A turning point - II

All I can tell you is, I will be waiting for you at the cafe in the outskirts that your father owns. I will be waiting for just an hour, Evelyn, so, decide quickly." 

Erika hung up the call after that. Evelyn did not immediately take the phone away from her ear rather stood there in a trance.

Eventually, she lowered the phone and threw it on the bed making it bounce but not fall down on the ground. Evelyn sighed a little. Where has she found herself to be stuck now? 

Erika and Evelyn had never found anything in common. As much as Evelyn hated to be social and was happy inside the four walls of a room Erica was very much the opposite. She thrived on the attention people gave her a. She loved the social status that her father's name brought her. 

Evelyn liked neither of those. 

Taking a seat at the age of the bed Evelyn ran her hands through her hair as she wondered if she should take up the opportunity or not.