Overlord Elemental Wolf!

Seeing as he had just evolved, Ark opened up his status page almost instantly to see what the outcome of his new evolution was.


Name: Ark

Title: Overlord

Condition: Normal

Species: Overlord Elemental Wolf

Level: 1 (45)

Mp: 255/255

Strength: 30

Agility: 45

Dexterity: 35

Endurance: 30

Vitality: 30

Intelligence: 85

Wisdom: 35

Night Vision [Lv.2]

Water magic [Beginner Lv.4]

Growth [Lv.Max]

Inspect [Lv.5]

Mana manipulation [Lv.6]

Mana perception

Mana recovery [Lv.2]

Herculean strength [Lv.1]

Swift [Lv.2]

Nimble [Lv.2]

Stealth [Lv.4]


Enhanced Stamina

Small Spatial Affinity

Small Lightning Affinity

Small Darkness Affinity

Medium Wind Affinity

Medium Earth Affinity

Medium Fire Affinity

Medium Water Affinity

Big Ice Affinity

Big Light Affinity

Mental Fortitude

Yin Yang body constitution

Envoy of Holiness

Holy Spear: Dawn

Shapeshift [Lv.5]

Spear Mastery [Beginner Lv.9]

Overlord Of The Elements

Status points [10]

As Ark saw this, he was a little out of it. What the hell was this op race that he had evolved into? Not that he complained, he was just surprised. He had just recently acquired new affinities, as well as gotten an upgrade for some of his existing ones, and now he got another boost. Even though his fire and water affinities stayed the same, Ark had a guess as to why. Since he was now a variant of an elemental wolf, he was pretty sure that his fire and water affinities didn't upgrade since his body wanted to achieve some sort of equilibrium between the four main elements. He didn't see any new affinities either, but he wasn't really disappointed, you could only expect so much from a simple evolution.

He also had no idea if there existed any other elements out there, these were the only ones he knew after all. But he certainly hoped that other elements existed, the only thing Ark felt some passion toward in this life was magic after all, and he would love to be able to explore its depths, and see all the interesting elements that might exist out there in the vast world! Ark pondered a little bit about his future path. So far, he had basically just gone with the flow his entire stay in this world, but what was his goal in this life? Or did he even have one? Ark wasn't really sure if he had a goal, or if he needed one for that matter, but he would just let that rest at the back of his mind for now.

Ark didn't know it himself, but him pondering in his wolf form, actually created a very serene and beautiful picture, something that Thufrat was experiencing first-hand. As Ark pondered, the surrounding mana and nature reacted according to his mood. This wolf kept astonishing him, and no matter how many times he saw such spectacular sights, he couldn't help but be surprised. Thufrat had never witnessed the surrounding mana and nature to react just because someone pondered a little.

Ark naturally broke out of his stupor after a couple of seconds passed, he was, nevertheless, feeling a little anxious at times. No matter how carefree his spirit was at times, not having a goal in life can seriously wear people out. Since he didn't want to feel depressed, Ark decided to assign the stat points that he had gotten from leveling up twice, namely ten. Since he spent a lot of time in his human form nowadays, Ark had noticed that investing stat points into physical stats would be a little wasteful.

Therefore, he only put 5 points into wisdom and 5 points into intelligence before calling it a day. After that, Ark noticed the fatigue on Thufrat's face, as well as the low rumble originating from both of their stomachs. Since he couldn't really speak, Ark only smiled and pointed to Thufrat's stomach with one of his claws, before pointing towards the exit of his tree, trying to indicate that they should hunt for some food. Or well, that he should hunt for some food, Thufrat looked exhausted, to say the least.

As Thufrat got ready to move out with him, Ark only gently pushed him back onto the ground, preventing him from standing up. After doing that, Ark justly disappeared with a gentle breeze, leaving a faint afterimage behind. Thufrat wasn't stupid and could understand Ark's intention to some degree, and only laughed as he recalled the actions of the wolf, before closing his eyelids and resting a little bit.

Ark appeared right next to Thufrat five minutes later, a large bull-like creature in his claws. Even though Thufrat had only intended to rest for a bit, he had swiftly fallen asleep and slept soundly like a log. Ark would never want to disturb Tufrat's peaceful sleep, and only stored away the dead bull-like creature in his spatial bag, before laying down, and closing his eyes.

He didn't drift off into sleep though as you would think. Instead, Ark started to absorb the mana in his surroundings, almost like a form of meditation. He didn't really have a goal in mind when he did this, he only wanted to test the waters a little bit. He didn't rashly absorb a ton of mana either, as that would definitely disturb the surroundings, ultimately disturbing Thufrat's sleep.

As the mana converged inside of Ark's body, he guided it along his vessels, meridians, and different pathways, infusing everything with mana. As he did this, the mana started to refine his body, albeit very slightly. Noticing these very slight changes, Ark's face lit up with surprise, before he continued to absorb all the mana he could without disturbing Thufrat, and continued to temper all parts of his body.

Even though the changes were minuscule for now, Ark knew that with time, the changes would get bigger and bigger, especially considering the fact that he had the capacity to absorb mana at a much faster rate. If this method could actually bring results, Ark was sure that investing in magic-related attributes would certainly be even more alluring.

After almost an entire hour of constant absorption and refinement, Ark finally felt a great change occur withing his body. His constitution itself didn't really change that much. But Ark felt like he had an epiphany, and he suddenly heard a monotone voice in his head once again...