Chapter 27 (happy day)

After making love with each other, we fall asleep. 4 hours later, we wake up, my girls find out that their belly is bulging, all is my fault haha, I kiss them and continue to have sex with them and telling them they are sexy...,

OK this, this is not funny, haha I smile

As Junias come to me with a big stomach, she complains that I am cheating on her and I find out that Junias just almost going to give birth and I am going to be a father. I just hug her and kiss her to join the team.

After 3 hours of non-stop sex and pleasure, I unknowing start to have the interest of drinking their milk, it is kinda of fun on licking and sucking their breast. Out of the sudden, Junias waterbag broke down, I panic that I don't know what to do, so I pray to god that Junias will be alright, then the 4 ladies have the same condition with Junias. I really am shocked and stunned at the moment. Junias and rest told me to go outside as they do the rest. I go outside the mating room. I relax for a while and start to pray even though I am not a religious person.

The door open, and they come to me with each person with a baby on their arms. They manage to give birth, I just simplify the list on the following:

Junias give birth to a boy

Alice give birth to a boy

Ava give birth to a boy

Tiera give birth to a girl

Wanda give birth to a girl

Well the notice repeat 3 times

Notice Congrats you have a kid +100 bronze coins and 3 survivors pack and 1 baby rising pack for each baby you have

Notice You are first 100 who have a kid after the update, system congrats you with +100 bronze coins and 3 basic repair sets

Notice Your safe area first to have more than 5 kids been born treasure it +basic weapon x1 and 60 bronze coins+skill improve the book

Notice Your safe area are first to have almost the time having 5 kids been born + 10% max fatigue +90 bronze coins

All of us are shock to get such a notice as it is pretty hard to get noticed on that give rewards, not only that 4 notices of rewards at almost the same time, wow I get like 15 times of the rewards which are five times of 350 bronze, 1 baby raising pack, 3 basic repair sets, 1x basic weapon, 1x +skill improve book, + 10% max stamina. The, I should call my wives, I hug all of them to feel each other warm and kiss them.

Junias's view

Junias could only helplessly look at her boyfriend/husband and fall for him even more. Lordol was hopeless in love and no good despite having no leadership and overpowering qualities even so he began to look more handsome in her eyes. She hated to admit it but they were definitely into the guy like Lordol who has recused her from the zombies by providing the safe zone.

MC so-called dated them actually is just having sex with them, then make them give birth to babies. If it is normal girls, they confirm cant take the stress of that type of playboy, it is even stranger that he called them toys once after she got the ticket to the inn for no reason.

Look how happy lordol is when he sees that he is going to be a daddy, they together feel happy as the babies are bond between them and lordol, even though she has to share it with 4 women. She prays to the god that no one will get into the way of her love.

After a lot of kissing and affections, we go back to the temple for the blessing on our babies then food court to have a dinner. I understand it takes a lot of resources to produce a baby so to reward my wives I specially order a feast for 90 coins as they are very hungry after giving birth.

Of course that the blessing works as I could see some women have something bulging of their stomach, they are pretty through but not as beautiful as my wives. After eating dinner and my wives finish breastfeeding their babies, finally, we manage to be back to our room.

To the rest of my wives other than Junias, they have given sleeping on the floor, now they have to sleep on at least the bed. At least the bed is softer than the hard floor. Today I tell my wives that we stop having sex for tonight and explore on the rewards. My wives sigh as they think I am too eager to open the boxes or packs like a big baby.

After a few minutes to get things settled down, it sounds like I am the one eager to open the packs, well I spilt them up to see what those items that could give our child an edge in this world.

The following content of unboxing of the packs:

Baby raising pack contains 20 packs of milk powder, 5 sets of diapers and baby milk bottle

Basic repair sets contain a set of equipment which is a hammer and anvil, a sewing kit and 10 pieces of sandpaper

Basic weapon is a tier that crappier than starter weapon that comes with 1-2 damage with no effect which is nearly the same stats as knives that obtained that is not either loot drop or items for sale.

Skill improve the book is one item that enables the reader to improve his or her skill which is 100% for the common grade, 70% for the lower to middle uncommon grade, 60% for the upper uncommon grade and 30% for the lower rare grade.

Therefore it is interesting to unbox the packs as this is my first time see a pack that can squeeze in 20 packs of milk powder in a box which also includes a milk bottle and a few diapers. Basic repair sets are really for people who want to repair their equipment without the vending machine. It makes sense that not everyone has a vending machine safe zone, as safe zone are expensive. The rest of the items are self-explanatory.

After looking at the baby raising pack, it makes me wonder what do the normal birth speed compare to the time before the update. I calculate how many time faster than normal birth rate do the human achieved this time around. 9 months is 9 x 30 days which is 270 days, 270 days of labour can be achieved by 10 days, that is 27 times of speed. I improve it through the blessing of my god to 6 days which is 45x of the normal speed but 4 to 6 hours to make a newborn baby looks to me, it is just not really possible at counting the slowest speed of 6 hours. As it is way too fast at the speed, for a normal woman to make the baby from start to end. As it is 1080 times the normal speed of a normal human birth rate. Maybe raise the child for around 8.1 days to be one year old. But it is really expensive on the food required to do that. I tell my wives that it is possible that our safe zone has one of the fastest birth rates ever. It does not see to surprise them when I say it to them.

Meanwhile, they are talking to themselves while breastfeeding the babies, I can't seem to break into their chat, so I begin to think what to give them as a gift. After an hour of thinking, I really have no idea on what to give them and they are happy chit-chatting.

I look at my inventory, the most items I have is zombies loot drops, why not use them to fuse with the pack which make boost its effectiveness. Since I have 5 set of it, so I try a few combinations of it which of the following:

Baby raising pack + Basic weapon = Baby food pack (contains 10 packs of milk powder extra, 3 diapers, a enlarge milk bottle (from 100ml to 200ml)

Baby food pack + baby food pack = Baby food pack (extra) (contains 15 packs of milk powder extra boosted (10% chance of getting 1 random stat when consumed by a baby), 5 padded diapers which increase a point of defence, a enlarge milk bottle (200ml to 250ml)

Basic weapon + Skill improve the book = Weapon improve book which is the same as skill improve book but if it is used on a weapon skill, increase another 20% chance of success

Basic repair sets + Basic weapon = Basic weapon repair sets which increase 10% chance of success on repairing a weapon

Basic repair sets + Basic repair sets = Repair sets which increase 10% chance of success on repairing any item

Repair sets + Basic weapon = Weapon repair sets increase 15% chance of success on repairing any weapons and 5% on any items

Weapon repair sets + Baby food pack = Can not be fused

2 x Basic repair sets + 5x zombie skin and fangs or Repair set + 5x zombie skin and fangs = Zombie Repair set which only can repair zombie theme equipment and 5% chance of having a minor alt of stats

Well for the first time, there is such thing as it cannot be fused. I refuse to fuse zombie items with the food to prevent mistaking feeding my babies with them.

I approached my wives and give them 1/5 of the Baby food pack and Baby food pack (extra) and leave the 2 bottles to them as the backup and decide that the next day. We will go to the newly opened training room for some sparing and skills learning. As for babies are useless in fighting plus zombies can target them easily, having them to watch and sparing may make them develop the interest to learn more skills in combat, which means more options to choose from when facing the enemies. Therefore increase the chance of survival.