Another Evolution?

After having arrived back a the tree with Thufrat, Ark had instantly collapsed out of exhaustion. All the fighting as well as using his skill [Envoy Of Holiness] had drained Ark completely, making him barely able to stand. The injury he had contracted, even though healed, still had quite the impact on Ark's stamina, and he needed a good night of sleep! What he hadn't noticed, however, was that during his battle, he had managed to level up another three times, bringing his level to 30. Now, this was pretty important, since level 30 was the max level of a Radiant Ice wolf.

Now, what did this entail? Pretty simple, it meant that Ark was at the boundary of a new evolution. Normally when you progress your job or evolve, there are different options to choose from, depending on your disposition as well as skills and affinities you have. But due to Ark falling asleep, he had no control of the process.

Thufrat had also planned to go to sleep when Ark did, but he got interrupted by the splendid light produced by Ark's evolution. Seeing this phenomenon, Thufrat was a little taken aback, but he knew that this was an important process for Ark, and therefore decided to just guard the tree for him, just to keep him from being interrupted. If Ark's evolution was interrupted, it could bring disastrous results.

Ark had no idea about what was going on outside, he was currently engrossed in a pleasant dream, at least pleasant in Ark's eyes, all he did was talk with Thufrat, but that was enough for Ark to be happy.

Time quickly passed like this, and Ark's evolution had soon been going on for close to 10 hours. It was already noon the next day, but Thufrat still just sat there, whistling to himself as he watched over this wolf undergoing evolution. He was completely drained of energy, and his stomach was rumbling, but it couldn't be helped, it wasn't like he could hunt for food or take a nap. He did have some dry meat in his spatial bag though, that he munched on to abate his hunger for the moment.

After another 4 hours, it was already late into the afternoon, and the evening wasn't far away. Thufrat still held on, but these last few minutes, he had noticed that the light Ark emitted had grown in intensity, to a blinding degree, forcing Thufrat to turn his head away, unless he wanted to be blind of course. The mana in the surroundings also frantically poured into Ark, almost as if he would die if they didn't.

After another couple of minutes, Ark's body had lifted off the ground and was currently hovering a couple of inches above the ground. This stae of his didn't last for long though as he slowly descended onto the ground again, the light emitting from him completely fading. As the light disappeared, Thufrat noticed that Ark's fur had completely changed colours. It was now completely white, without a single blemish. Mixed in with these long soft strands of white hair, were some strands of completely varying colours such as green, cyan, yellow, red, blue, brown and black.

This made Ark's look a little odd, but not in a bad way. Seeing Ark like this, Thufrat couldn't recognize the species Ark had evolved into, and he wasn't really sure if it was powerful since he couldn't sense any aura from Ark at the moment. But knowing how powerful Ark was before, and the fact that he had just evolved, Thufrat was sure that there was more than met the eye.

As he watched Ark, he noticed that his body slightly twitched a little bit, before his eyelids started twitching. The next second, as Ark swiftly opened his eyes, an enormous amount of pressure suddenly erupted from within his body. His eyes had turned into a splendid golden colour, looking like they didn't belong to a wolf, but to a deity. The pressure wasn't going down in the slightest, and Thufrat was instantly pushed down on his knees.

All of the animals and magical beasts in a radius of several miles, all prostated in fear as this paramount pressure surfaced out of nowhere. This was the aura of a ruler! All the mana around Ark's humble abode madly swirled around, as if trying to show Ark how good they were. Thufrat didn't remain on his knees for long though, as his ancient bloodline was awakened under this pressure. The roar of a majestic dragon resounded from Thufrat's body as he slowly picked himself up from the ground, standing with his back straight.

Facing Ark, he noticed how big the change was during this evolution, and he couldn't help but gulp as he thought about the pressure he had just faced head-first. Ark was in a bit of a daze at first, but as he noticed how the surroundings were changing because of him, and the insane amount of pressure he was giving off, he quickly came to. When he realized what was going on, and as he looked at Thufrat, Ark instantly restrained his aura.

Since the environment turned back to normal and calmed down, Thufrat let out a soft sigh. He was also very astounded since he had heard a distinct dragon roar coming from within his own body, indicating his bloodline probably having a breakthrough. This also brought him a wave of joy, seeing as how your bloodline was directly tied with your own strength.

Ark had an ethereal and gentle look in his gaze as he looked at Thufrat for a moment. His shapeshift time hadn't refreshed yet, indicating that it was the same day, but seeing as it was already starting to darken a little bit outside, Ark could guess how much time had passed, even if it was only a rough estimate.

As he looked around a little bit, he quickly noticed that his fur was currently pure white, with some strands of other colours mixed in. He didn't need much more than a second to realize that he had just evolved. It was also unquestionable that he had grown more powerful, but the question was: What did he evolve into?