Chapter 26 (New update)(18+)

Day 4 which is the 3rd day after the update

The system has not only taken the humankind's water supplies as the rivers and sea are really undrinkable or can be drunk with some risk. As now it is due to the radiation on top of the salt. At the same time, Something has captured all the world signal connections, whether it is radio, digital signs and even G s, whichever it is 4 G or 5G. Now all signs are converted into System Generation (SG). The Internet is officially down, SG takes over, people suddenly find that their connection to the government and families is cut off by SG. Non-living things like an example Machines, building materials sometimes will come alive if it is not recorded in the system, some of them can think of their own if it is not converted into stuff by the system or used by anyone.

Well for the human, it is kind of like a holiday as people get kind of taking a small break from their normal work, and stop to gather around for survival. Of course, there are a lot of people dying to keep the number down, society slowly break down into a sort of smaller pieces but people do believe that they will or need to come together as a whole.

Back to MC

As I wake up the next morning, find myself hugging Junias and gently give her a kiss on the forehead.

I check the notice board for any new updates aside for some sexual achievement, found the new notice that is a bit different from others. What it says that there is a new update have already patched that maybe fairer to the game.

Notice abnormal effects are reduced/remove, now even handicapped people can barely walk now, hospital building could be built if, in the safe zone, there are survivors who have the basic medic skill who is willing to work in that building.

Notice Vehicles/transports like cars, tanks, the aeroplane will not work unless you buy from the stores

Notice normal human give birth to newborns are shortened from 9 months to 10 days, good luck to survive humans

I will try to guess what is up with the confusing list of notice at the best as I can. However, it may be not as correct as the system are trying to display the information

Firstly it is a good news for all humans living because it can help to fix the body and mental problems like depression, maybe it seems like the new update only reduce them, not remove them. In the later notice, it suddenly is written on hospital are now available for people who have the medic skill, why is it not a clinic? Suddenly it allows you to build a hospital. I infer it as if I want to get certain debuff or traits reduce/remove, I have to build one for the survivors, while I check on the system, it is pretty expensive as a hospital cost 5000 coins, if I want the system to replace manual, the cost can go up to 7500 coins, that is no way I going to waste my money on that.

Secondly, no transportation, for now, this must be good for SLS government, they have 101 reasons for what the people cant have any transport vehicle, like cars, keep raising the upfront payment through a lot of schemes, even you bought one, insurance and etc like carpark fee will cost you more than you think compared to owning a car in other countries. Well, it is a bit fairer now, I don't use the car, you also don't use it too unless you pay the system for it. What I said it is a bit fairer because the government can change the system coins into their digital coins, thus it is too easy for them to cheat the system. On top of that, they can use a lot of excuse or reasons that they are taxing the survivors in their safe zone in order to benefit them while they use the coins to enrich them, from past is the same, to the future, it is also the same, it is they who control how we think, do and etc. What a boring life, like dairy farm animals. No matter how we change, they are always ahead of us, boring is it. Even you are ahead, they have the resources, is that boring too? They already a success in heavily damaging the world, even if you notice it, what can you do? isn't that boring?

Notice Freedom to slaves? quest unlocked, To prevent the chickens from taxing and mass devalue the system coins, the system will reward you for a random reward every head you make them roll,

Thirdly faster birth giving abilities given to the human? I don't know it helps or not, one thing for sure that is it is good for they, but not me. There is a need to make it good for me but not them. Another part is living needs, like living space, food and etc. A sudden increase of people also means a sudden increase in food, for me now, are now slowly expanding, others maybe have already expanded a few building already.

Notice baby boom is the new feature from the vending machine that is blessed by your god, so be thankful

I find out that my vending machine has a new feature called the baby boom which makes the baby grow faster like goblins, it has features that can make all the males and females lust over each other it also improve males endurance and increase women from giving birth speed (all survivors +20% stamina and 10% Str to this buff ends). Man, sometimes I really wonder that it is good to use it so early. On top of that, it only lasts for a week. Maybe the status boost along it will help while stamina will survivors fight a long battle.

Right now my hands are trembling for no good reason thus I continue to look at the list, and also want to try it out farther improving the buff that the god has given to me. so I use my voice to pay 50 bronze coins for extending period increase lust and another 50 bronze coins to reduce the avenge of 10 days to 8 days on birth speed as long as this buff is on and another 100 bronze coins more frequency sex will as a result of faster newborn.

In Zombie Apocalypse, those who will deny increasing your own numbers will find themselves being outnumbered, having sex actually help to release stress from boring lifestyle and zombies threat.

Anyway I buy a few more upgrades

Pool in knowledge(lab)(100 coins)

Training room(80 coins)

Skill learning/training room(580 coins)


The mating room(140coins)

Global storage freezer (200 coins)

Food farm (400 coins)

Plants that will bear fruit and auto store in the freezer (200 coins)

Ammo making room to Auto Ammo factory (1???)

Genetic laboratory (???)(hidden)

Pool in knowledge lab allows the lab to collect knowledge from people while training room is a place for training and prepare others for battle, in order to even more improve the training room. The skill learning function is added in the training room which allows the chance to learn or share skills from others.

Radar it really has no uses right now, while the mating room can boost the chance of bearing a child. The freezer is like a food storage, food farm is the built on top of the 12th floor while there are a few plants are planted at the side of the corridors. Now there will be bots that harvest the food from the farm and somewhere else.

I upgrade to lv 10 of Ammo making room and convert it into an Auto Ammo factory which enables itself to sell ammo to the survivors and buy materials for its production. As it wasted most of my money on it, hopefully, it is worth the price.

Finally, I bought a half ass looking lab which is equipped genetic testing equipment with all my money along with the collection of taxes in the safe zone, Many of its function is not working like Sequencing of the genes but it can research on gathering data.

I pool in my knowledge to the lab then check my safe area info

level 2 (need more people to level up)

Power 8950/50000(Gathering electricity from the block)

Water 785/800(Gather from the block, prevent infection virus from drinking)

Gas 1655/3000

Materials(mat) 459/2000

Research on Bio 3 891/3000


Melee 3

Range 5

Armour 3

Counter 2

Bio 2

Elementary tech 1

Food storage 3

Mind 1


Global storage freezer

Plants that will bear fruit and auto store in the freezer

Auto-lab lv2

Auto Ammo factory(either 70x 5.56,50x 12 usage shell,30x 7.62 or 3x pouches of stone per hour)

Water recycling room

Vending machine has multiple purpose and function

Human sensory system

Electricity generator

Mixed temple

Inn management system

Respawn point area extended

Pool in knowledge(lab)

Genetic laboratory (hidden)

Training room

Skill learning/training room


Mating room

While I am browsing and buying or building upgrades of the building, Junias have already wake up. Having a boner, I go for a round of sex with her despite aches and pains...

At the mids of having sex, my heart keeps giving pumping too hard for no reason, this really sucks as the medical centre, even the famous hospital cannot even find out what is wrong with me, keep having chest pains for no reason. The crappy part is when it is too hot/cold, temperature differences, carry too much of load, smoke, my chest pain frequency increase, to now, those people at most can say that my lung on the left is a bit bigger than right based on the result on X-ray. I seriously get fucked by those people. The pain can range from mild to constant pumping where making breathing really difficult, but that only happen to I overexert myself for at least 2 hours which happens in my 2 years of army life. Normally the constant mild pain in my chest is really annoying. Sometimes I really think that it is better to die than live on because I am constantly in pain. Then again later get a call to do go back again. Then what can I do? maybe it is not the people to blame, but me to blame as I live in this world as a form, but not as an idea. A guy that keeps getting for chest pain for no reason is pretty useless, sometimes I wonder my future is doom as it just keeps haunting me as long as I live.

Notice New quest unlock remove hands and limbs numbness trait

Notice New quest unlock remove heart attack trait

It just stops beating for a second. It is so painful that I hold my hand to my chest. After 10 mins later, It gradually returns to normal. I think the reason of it occurring is yesterday that I overexert myself in addition to it my shitty gun is releasing smoke when I fired, I try to ignore the smoke, by taking a few antitoxin pills to reduce its effect. it is time to clear the floors but my body is not in working properly as my hands trembled slightly. After the deed is done, we go and eat breakfast, but my whole hands are shaking and shaking making hard to hold a spoon thus I lower my neck to the food to reduce spill from the food. It is almost like an animal eating food.

Feeling annoying by the sudden pain going to and forth, the quest needs to be done in order need to find ways to remove that heart attack trait.

After eating my meal, I stop by the temple for prayer. Then gather my toys at the mating room, order them to mate freely. I also gather Tiera, Ava, Alice, Wanda to have an orgy to fulfil my lust that all.

(Sex Scene are skipped)

Notice you have mated more than 3 female in a sexual interaction

Notice First to improve human production focus policy in your safe area

Notice your safe area are first in human production which allows reduction of childbearing from 10days to 8 days

Notice your safe area have an education room which can further boost the quality of the newborns

Your policy enable improve from 8 days to 6 days, babies will know how to understand languages and can get 1/10 of memories from its parents

Radar enables you to get details on enemies within your surrounding and it also to improve the chance of reviving use bronze coins, in addition on that enable more further distance survivors to revive in your revive area.

At the last, the radar has some useful effects, By using the radar I can send my toys to clear zombies in order to reduce their numbers by a patrol. While I order Sam and party to attract more people into the mating room after patrolling with the newbies. Tiera suddenly brace me and Wanda hug me, Alice waits for a moment then she kisses me. Ava hug my legs. Man, I really love the feeling of having 4 girls embracing me, I hung 4 of them and kiss each of the mouths to mouth, lips to lips... Suddenly I found out that I have affairs with my toys.

After 2 hours of mating, Noon. I order everyone to eat their meals and go onto clearing the lower floors. Under my orders, the team is split into 2 teams, the first team is all the people who use melee, 2nd team is range and support

The first team have the trio, Sam, Daniel, Me, Junias, Ching Tai while the 2nd team have Qiao da, Alice, Tiera last but not least Ya Da

We blitz our way from left to right of the 4th floor, killing 8 Hunks, 46 dickers(can improve and upgrade your dick if you eat too much dick pills from dickers), 12 smokers, 20 long necks and 362 zombies, I don't know why there are so many zombies, Finally on 3rd floors, there are 3 brainy, 6 hunks, 3 smokers, 5 of the new special type of zombie that is bloated, superb slowness and fat, it is just too fat like anytime it will explode, thus it is named Boomer, which it is like an upgraded version of smoker but this time there is no smoke. I strike first wanting to kill boomer, the hunk try to block my shotgun shells by standing in front of me but 5 stacks of mana focus boost, making my shell just go through his body and kill the boomer, then it ....."BOOM, explode, BOOM, BOOM, BOOM"Chain reaction of the exploding caused by the boomers, it killed all zombies except 1 brainy which is heavy injured, Alice cast a fireball to clear it up, luckily I have my shotgun if I don't use it, the chain reaction of boomer will wipe out the whole team if anyone tries to charge in that formation in summary brainy is annoying and dangerous zombie if you leave them alone. Man a few of my toys have caught in the explosion and died. I send them to revive area afterwards

I extend to rest of the floors and pay 320 coins and I have most floors all cleared except for 1st and 2nd floors. Get materials, food, a large water storage and 2520 bronze coins as a reward for clear the 3rd and 4th floor.

The result of the battle

253x zombie fang,157x zombie skin, 3070x bronze coins, 85x orb of darkness, 28x darkstone, 38x dick enlarge magazine, 29x dick enlarge pills, 21x dick enchancer pant(enchance your ..... + 1 defense), 32x dickers magazine and ETC...

I read all magazines and books and pills and fusion rest of the materials into my pants(+12 str, +18dex+12 int+18luck)(hunk and dickers items are no longer have an effect on MC and the MC dick has reached its max length and power. ) and put the rest on later when I make my way to the vending machine.

I get to lv 14 and put rest of the stats to luck

During the afternoon, where the sun is shining right at the centre of the sky, Another patrol team is having lunch and so-called force to patrol on the 2nd floor, discussion is on what to do about our loots, some of them like ladies of my party who have no use for it who sell zombies pants and pills, that stuff is quickly bought by males survivors from my safe area as for male, who don't to have a bigger dick, having a bigger dick improves self-confidence.

After eating lunch, The toys are split up to do their stuff. As for the survivors, some want to spend their time together, some want to meet each other in the mating room or training room. As for me, I date those 4 girls in the mating room in 2 hours time. I tell them that we meet up in a room to get to know more about each other. After that I

I secretly use 300 more bronze coins on the temple to make the blessing into further shortening of childbearing to 9 hours for 3 weeks,(MC is mad, wanted to cause a baby boom too badly)

I collect my shotguns shell and set up shop using the vending machine to sell other stuff like example 1x armour up hunk pant and 4x Hunk pant, for (220 and 100 bronze coins each) then meet them at the mating room.


I meet the girls at the mating room, feeling hot they are wearing fewer clothes than usual, we start touching and kissing each other, slowly removing each other clothes, hugging and playing with each other bodies, I start groping their breasts and butts, feel and smell each other's touches and breaths, all four of the girls are embarrassed but they don't refuse my advance. I slowly use my large dick to fuck one of them at the same time playing with their breast and another kissing mouth to mouth while the others are touching their vagina, on the finale, We climax and I cum into their wombs a few times to mark them for myself and end it with a passionate kiss to each and one of them...