Chapter 5(Clearing the walkway)

Checking the quest list

Clear the zombies(11/30)

Since the only quest I have is to kill zombies. It is time to kill more zombies.

I go out of my apartment and look at the corridor door, it seems like almost 50% of zombies on this floor are cleared.

Feeling confidence, I walk to the lift and see the staircase opposite of the lift, hordes of zombies have gathered from everywhere due to gunshots

Most of them rush into attacking me ones they see me

Lordol vs scraped zombies

Hordes of zombies rush towards me

1 of them manage to reach me and successfully make an attack me

-8 dmg

I block its attack using my dagger and give it a good stab

-4 dmg

Counter -12 dmg

End of zombie turn

I panic due to a horde of zombies but quickly take cover into a corner of the lift to prevent them from backstabbing me

Then use machine shotgun to clear the zombies before they reach me

"Bang, Bang"I fire 2 shots to clear them

8 zombies cannot withstand the firepower of the shotgun and kiss the floor(it is a way of saying rest in peace)

2 of the zombies gets their feets up,one of them who is a bare naked grey skinned male with a huge penis which 6 to 7 inches while another is a man who has abnormally tall and large dark green-skinned zombie standing at seven feet tall with large bulging muscles throughout its rotten flesh who have a pair of large hands, easily capable of push through barricades. It gave a sense of danger greater than the mindless horde of normal zombies and possess some slowness as it moved around. It has the huge body which is double the size of the bodybuilder

I decided to name the first one Dicker while the second one with large muscles Hunk

Dicker shoot a beam of the green glowing unknown beam at me and I get hit by it

Counter -10 dmg + 2 dmg per turn duration 5 turns

Man it is disgusting and pretty unsightly to even get hit by this

Wait up the beam is corrosive I think

As clothes start to slowly melt away, I am getting a bit naked

End of turn

Attracted by the loud gunshots

Many of zombies come from who knows where some come upper or lowers floors, a few even come from other apartments which clear corridors

The most scaring part has happened which is because of too many zombies rushing toward me, now ratio of 2 to 3 zombies are in a square,

Based on my few previous battles, one zombie only occupy one square, except for hulk which is 2 squares

The faster zombies manage to flank me. The interesting part is most of faster zombies are "trap" by the slower movement of zombies caused it to slow down or even stop

I call this type of zombie who can move faster or long distance per turn as a runner

-10 dmg

-9 dmg

Dicker shoot his glowing beam using the organ that looks like a gun which between the stomach and the legs at me

-14 dmg

I fire a shot as counter-attack but I cant shot another shot maybe due to there are limits on how I can attack in opponent turn

Counter -27 dmg

- 11 dmg

-15 dmg

End of turn

Ignoring the zombie at my side, I fire 2 shots to clear most of the zombie

22 zombies died including the dicker maybe because of too many zombies blocking, the zombies from the far end do not seem to take a lot of damage from the shots.

What is left is a hunk, 2 heavy wounded runner and 3 zombies

End of turn

3 more zombies appear and I am sure this is the final wave of reinforcement that zombies should be able to receive

Hunk charge and ram into me with solid impact into my body

-60 dmg

I nearly fainted due to impact, my body is aching in pain

Like if the zombies have felt, they launch all their attack at once onto me

-34 dmg (a total of zombies dmg)

End of turn

Feeling weak and dizzy, my life is soon going to the end. It is time to do it or die

Mana focus boost on a red potion

take that red potion

+90 hp

Feeling all the negative status like weak, dizzy are gone

I get revenge on a hunk

Mana focus boost on shotgun and fire

-38 dmg

Hunk has fallen

After a few turns, using a dagger to finish the remaining zombies. My hand are trembling and numb due to a fear of numbers of zombies that I have to fight in order to survive

End of battle result

36 zombies died

lordol lv up to lv4 and 27% exp

70 zombie fangs

30 zombie skins

14 orb of mini darkness

5 orb of darkness

1x slingshot

1x dark stone

16x arrows

3x pouches of stone(ammo for slingshot)

1x Mr hunk magazine

1x Mr hunk pant

428x bronze coins

2x 10% discount shop ticket

I eat lunch and sleep for 4 periods of sleep for the hands to reduce in numbness

I decide to clear the other half of the corridor in order to clear the whole floor

Before that let see the notice

First to solo and kill hunk without help =150 bronze coins +3 red potion

First to solo and kill dicker without help =150 bronze coins +3 blue potion

Single-handed defeat an lv5 boss +first to defeat an lv 5 boss =200 bronze coins +3 stat points

Well the combined reward of the achievement isn't that great if I have party members

At least it shows that I am first to spot them and kill them while others are trying to kill normal zombies.

While walking to another half of the corridor, I look down to see what is happening below to see what happen

Everywhere are zombies, amount wow that will take a large amount of time to clear them, just then I see the movement of a group of people.

I look carefully at them

They are a group of men accompany by a few women are hiding in the trash center, kiting a few zombies, so that they can kill it in a way that they cant be over numbered by zombies

A few more people teleported from nowhere to the trash center, their faces look like they have been in a nightmare I wondered why is that so

Never mind it is time to clear the rest of zombies in this floor, even if I want to go and meet them, I will be facing hordes of zombie.

I crawl to the nearest lift and crouch at the corner, I stab the zombie at the neck then I quickly punch the dagger into its neck, dagger go through its neck

Lordol vs scraped zombies

instant kill

This time I hear someone fighting...

Notice you notice someone fighting, do you want to connect into their battle


Sending the invitation...

Other parties allow your connection


Wait for 2 turns

I patiently and slowly kill 2 zombies for 2 turns in this way

Connection ..100%

In my mind, appear a new minimap that shows the location on other parties which is at 4th apartment away from a center lift

It appears they are fighting a small group of zombies by luring them one by one into their doorstep and you know flank them

Their status

John yong pok

LV 6

HP 60%

Mary yang pui

LV 6

HP 54%

Johnny ying pui

lv 5

HP 63%

They mail me requesting for help which I reply I will but give me 30 more turns to do so

I continue what I am doing, slowing killing my way to them

After 11 turns, I finally clear all zombies in the middle section of the corridor

Of course, there are times that I cannot hit the targeted zombie neck which causes me to fight that zombie

My heart suddenly hurts

HEART ATTACK(minor) trigger

I am forced to sit down and relax to it go back to normal meanwhile I check my stats and add 5 on dex 2 on int 2 on luck

Rest for 5 turns, finally, it comes down

I continue to silently kill my way to "rescue" the other party

After 2 turns(already 21 turns) of killing, I managed to reach 1st apartment away from the center lift

I see 2 dickers stand at the 4th apartment door shooting a beam into the door out of the sudden

I use mana focus boost on my dagger to speed up the killing process

I feel it way easier to kill the zombie as it is easier to "poke" through their neck

After 3 more turns, I manage to reach the 4th apartment, the good thing is they are alive and 2 dickers are busy shooting at them

Around dickers, there are trash example like the damaged laptop, chair and etc, signs of people throw stuff on purpose

I sneak behind the first dicker, grab its neck and use my dagger to cut through its throat which instantly kills him

Another dicker then notice my presence, it shoots its beam but I dodge its beam and go for an upfront fight

After a few swings of my dagger, dicker fell with its eye open, I finally meet the party members

Johnny ying pui shout at me that they help me for help, what took me so long, if any time long, they are long dead

I explain that I try to help but zombies are too hard to kill while they are killing the zombies with damage range from 9 to 16 damage each

Well while they are gang up on a zombie which at least require 2 turns to kill one, I check on their general status

John yong pok

LV 6

HP 84%

Skill Heavy strike(an active skill that does 1.5x normal dmg with 1 turn cooldown)

Mary yang pui

LV 6

HP 97%

Skill Bandage boost(Bandage pack have more chance of removing bleeding, wounding effects plus healing 10 hp per turn instead of 20 hp per turn)

Johnny ying pui

lv 5

HP 84%

Skill Throw(an active skill that allows the user to throw anything 1turn cooldown)

No wonder there is a lot of trash lieing around them due to his skill

Their skills are pretty common but their levels are higher than me

After 2 more turns, they finally kill the last zombie

*(Note that Our MC won't be their party member, he just connect his battle with their battle only)

End of battle


Let just talk about their result

18 zombies killed by them

24 zombie fangs

14 zombie skins

2 orb of mini darkness

6x red pills

2x blue pills

4x packets of throwable rocks

90x bronze coins (5x coins per zombie)

1x zombie skin gloves which +2 dex and 5% increase of attack speed


14x zombies died

42x zombie fangs

12x zombie skins

7x orb of mini darkness

2x orb of darkness

2x dick enlarge magazine

1x dick enchancer pant(enchance your ..... + 1 defense)

98x bronze coins

Their party all of them get a level up

They thank me except for Johnny ying pui who is angry that I couldn't help them and jealous on the loots that I get from zombies

I told them the story on how I get here from my home to now, of course, I don't tell them about my shotgun and perk skill

Then I ask them is it possible to clear rest of zombies in this floor with me

They agree and we start clearing remaining zombies of this floors

With the meatshields help, killing remaining zombies are a breeze with my skill

I kill way more zombies than them

Loot result in summary, they get 5 survivor packs, a few zombies fangs and skins and a bra that can enable the user to recover mana fast by 5% also a 35 bronze coins

I get the 5x dark stone, 60 fangs, 26 skins, 2 books that will teach how to loot, 5 mini orb and 3 orb of darkness and 63 bronze coins

After clearing the zombies, all of us are tired and decided to get around to rest, suddenly a notice pop up

Notice you have clear 8th floors, when you are on the 8th floor, hp regen 10% and mp regen 5% and fatigue reduce 5%

Once everyone sees that notice, they feel like they are less tired and feel like it is worth it to clear the remaining zombies

As the person who kills the most zombies, you are given the right to buy this floor, note that owning apartment prevent zombies from respawning

8TH floor cost 250 bronze coins

I buy it suddenly the floor glows...