 sexy zombies decide to spill out and have the shorter one to flank Sam at his back

-8 dmg

-16 dmg

Sam found himself in deep shit as he could not block the duo zombies attack as a file is not a standard shield and provide little or no protection.

-7 dmg

-20 dmg

End of zombies turn

The bleeding goes worse due to zombies attack and his blood is going to bleed dry

Sam quickly open his survivor pack and take 2 red pills


Once consume the red pills, Sam feels that all his lost vigors being returned

End of turn

The duo zombies repeated the actions done I previous turn

Sam is been attacked by the back

Critical damage -32 dmg

In an attempt to get away Sam turns his back after that Sam is again attacking from behind

Critical damage -39 dmg

Sam swing his axe to counter the fair-skinned zombie but the other zombie continue to flank him from his behind

-15 dmg to zombie

Critical damage -52 dmg

Sam died

Sam wakes up finding himself at his company cafe where many of his co-workers are dead and reviving here as they find out that their revive coin is missing due to the fact that they are dead.

As Sam find out that he got revived at the company cafe(noted that it is not a safe area, it is a respawn area like the trashed apartment).

As he got revived, he feels weaken as he gets a 50% of all stats rebuff for 1 hour.

He slowly opens his eyes, as the sound of weapons hitting and people shouting the rest to swap people come rushing into his ears, he sees himself in the battlefield that is humans fighting against a horde of zombies that is attracted to the screaming and shouting of the human that has just respawn. (author here, of course, humans screaming for help and etc you guys have read too many zombie a.... book so there is no need to keep repeating the same things for word count)

Skipping the talks of strangers and self reasons for survival which convince him through on defending the cafe, actually his company cafe as a joint companies cafe which is a cafe for 6 to 20 company different workers gathered at that is the reason why it can hold so many people and also attract more zombies to attack them with every screaming of the respawning people who have just died from the zombies attack.

Sam join in the defense of cafe, using the trusty axe he chops off many zombies with the help of others I mean strangers, they manage to defend the cafe with a few injured.

Many people try to spill the cafe into sections as they are bosses or leaders of their company and they are not willing to be another underlying, of course, this has its own advantages that are making defend off the area an easier job, but there are disadvantages like people still have problems trusting each other so getting up a safe area is uphill task by raising enough funds to buy one. As more and more people getting poison by zombies bites due to unforeseen circumstances like ambushes, getting a safe area becoming a must as people most of it kill each other before the poisoning kill them, also killing others for survival pack/kits are common so Sam cannot accept this type of crazy way of life as he has to kill people to get money to buy a safe area. To escape this hellhole, he gathered a group of people who have the same thoughts as him which is consist of his co-workers and a few strangers to get out of the safe and go to his nearby house, ready all their stuff they set off for a journey that could change their lives.

Sneaking through a few hordes of zombies are hard, as quietly move out of the industrial park on the hard and cold road, even though the factory to his house is just 3 kilometers away. Zombies from roads will scare normal people off.

Sam and party gang up on some random stay zombies to level up then walk pass the underpass where they have to sneak a hunk, the rest of the journey is slow and hard as sneaking past horde of zombies takes time, some of his group bite more than what they can chew and they get pawned by the zombies, thus joining the zombie team, finally they reach the building where Sam apartment is at, they take the lift, noises attract the zombies once the lift door opens. They quickly kill the surrounding zombies while Da Yi holds the lift button to allow the lift door to be open after they secure the lift, Sam presses the button to his apartment level. SSSSSSrrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!! WTF(author is going crazy) there is a long neck open the lift rack and use her very long and flexible neck like a cobra to grab hold on Daniel, Help, helpppppp me Daniel panicked and swing his axe randomly, sadly it only make the long neck angrier which increase the speed of her neck on squeezing his body.

Sam and his group of survivors are surprised to see Daniel been attacked by a special zombie, some try to cut the long neck but it is flexible and hard, normal weapons simply just repelled after hitting it. Sam is so angry that the zombies destroy his normal life now what going back home are a problem, now he is almost on his way back home, this zombie come and block his ways plus being a threat to him so he is so pissed that he release his rage mode(in the tutorial, rage mode is hard to get as normal people cannot be angry all the time, using rage mode can provide a big boost in attack), he uses all his strength to chop the neck of the long neck. The long neck try to evade but it fails to evade as it is holding Daniel, a swift and clean chop from Sam axe which killed the long neck, Ring 14th floor door opening ....the group clear the surrounding zombie in a way that is a zombie dash in the lift, they ambush it by attacking it on 270 degrees basically attack the zombie from all the direction except its back while one of the group is pressing on the holding button for the door to stay open. After killing 6 zombies using the same trick, they finally sneak past the zombies including a hunk and go to Sam home, while sneaking past the hunk Sam swear that he will kill that hunk as he is so dangerous and big as to block the pathway, it is a must to clear the path to have a safer and bigger safe area like the company cafe

At the Sam house, everyone is busy relaxing and improving their weapons and armors and etc...

The end

The author here, from here everyone can guess that Sam and his party have their makeshift weapons and armors from... after that they go and clear the zombies but unlucky or lucky his team meets the hulk and the rest you guys can guess...