
As the young family members were rejoicing, a mysterious phenomenon took place. Ark's eyes suddenly opened with a start. Ark's irises had turned into a sinister scarlet red, and the whites of his eyes had turned as black as the night. After opening his eyes, Ark stood up on his own, before opening his mouth.


A piercing howl disturbed the peace and sent shockwaves through the air. All the young disciples were sent flying, some of them unconscious, whilst some screamed in pain, some disciples laid on the ground, howling in pain, trying to cover the blood that came rushing out of their ears. Chaos broke loose, and everyone started to frantically run about. The elders weren't affected as much, but some of the weaker ones coughed up some blood. Horrifying looks shot toward Ark, and many of the elders looked to each other for an answer. After his howl, Ark stared at everyone present, with no human emotion visible in his eyes.

The tornado that had quieted down suddenly grew in size once more, this time though, Ark controlled the tornado personally, and it quickly accumulated horrendous amounts of power. Thufrat was distressed seeing this, he had no idea what was going on, but he could clearly see that Ark was in pain. This wasn't like Ark, and Thufrat knew for sure that he wasn't doing this out of his own free will. Thufrat had no way of stopping him though, and all he could do was watch as Ark wreaked havoc.

Thufrat believed himself to be fairly powerful after these two months, but it turned out that he was being naive. The elders in the air quickly started making their move. They knew that this wolf was a guest of Arthur, and knew that it wouldn't be the wisest move to just kill it. Even if it was dangerous, they had other methods, at least these other methods could buy them time. The ten strongest elders of the Windrunner family quickly encircled Ark. After every single one of them got into their respective positions, they started to accumulate massive amounts of wind mana.

After accumulating ridiculous amounts, even to the point of the tornado dying down a little, they all started to draw symbols in the air. Each elder drew ten symbols each, imbued with all of their accumulated power. After the symbols were finished, they started to rotate around Ark in a circular motion at insane speeds. This rotation created a forcefield around Ark made out of the wind. The ravenous Ark watched as this happened, and didn't just sit still, he tried his hardest to break out of the forcefield, but to no avail. This forcefield was way too strong for him.

After the symbols rotated so fast that they turned invisible to the naked eye, they all superimposed on top of each other and turned into a majestic green symbol. This symbol quickly descended into Ark's body, disappearing from other's views. As the elders saw this, they let out a collective sigh of relief, it seemed like it worked without a hitch.

Inside of Ark's body, the imposing green symbol didn't waste any time and quickly restrained Ark's soul. The symbol quickly superimposed itself on Ark's soul, forcing it into a deep slumber. The weird part about Ark's soul was that it was actually split into two parts. One white fussy human silhouette, and one blue fussy wolf silhouette.

In Thufrat's view, all that he could see was the weird symbol enter Ark's body, before Ark quickly collapsed on the ground, his eyes losing all luster. If Thufrat didn't notice Ark's heartbeat, he would've assumed that Ark was already dead. Seeing Ark's deadpan expression, Thufrat was incensed.

"What did you do to him?!" He shouted anxiously at the air, if these people had harmed Ark, he wouldn't leave this place until either of them were dead.

The eldest of the elders quietly descended onto the ground. "Calm down young dwarf, your companion is under no harm. I can assure you that!" The old man had white hair that covered his entire back, flowing like a waterfall all the way to his thighs. He had next to no facial hair, and despite his age, not a lot of wrinkles could be seen on his face.

He extended his hand to Thufrat who sat on the ground next to Ark, examining his close friend. The old man's hand was essentially just skin and bones and was a lot more wrinkled than his face. Thufrat didn't take his hand and instead continued to worry for Ark. "Tell me, what did you do to him?" This time, Thufrat didn't speak as loudly, but a hint of ferocity could be heard in his voice, and it was evident that he hadn't calmed down yet.

"Don't worry, we only used a variation of the Ten Variations Heavenly Seal." The old man explained calmly.

Thufrat was dumbfounded. "The Ten Variations Heavenly Seal?" He had never heard of such a thing before.

"You've never heard of the Ten Variations Heavenly Seal? The Ten Variations Heavenly Seal is a sealing technique that can be used in a variety of different ways. What we did just now was seal your companion's soul into a deep slumber, but fret not, we can wake him up whenever we want!" The old man exclaimed.

Thufrat frowned when he heard this, but he started to calmy ponder for himself. If what this old man said was true, then Ark could still be saved, and he shouldn't be in any immediate danger. Thufrat would do anything to save his friend, his only problem was that he had no idea how he was supposed to know what to do in a situation such as this.

As he was pondering, a shining light was approaching swiftly from the horizon. This shining light quickly caught the attention of the people that were still conscious, and this was because of one very reason, this light was Arthur Windrunner!

Arthur swiftly landed on the ground a couple of seconds later, stirring up a small cloud of dust. After taking a look around, the look on his face quickly turned surprised. After getting an explanation from the elders, Arthur's expression turned incredulous, this was something beyond his imagination. He wanted to be furious at Ark and Thufrat for harming his people, yet he knew that it wasn't their intention and that something else must be at work here.

When Thufrat saw the Archduke arrive in person, he decided to take a gamble.

"Your highness, please, can you help my friend? He didn't do any of this on purpose, I'll do anything!" Thufrat was already on his knees, hoping that the Archduke would be magnanimous and help Ark.

Seeing this, even the Archduke was a little flustered. "Rise young dwarf, although I can't help you, I can give you some advice!" He answered as he picked Thufrat up from the ground.'

Even though he wasn't kneeling anymore, he still bowed deeply as he continued. "Please, anything would be of help."

The Archduke cleared his throat. "If you want to save your friend, then I think there's only one person I know who can help you!"

Sensing hope, Thufrat didn't waste any time! "Who?!"

"The Heavenly Beast Master!"