Chapter 28 (Training days)

Day 5

In the empty training room except for some random survivors exchanging skills and practising on the skills, I suggest to my wives do a demonstration of their skills so we can improve on it. First I show them (my wives and babies) the gathering of mana from the surrounding and holding it in my hand fusing it into my fingers, after the demonstration, Alice and Tiera show their skill which is gathering of mana, focusing the mana at a single point, infuse it with elements but the different things that they do cause different effect, like Alice blasts the mana while Tiera just sprinkle the mana over the area. I guess mana have different effects if you do it differently. Ava is just showing off her strength while Wanda is showing off her speed. Last but not the least Junias demonstrate her double hit so fast that we almost thought that she only hit once.

After 3 hours of practising usage of mana and the force used on each strike, I finally find out that lighter strikes are faster than heavier strikes but do a lot of damage lesser, it is the same as mana usage. Now I can use the double hit and heavy hit. Next I gather mana from myself and my surrounding, I move mana from my surrounding to cover my hand while mana from myself into my hands, use that mana to reinforce my bone and muscles then channel them like a wave ,then I hit twice in the air, the mana that is covering my hand are released into the air and it spread like waves and hit junias and some people, I accidentally send them knocking back to the wall then it pulls them slightly and send them again..

Notice you learn a new skill called mana and ki double wave strike (lower uncommon) (double strike that is imbued with mana and ki and discharges it like waves of the ocean, it has many flaws which made it a much lower grade than it should be, one of it is extremely high combustion of mana which cost 140 mana and a turn to channel.

Due to the suddenly mana waves are launching towards Junias and other people and hit them which send them sweeping to and forth, Tiera and rest try to heal Junias and the rest by focusing on gathering her mana while compressing it into a ball of light and blast it at Junias which the spell heal Junias but it is better than area of effect heal that she normally cast due to having more practice.

Because of this incident, I get scolded badly by my wives and others...

By the way, the so-called victims have obtained a skill that enables them to reduce knockback. Junias come up with an attack which she gather mana from her surrounding into her body and release the mana from her body to hand, she hit 2 times before she is out of mana in her body while Alice come up with a skill that is same as fireball, it is the same process and she added in the scattering all the mana around the area

Ava has developed a new type of heavier strike that once hit, the ground will cause a mini blast that can send a shockwave around the area while Wanda can hit 4 times in a row which is like an upgrade of double strike.

At least everyone knows how to double strike and heavier strike, the babies seem to learn a bit of the skill that we train.

For Junias

Charge hit (enable combo to form once used, Enable the user to store a max of 2 charges, each hit+25% more damage if it is used all at once, the last hit will do 50% more damage)(25mp per usage 2 turn cooldown) (0/2 charges currently)

For Alice

Firestorm (25+1.5x int 25 squares damage)(35mp per usage 1 turn cooldown)

For Tiera

Holy light Focus (200 damage or heal depending on the target,1.1x damage if the target is undead)(60mp per usage 2 turn cooldown)

For Ava

Earth shattering strike ( 1.5x damage to that target and send a shockwave of 3 x 3 area that does 0.2 x damage) (45 mp per usage 5 turn cooldown)

For Wanda

Quan four strike ( Do 4 times of 40% damage per attack, if the attack hit the target, there will be a 5% reduction in the next attack, if the attack is a miss on the target, there will be a 10% increase in next attack)

Double strike (attack twice with 55% of the damage) (10 mp per usage 1 turn cooldown)

Heavier strike (attack with 110% of the damage) (7 mp per usage 1 turn cooldown)

After practice is over, we come to visit the new education room which is full of random colour, I have no idea on what does it actually do. I only know that it is given as a reward for doing something. The room contains a lot of books which looks like a library.

Once my wives and I enter the room, there is notice that books are for reading and currently do not have any borrow function. Of course, there are a few people reading in the room as it is just recently opened. Besides that, there are a few sections of selves that have books generally contain pieces of information of common languages and with a lot of pictures, others are books relating team formation. My Wives settles down and read those books to the babies, at the meanwhile I give the babies a hug for a while then move onto the next one. After some time, the babies actually can gains stats for them that give me make happier. I just spend my time browsing those books, it is more like notes on the team formation. Sadly it only teaches on how to form a few formations but does not explain its uses and when do not use them. Formations that are written are the line, triangle and box formation. The line is straightforward, it is just to form a straight line besides your allies, while triangle requires a person to spearhead while rest stay behind, the box is the same as a line but more people covering the sides of the line.

After reading the books in the education room, we go and eating our dinner, Looking at their beauty figures, it is time for another round of sex...

It feels so good to do stuff like hugging and kissing my wives, drinking their breast milk, groping other butts and breasts while fucking another. Even though the babies are interrupting pretty often on the moods.

Day 6

My wives give birth to another 5 kids, 3 female, and 2 male. The continuous notice make everyone smile in joy

Notice repeat 3 times

Notice Congrats you have a kid +100 bronze coins and 3 survivors pack and 1 baby raising pack

Notice You are first 100 who have a kid after the update, system congrats you with +100 bronze coins and 3 basic repair sets

Notice Your safe area first to have more than 10 kids been born treasure it 5 bronze coins+skill improve the book

Notice Your safe area have almost at the same time having 3 kids been born + 10% max fatigue +30 bronze coins

Looking at how tiring my wives are after giving birth(they have 120% max fatigue compare normal people have 100%), I control my sexual desires. I treat them to a buffet which cost me 50 coins and tell them to rest up for today also give them another 50 coins each as a gift.

I have already rest for 2 days, thus am worried that we spend too much time on safe area, more zombies will spawn even through patrol team will have to reduce the numbers but it is still not enough so I go to safe area management tab to buy the following upgrade:

Child care center(requires at least 1 female to take care)(250 bronze coins)

Milk gathering centre (it gather milk from women that have to give birth which enables women to generate income for themselves)(new item human milk are on sale for the vending machine)(100 bronze coins)

Survivor training center(125 bronze coins)

Human cow farm(280 bronze coins)

Lab to lv 3(300 bronze coins)

Vending machine to lv 5(450bronze coins)

Safe area defense lv 2(500 bronze coins)

I upgrade the ammo room to Automation Ammo Manufacturing Workshop(2000 bronze coins)

I don't know why I actually buy the human cow farm, it looks like fun to have one, the rest of the upgrade that I buy are generally to improve current upgrades, like Automation Ammo Manufacturing Workshop, use up power and materials really fast but it can manufacture 150 shotgun shells per hour in power saving mode, you get the idea, it produces a few times more than the previous upgrade of I can use normal mode to increase the ammo been manufactured rate. Finding that workshop that is too expensive. I use 10% discount shop ticket on it which save me 200 coins

With the improve vending machine first to reach lv5, I get a few notices as an achievement

Notice first to upgrade Vending machine to lv 5, not like a lot of everyone will buy from you anyway(300 bronze coins +shop attraction +55)

Notice first to open Child care center, you must be having a problem on managing your money, building this one on zombie apocalypse (10% child will learn other skills than skills from their parents) while others are struggling for survival

Notice first to build both the Survivor training centre and Safe area defense

(0.5% of getting 1 random stat up by patrolling around the safe area)

Notice Being first in the world to build auto ammo manufacturing workshop, you are crazy to even build that thing which is beyond this world tech can offer. (cost 20% fewer materials and energy to make ammo)

It makes the vending machine enable to attract survivors to buy more stuff from it, not just that it allows certain range weapons can be made using certain items while ammo costs cheaper due to the workshop as survivors can order ammo at a cheaper price on the vending machine while the workshop is processed their orders.

I receive 364 bronze coins from the sales and entry fee and clear all the clearable quest to obtain 580 bronze coins, a skill that improves lovemaking, a storage ring with 10 space, a sex toys kit, (is the system really serious on giving away sex toys kit), 1x affection +20 ticket, 1x mind blast book